I'm Drunk damnit!

Holy shit!!!! I was listening to Spock's Beard when I checked out the links nevershine posted and the thing started to scream over the music. Now I know why my neighbours hate me. I just have to find out why the rest of the world hate me as well. :rolleyes:

|ng (Not really hated)
On the original topic:
Ok, here ends my drinking in bars. I did it yesterday and the day before. friday was some fun, yesterday I had a terrible time. And to top it off, I naturally lost a shitload of money. not THAT much, but more than what would be good for me. Viru Valge, Koskenkorva, Bailey's and exported and normal beer. I could be happy with that amount of booze if we had just stayed at my friend's place (Like we did on our infamous party a week ago... :)) but nope. so, we ended up waiting a cab for 45 minutes and paying my ass off for that also. ended up in bed at 5 am and now it's 10 am. I'm just too pissed off to sleep. I'll just play some Vice City 'till I pass out.
I want to get drunk! Nightshift.. FUCKFUCKEDIFUCKFUCK
I have a ten day holiday from "school" and this is the ninth day of it. I've been drunk seven days of it ending now! This is it! I've created an unusual tolerance for alcohol and I want to get rid of it because it costs so much...
...For example today I've consumed a humongous amount of alcohol + many many other drinks (where are more alcohol) and I could withstand A LOT MORE!!! I started at 1200 and now I just have to go to sleep so I wouldn't drink more of that sinful stuff. I'm partly glad that tomorrow is the last day of my holiday so I can return to "normal" life. :D
Anyway.. I've had lots of fun and the next marathon will be at Tuska! PERKELE!!!! !:headbang: moi.
The pussys of Ephel Duath left 13 bottles of Italian beer and an 2 cans od Fosters in the fridge when they went home. I am proud to say I have drunk the lot.. and aM NOW STARTING ON THE BORTTTLE OF wHITE lIGHTNING CIDER THEY LEFT TOO.. 3 LKITRES TO GO!
opacity said:

i'm still not drunk - damnit :bah:

you should come here to get properly drunk, i've told you before. now don't make me ask you over and over or people will get weird ideas (they'd say i'm not gay and my reputation will be over and done with :p).

I threw a party last night with my girlfriend, we had like 60 guests there at the partyplace and shitload of different bewerages. All of us got shitfaced and wasted. Had a great time, probably the best party ever :D.
rahvin said:
you should come here to get properly drunk, i've told you before. now don't make me ask you over and over or people will get weird ideas (they'd say i'm not gay and my reputation will be over and done with :p).


:tickled: :D

would you say it's safe to come by car?
opacity said:
would you say it's safe to come by car?

i don't know, travelling alone in another country you've visited just once, where you don't know the language... :erk:
it all depends on how much you like to drive, and get lost, and find yourself again i guess. ;)

train and airplane are much safer imo.

If someone has been wondering (or been delirious with joy) where I am, no, I've not disappeared. It has just been so goddamn inhuman in work (building element walls (and roofs)). 12-16h days and so, usually. 0330-2030 -days are my special favourite. Oh the joy.

Nothing much has happened. I've grown to like VNV Nation, though. Oh the embarassment. On my free time I usually concentrate in that great hobby of mine, scratching my balls. Posting anything sane (yeah, right) here feels like too much trouble after work. My apologies.

That's about everything important (cough). I don't even have much time to be drunk, damnit. Can't call myself a Finn anymore.
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DH = Double H (new comics straight from uleå)
I can just imagine the first page; H1 is looking H2´s ass as horny as swedishman can..

Sweden / DH :guh: is sooooo scary..
:cry: my work computer doesn't allow me to go there... I guess "funny" is on the banned words -list. :bah: