i'm back with horrible news

> Suicide's are fucking gay though.

> People who commit suicide have no idea what they do to the people who love them,
> I think however fucked up your life is there will be a way out other than suicide.

> You trying to commit suicide shows plenty well that you dont give a fuck about anyone
> around you or how they feel. Suicide is a cowards way out of lifes troubles. I'm sure you
> trying to kill yourself was a great thing for her illness as well yeah?

Any of you brilliant geniuses able to see from a suicidal person's perspective? I didn't exactly chose to be born with these fucking mental disroders, it just happens the way it happens. And i'm damn fucking sick of people constantly telling me it's my own fault. Did i tell you what pushes me to suicide attempts? how the fuck can you make a judgement of me like that without even knowing it??? And on top of that, i think a lot of people would be happier in long term by not having my presence in their lives, my family and myself being the first. And yes i do feel very guilty that Anick was still very attached to me, and that it would have been a lot better off for her if she had never knew me. Are you going to call her a coward too, because she also had mental issues, which killed her in the end? Then i guess Alexi and Kimberly are both also worthless cowards because they had suicidal tendencies before, so wtf are you doing on this message board then?

Constantly putting up with this kind of bullshit, on top of 27 years of psychiatric related problems and treatment, certainly doesn't make me happy to live.
Don't be so cruel. Some people just over-do it and try those things. Alexi attempted suicide when he was young. Is he a fucking pussy?
Anyone that's never felt so down they wanted to end it all has no right to talk here. I spent a small portion of my youth contemplating it over and over again to ultimately resist it and eventually drive out whtever depression that was in me away. Sure I get my days and weeks where I feel like crap, but I'm over the constant feelings of despair and worthlessness.

Basically, it feels like it's the right thing to do at the time. It may make you weak, but I guarntee you each and every person posting here has had a vulnerability that made them weak for a time. Anyone that feels they never did is lying.

So sorry to hear about your loss, man, and don't think about suicide again. Trust me, it really isn't worth it at all, no matter what happens. If you feel that way all the time, try to get some help, or find some solace in music or other things in life to get your mind off your problems.

Stuff like this always pisses me off to no end. People who never experienced that point where you want to kill yourself and have to dig up every excuse not to should not be commenting on how weak a person that does is. Getting through it, I'm a lot stronger then I've ever been, and certainly better equipped emotionally to deal with problems in my life.
Damn, you gotta cheer up. Life is bad, but not that bad, it is worth living. I am pretty pissed off at life at the moment too, but im one of those people who torture myself when im pissed off, so i consider killing myself the easy way out. Just do what you want, or try and find happiness in your life.
but always think about it, LOTS of people probably have it WAY worse than you do and they still go through with life. and there should be NO reason to ends ones life, no matter how bad life is going or how bad the pain is. like with everything it just takes time for it to get better. and since you did happen to fail at it, there MUST be some reason why you did, and something/someone still wants you here for some reason

and you SHOULD get some counselling to get help with this, and if you already are, just your session longer and more frequent.

and i'm deeply sorry for what happened to your ex. i'd probably feel the same way if that happened to my gf. but i dont think she'd want me to end my life cause of her, she'd want me to live the rest of my life as happy as i could. and even though she wouldnt be there with me physically, i know she'd be there spiritually and watching over me from where ever she is
I can relate of course, as when I was younger I was also suicidal/attempted suicide. In my teenage years. But eventually I realized that it wasn't worth it. But people still do it. It angers you, you don't know what to do, that's true. But i still feel compassion for those close to those who do it; and sad for those who go through with it; as sometimes you just don't know WHAT to do in that situation...
Im so sorry to hear about this delt :(,
I wish I could say something really profound here that would make you realise that life is actually worth living but I doubt anything I would write would help you. I hope you find strength to carry on :)
suicide IS fucking gay because most people with suicidal tendencies, if caught early, can live a perfectly normal life with the help of doctors and medication, those who keep to themselves about it, well i can say is thats really sad, but now that YOU know ur suicidal and many others do too this shouldnt really be an issue for you anymore, drugs work wonders in the year 2004, and im sorry for your loss
delt said:
Any of you brilliant geniuses able to see from a suicidal person's perspective?
I'm pretty sure those who say suicide's for pussies bla bla bla, NEVER had severe depression or a serious existential crisis themselves. Buy a clue, people.
delt, Im really sorry for you have gone through. But for everyone who gets upset and mad because of those comments, just let them talk. There are a lot of dumbfucks active on this board who think they have a right to comment on anything people do, regardless of how little they know. I hope you find the strength you need and dont take the stupid comments too hard. Take care man.
Life is a bitch. A lot of things will happen in one's life but the real issue is how well can you handle it? I've been through a lot and I'm still young and have had (and sometimes still do) suicidal tendancies.

You have my sympathies. I know what it's like, though I haven't been in the exact same situation. I have been in some fucked up situations. I don't know about you but I am a Manic Depressant, which doesn't help. You know what helps though? Think of your life's future. Do you wonder what the future has in store? If not, you have more reason to end you life. About 99% of people wonder what the future holds and I am among them. Let me tell you about my beliefs:

I am not religious and never was. I probably will never be. I don't believe in God nor Christ nor Lucifer. I don't believe in Heaven nor Hell. Though, I don't believe death is the end. I believe the spirit in fact, does carry on. A life is a lesson. Our spirits/souls are our true beings. This life is another lesson for our true self. We live multiple lifes to experiance different things. Once we reach our goal(s) in the present lifetime, it is time to die. What is the goal? That's up to your spirit self. The purpose of this is to reach ultimate wisdom. This life is my current life. My last life I could've been a female or maybe a cat. My next life I could be a alien from a different galaxy or even another dimension. Do you start your next life immediatly after you die from this one? Not neccessarily. It's up to your true self. After you die, your spirit goes to a farplane where other spirits are and you reflect on what you have learned. Then you decide when and where your next life will take place. What about ghosts? Yes, they are real. I know that for a fact. Dig up the "Do you believe in ghosts" thread and read my posts if you haven't and are interested. Ghosts are lost and confused spirits. I consider ghosts to be the spirits of one's self angry at the fact that they died unexpectedly without learning that life's lesson. So they walk the planet trying to learn what their physical self came for.

Ultimate wisdom is the key to the universe. Our true forms will not rest until it is obtained. What abilities do our true forms have? That's for you to know when this cycle is complete.

What's the point of this?

Don't end your life because chances are, your life lesson hasn't been learned. That just puts more strain on your true self's goal. But what if you feel that it has been learned and it is time to die, even by your own hand? That's a decision that you're going to have to put deep thought into. Don't jump to conclusions. Think things through.

NP: Children of Bodom - Bodom Beach Terror
what can I say other than "I'm sorry"...?

I was about to say maybe you shouldn't post very personal things on a public message board, because of all the stupid answers you might get... but on the other hand, I guess writing about it and having some people show some sympathy can be relieving...

I don't know...

You take care of yourself:)
=_( thanks friends........ the way she died is just fucking horrible, she never deserved such suffering!??!??

and may i add that

> You trying to commit suicide shows plenty well that you dont give a fuck about
> anyone around you or how they feel.

the only reason i hadn't killed myself way before was that i didn't want to hurt my family. but circumstances out of my control pushed me over the fucking edge.

they adjusted my medications, i should be ok now.
I feel sorry for what happened to you. I am quite depressive myself so i cant be of much help. I hope things get better for you delt even though things rarely get better but at least they get different, thats why life is worth living... and just dont rely 100% on medication. Hope you find help and talk about your problems and find solutions.