If you could offer one sentence of advice to your 13-year old self..

Start working out/eating correctly once you hit your growth spurt at 16 so you can be swole. Don't buy that shitty 4 track/16 track, just buy the firepod. DON'T BUY THAT AWFUL SOUNDING JCM900 THAT GOT STOLEN. Stop believing that guitars are less important than amps.
In 5 years time, fuck the bitch and then dump her otherwise it's 3 and a half years of your life ruined and lost that completely changed your perception of a healthy relationship. (Mega and I mean MEGA nutFUCKIGNcase)

Don't start smoking at 18 plz, dumbest move ever, also stop being a little bitch, man up and fuck all them pussy. (I was the typical platonic love kind of guy, until that nutcase bitch broke up with me, that's when I found random pussy, at 21, quite sad really.)

In a nutshell, stop being a little bitch
When I was in high school I was for some reason concerned with only going after girls who weren't trashy/slutty/whores. I realize now that that was a huge mistake.

Fair enough. My point was more.. if future you gave you advice now to "Fuck loads of girls" (assuming you're single), what would you do differently? It's not very useful advice XD
Less video games, more drums.

At 13, no matter what advice you gave me, girls would'nt have given me time of day, but when I got to 16 or 17 being awesome at some instrument would have been kick ass.

Stop trying to grow facial hair, it looks sh*t.
Try harder at school, don't get too into your relationships.. you can worry about that later in life, practise your instrument a bit more. Otherwise, proceed as normal
When I was in high school I was for some reason concerned with only going after girls who weren't trashy/slutty/whores. I realize now that that was a huge mistake.


I didn't realize how easy it was to emotionally manipulate people at that age. Too much time spent being the nice listening friend, and too little spent ramming the way home.
When I was in high school I was for some reason concerned with only going after girls who weren't trashy/slutty/whores. I realize now that that was a huge mistake.
+1 :erk: Unfortunately for me, that status continues... heh

I didn't realize how easy it was to emotionally manipulate people at that age. Too much time spent being the nice listening friend, and too little spent ramming the way home.
Dont smoke that weed from that guy....... you can get it cheaper from the other one.