Ignorant People

What's Important?

  • Fame and Fortune

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Become a legend

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • Send a Message

    Votes: 24 45.3%
  • get laid

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters


my tummy hurts
Oct 20, 2001
Amidst enlightenment and gloominess
I was showing my bud a good part of Morningrise when he told me that SYSTEM OF A DOWN also did acoustic and heavy electric parts!!! Then I told him: “dude I bet SoaD don’t do this kind of sounds, this guys are experts… then he said… they don’t do this kind of sound… but they have many more fans… so I got pissed off.

Why doest metal has more fans?? Elitism? We are better than those posers (SoaD is a good band though). I am in a band with him... so i still mantain my view that the "message" is much important... yet he says he want's money... :(
Sending a message is the most important in music, but if you want music to be your career, your life, then you've got to do it at least a little bit for money. If you don't have money, you can't continue making music. There's the expense of instruments, record labels, producing, etc. So, no matter how much you're about the message, it's always at least somewhat about money.
true, money is definately needed to stay alive. but in it just for the money brands you ignorant. i also have a friend just like yours, "these guys are more popular so their music is better" kind of bullshit. i guess if a person thinks like this you can tell right away that they are fuckin tools and will follow any leaders command.
Originally posted by KielbasaSausage
true, money is definately needed to stay alive. but in it just for the money brands you ignorant. i also have a friend just like yours, "these guys are more popular so their music is better" kind of bullshit.

What is *better* exactly ?
Music should come from the heart.

If the musician is making a joke, then its not music. It's his private joke.

I will not view a joke as better than music.
Music is a very broad term, and music can be used for many things. Expression is one of them, telling a mesage is another.... fun and jokes are also done through music and this is completely valid. A large portion of Steve Vai's music is about fun and little jokes and stuff, and people say "hey thats not music", well yes it is music, its just a different form of music.

Money is shallow to a degree but not entirely, most people in this world strive for money because they've been bought up to think that money will make them happy, they watch all their commercials and imagine the excitement of having everything... but money is nothing, its positive human interaction and other such things which make people happy... if some people dont realise it then its not their fault, its just what they have been fed by our shitty over commercialised society. What im saying is that really they are striving for happiness and enjoyment from life, under the illusion that money will achieve this, which for many people this isnt true.

Fame and success, its an interesting one, we humans need to have aims and we need to reach those aims. For some people they grow up believing that the people in the popular bands are the best musicians, and they strive to reach such 'heights'... and when they succeed they feel extremely good about themselves because in their mind they have reached the top, they look around and see everyone loving them and think that means they are the best musician ever. But you have to put this achievement into perspective, these people put a LOT of effort in, theres a lot of chance and risk in developing an 'artists' style and picking the right songs and getting the right publicity and putting on a good live show (which in pop terms means lots of dancers and pretty stuff).. and the fame (ie their sense of achievement) is their reward. Is that so shallow? The basic idea is getting aims based on what you think the best is you can achieve, and then reaching that mark. I dont think its such a wrong mode of thought, the problem is, again, how we are bought up to believe certain things (and these people believe being famous is the highest point you can reach).

Personally i dont agree fully with a lot of bands who set out to 'tell a message' either... what i get from music mostly is the art side, the expression, the emotions.. and as such 'messages' dont fit into what i liek so much.. i prefer to hear stories that represent situations or feelings or whatever, not something like "be good to your mother" (i wonder if any band has ever expressed that message in their songs?). But in no way am i saying expression is better than telling a message... they are simply two different approaches and uses to music, of which i like one approach better than the other for no reason other than my taste in music and what i need/expect/want from music.
not sure why you can't do more than just one of those things :rolleyes: anyway myself, if i were in a band i'd dream of having money, i mean it gets you everything, including women :lol:

when it comes down to it i'd rather help people i know, and family than give out a message to people i dont, not that i dont care, just thats my priorities. if i was to be in a band, i didnt like, or agree with lyrics, sounds, or like the people i wouldn't stay for the money. of course not, and the fame thing doesnt really interest me at all, i dont want to be in the charts, a book, newspaper or the TV, dont really care for that lifestyle. anyway i'd probably deffinately write/co-write lyrics, i wouldnt be able to do it without writing, i like lyrics too much, and i'd not allow any stupid swearing etc, im not cool enough to do that :p
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Sending a message is the most akin to expressing something so i voted that.

Agree totally...hopefully I'll send some sort of message and leave my entire music collection to Jerry Fallwell.
Originally posted by ThePhilosopher
I voted for getting laid. Sex is by far the most important part of being a musician. :D :D

i like the philosophers theory ;) although as i said money is important, no matter how you look it at. id love to help the family out with money etc, buy my parents another home if im rich enough, and with money, you get more women to get laid with :p
"sending a message" denotes some message of altruism.

the fact is, no one really cares what you have to say, anyway. so fuck 'em: i just care about myself.
hehe, I was thinking that some pompous troll would bash on me for saying that getting laid is the most important part of being a musician, but thankfully the response has been good. :) :Smokin:
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
Money is shallow to a degree but not entirely, most people in this world strive for money because they've been bought up to think that money will make them happy, they watch all their commercials and imagine the excitement of having everything... but money is nothing, its positive human interaction and other such things which make people happy... if some people dont realise it then its not their fault, its just what they have been fed by our shitty over commercialised society. What im saying is that really they are striving for happiness and enjoyment from life, under the illusion that money will achieve this, which for many people this isnt true.

The catch to "money won't buy you happiness" is that money pays the bill and eliviates stress. So the more money you have the less stress from certain bills you'll have. I do agree that money isn't everything but if you have money you don't have to worry about how your going to eat, where your going to sleep, or how your going to pay for the alterantor that your car needs.

I don't understand how so many people can be so concerned about the message that the artist is telling in his/her song. I mean if you think about it a lot of R&B songs have valid messages but no one here (or at least most of you) likes to listen to any of it why? I started listening to metal because of the music, the way that the artist made the lyrics blend in with the music to form an even deeper music experience.

As far as the original question I had to pick message but I think that there should have been more option, sorry but I thought the options sucked. I mean to me it seemed that he was trying to make people pick message, because money and getting layed are one in the same, expecially for guys. And if you have money than you are obviously going to be famous, so that just leaves one answer left, ohh well to each his own.