I'll never understand women


Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
I dont want to bitch and complain about the girl that got away, I was just curious if any of you had similar shit happen to you. Also how you delt with it, because weed and beer doesnt really help too much for some reason.
Treat it as a learning experience..live and learn and move on. It's hard, especially if you've invested a lot of yourself in it, but if it's out of your hands now, then it's not productive to waste too much time mourning something that's gone. Be glad for the good you had, and close that chapter of your life so a new one can open.

Good luck..
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Treat it as a learning experience..live and learn and move on. It's hard, especially if you've invested a lot of yourself in it, but if it's out of your hands now, then it's not productive to waste too much time mourning something that's gone. Be glad for the good you had, and close that chapter of your life so a new one can open.

Good luck..
Best advice I've heard. Due to recent experiences I shall follow this as well. Its the logical thing to do.
Ah, the Lady of the Oracle lives up to her name... good advice. :D

You will never understand women, so don't bother trying. I went through countless meaningless relationships for years and years, wondering all the while why women had such twisted and obtuse souls. Now I have found someone that I love dearly, and have been with her over two years now. However, I don't understand her all the time, but the best part is that I recognize that and accept that it is okay!

Oh yeah, how do I deal with a bad female situation? Bros and brews. Just don't drink alone, makes you depressed. Good luck to you! :)
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Treat it as a learning experience..live and learn and move on. It's hard, especially if you've invested a lot of yourself in it, but if it's out of your hands now, then it's not productive to waste too much time mourning something that's gone. Be glad for the good you had, and close that chapter of your life so a new one can open.

Good luck..

Very well said. Advice I could stand to listen to also.
Yeah, me too..for me, 2003 will be a time of letting go of old things & looking forward to new things. Dawned on me when I came back to check this thread, that I could stand to listen to my own advice..go figure.

So here's to new chapters in life for all of us in 2003! *raises her glass*
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Treat it as a learning experience..live and learn and move on. It's hard, especially if you've invested a lot of yourself in it, but if it's out of your hands now, then it's not productive to waste too much time mourning something that's gone. Be glad for the good you had, and close that chapter of your life so a new one can open.

Good luck..

That does help alot thank you.
Let me say that I have alot of experience in this area :lol: At first there's really nothing anyone can say or anything you can tell yourself that will make anything feel better. With a bit of time and perspective, things will get better, and you'll see that something BETTER is out there, trust me...you don't need to know why I know this from a very extreme circumstance firsthand, but before too long you'll be looking back and seeing ALL SORTS of things...
Originally posted by Wandrail
Let me say that I have alot of experience in this area :lol: At first there's really nothing anyone can say or anything you can tell yourself that will make anything feel better. With a bit of time and perspective, things will get better, and you'll see that something BETTER is out there, trust me...you don't need to know why I know this from a very extreme circumstance firsthand, but before too long you'll be looking back and seeing ALL SORTS of things...
hey don't know why, but this sounds relieving...
Uh, bodomite, you okay? You seem....pent-up with something.... :loco:

All I know about men and women is....NEVER argue over the colour magenta. It always ends in tears. :cry: