i'm back with horrible news

Mammoth said:
You are truelly a sad human lacking empathy and for this I actullay feel more sorry for you than the other trollers in this thread. Then again I don't know even care what you have to say...

Update Ignore list *click* ...Fag!

@ Delt not sure this is the forum for this... UM has changed over the past few months. Hope you get better!
I've been here two and a half years fuckhead. A Troll is someone who shows up and fucks with people and leaves.

Ignore list is still open. Add me if ya dont wanna see my bullshit. I wont have to deal with ya then. :wave:
delt, if you kill yoruself, who will finish yoru guitar, and besides, you have competition now, I'm building MY own TOO!!
soooo get back to work. . . . and get a fucking digicam.

oh and. . um. . .sorry for your troubles :(
the thing that heavenscent makes sense. i like it. its true. people dont realize that nothing in the world matters because when you die, it all ends. if you can overcome the completely useless will to survive and multiply, you have more strength than you realize. if only people could overcome their sex drives.... hah... fuck overpopulation.
Iced In Flames said:
I wont share in your sympathy. You trying to commit suicide shows plenty well that you dont give a fuck about anyone around you or how they feel. Suicide is a cowards way out of lifes troubles. I'm sure you trying to kill yourself was a great thing for her illness as well yeah?


This is the kind of shit that makes me want to block ultimate metal.com just so I don't have to come on here anymore and read stupid comments like this and loose even more faith in humanity

. If you really think that, then you got more problems than the person commiting suicide and you are a sick and twisted person and should seek help.

All I ever do anymore is come on here and read some clueless cunt thinking he/she is so superior to everybody else. The SOT forum is a good example. Being nice on there just leads you to humiliation and people posting goatse pics thinking they are cute. I bet if delt posted this on that board everyone of those elitist fags will jizz all over their keyboards about it and have a merry old time massaging each others nuts about how funny their previous comment was. They think they have the world figured out its quite funny.

Anyway consider that my getting the fuck out of here message.

Thanks to those who were cool to me on this board. You know who you are. I might come on the CoB board every once in awhile just to see any new news or interviews or whatever but don't expect to see me around very ofter. This place literally makes me sick to my stomach. Its almost a pain in the ass around here. See you later.
1. Whats the SOT forum?

2. Your banter changes me not. If you dont like me or what I have to say, then get at the back of the line cuz its a long one pal. I say shit straightforward whether you like it or not. Sorry if you cant handle it.
I really can't understnd also what drives a person to commit suicide. I mean why do you hate your life so much? Yur parents didn't buy you toys when you were little so that's why you're all so fucked up? Geez. Cheer up man, life is DEFINETELY worth living.
Iced In Flames said:
2. Your banter changes me not. If you dont like me or what I have to say, then get at the back of the line cuz its a long one pal. I say shit straightforward whether you like it or not. Sorry if you cant handle it.
first off, i never have problems with you, we talk gear over at Musicians Discussion, and whatnot, but your comments on this thread make you seem like a real low life, man. i mean, its fine if you think hes an ass, but dont come on here and fucking state yoru opinion about it, especially with regards to what hes been through. maybe the whol point i am trying to make is this, Keep comments like that TO YOURSELF.

you think he doesnt feel bad enough, without you coming on here and calling him a loser becasue he cant deal with shit. he was doing fine, till his friend . . .chose to end her life. it drove him over the edge. you cannot tell me that if someone you cared for did that, that you would not feel some severe depression and sadness. as delt stated, he has . . . some mental issues to deal with besides this, and he doesnt need you piling your abuse on top of his greif. so just leave him alone, and keep it to yourself.
bobvex said:
first off, i never have problems with you, we talk gear over at Musicians Discussion, and whatnot, but your comments on this thread make you seem like a real low life, man. i mean, its fine if you think hes an ass, but dont come on here and fucking state yoru opinion about it, especially with regards to what hes been through. maybe the whol point i am trying to make is this, Keep comments like that TO YOURSELF.

you think he doesnt feel bad enough, without you coming on here and calling him a loser becasue he cant deal with shit. he was doing fine, till his friend . . .chose to end her life. it drove him over the edge. you cannot tell me that if someone you cared for did that, that you would not feel some severe depression and sadness. as delt stated, he has . . . some mental issues to deal with besides this, and he doesnt need you piling your abuse on top of his greif. so just leave him alone, and keep it to yourself.
That comment was to COBSteele.
And its a general fact about me Sorry if it pisses ya off that I dont go out of my way to sugarcoat everything I say so that everyone can be happy and hold hands and hug each other but thats not how I am.
Iced In Flames said:
That comment was to COBSteele.
And its a general fact about me Sorry if it pisses ya off that I dont go out of my way to sugarcoat everything I say so that everyone can be happy and hold hands and hug each other but thats not how I am.
all im sayin is - keep it to youself next time.