If you were interviewing Alexi...


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
... what would be a few of the penultimate questions you'd ask him?

Think of the BEST question you could ask him. Maybe this will give magazines something new to ask other than "How did you come up with the name Chidlren of Bodom?" or some retarded shit like that. So seriously think. :)
Why don't they make a song for the Eurovision.

Things about the mixing work of albums.

(And trying to ask everything possible about the next album, ending up with no answers)
I meant serious questions, nothing about the new album obviously, or his personal life, where he's gonna tour, or anything that's already been asked a million times.

:lol: Webmaster :headbang:
What's to roll your eyes at?

If you don't like it, don't post here. I'm sure there's much more valuable things you could be doing with your time, like getting a damn haircut :lol:

I just want new questions for Alexi to be asked in new interviews and maybe this will help.
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I'd ask him what his approach is to coming up with chord progressions. Staying strictly in a diatonic key, or just playing whatever sounds good. Like, just playing whatever sounds good for the main riffs or verses, and then for the solo part staying in a diatonic key so all the scales n whatnot he uses in the solo fit with the chord progression and dont sound all outta key n shit
I'd want to ask him to write out the lyrics to all CoB songs and get them on he cobhc.com site, regardless of how bad he thinks they are. We just wanna know!!!

But apart from that, I can't think of anything that I'd want to ask in an interview.
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I'd ask him about the best moment in his life whether it's careerwise or not..I would just like to know the humane side of Alexi I guess :lol:
*What is your vision, of the humanity in general ? Why do you think we are here, in a body, with maybe a soul, maybe not. Do you think of any sense to life ? Don't tell me yours is to do music, tell me what is the meaning of the humanity in general. Go further, louder in your spirit. What is the meaning of life ?"
I did...

...I thought people would be interested in coming up with some new questions instead of hearing the same old bullshit in each interview. If someone has a interesting question, please post!