If Mort Divine ruled the world

So the USMC is changing policy to allow MPs to conceal-carry personal firearms on-base when off-duty.

Predictably, left-wing twitter shows up to comment, recapitulating their ignorance of A. Matters related to guns and B. Matters related to the military. One common misconception about military bases is that they are some sort of Texas Gunclub with everyone walking around armed like Rambo. Instead, military bases are much closer to a "gun free zone". Service weapons and ammunition are heavily tracked and guarded, and enlisted personnel are not allowed to have weapons in barracks and dorms. Conceal or open carry is almost uniformly restricted. The one caveat is that married personnel living in base housing may be allowed to store personally owned firearms. But the service members would not have access to them when at work or when conducting other business or leisure activities on base.

I would like to see the services implement more weapons/crisis-response training for interested servicemembers, and qualify them to carry on base. I would also like to see other civic communities do the same and *advertise* it as a preventive measure. With all of the alleged crises unfolding everywhere we look, why not engage the citizenry, instead of demanding activism must only be in the passive activities of whining and voting?
"When historians dissect the Fall of the American Empire, this will be the cover photo...


James Woods is the man!
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light fun :lol:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Update: my followers updated me on some disturbing things about the company so I’m on my way back to my beloved Chipotle instead. Please don’t ruin Chipotle for me guys <a href="https://t.co/M72ncForWs">https://t.co/M72ncForWs</a></p>&mdash; Eddie Lack (@eddielack) <a href="https://twitter.com/eddielack/status/1214709820516945921?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">January 8, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

i love how he kept reminding everyone how he doesn't care or a give a fuck what they think. And i also loved how he pointed out how they pulled out chris rock or kevin hart or whoever it was for some tweets but yet they invited him. He also literally called the lot of them pedos lol. That dude has balls of steel.
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"Our next presenter starred in Netflix's Birdbox; a movie where people survive by acting like they don't see a thing. Sorta like working for Harvey Weinstein."

[crowd gasps]

"You did it, you---I didn't, you did it, shut the fuck up. Please welcome Sandra Bullock."

Best part for me. :rofl:
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What Bong Joon-ho said about getting over subtitles was also brilliant and in a way sort of relates to the Hollywood hypocrisy Gervis was calling out. Hollywood is so quick to slander America and its culture but all it exports is Star Wars and superhero bullshit. How many IP's does Disney own now? Not a very diverse marketplace.