I'm Drunk damnit!

nevershine said:
Downie: It's the home made brew. Believe me. Ben there done that... Many many times. :D

Homebrew is good for you. Fun to brew, fun to drink, and has no side-effects if one knows the tricks. You boys obviously don't. Or maybe you like the tricks that beverage of yours makes to your stomach.

The only question is why haven't I brewed anything for a few years. Stopped it just after I managed to make few batches of wonderful lager. Stupid me.
Rei Toei said:
*mpffff* without nevershine this thread is way too quiet :p

Damn those local drunks. I should spank that little alcoholic bastard when he comes back from that strange foreign country where it's too god damn hot. Too god damn hot! *SHAKES FIST*

You've been a little *mpfff* and *pffft* lately, Rei.
horzaaaaa :hotjump:
welcome ba... *ahem* just welcome, ok :D
i always forget your godly presence never really leaves us :p
as for me, well, i'm heavily stressed, as of late: i need a vacation :)
guess what? it's friday again. have a nice w-end, everyone :Spin:

<< If you have a rowboat at your cottage, you must first drink yourself senseless, then go fishing or rowing. And then you get an urge, open your pants, stand up, and fall into the water. Note that you MUST die with your pants open! It's the traditional Finnish way to go! Lately, only 30 or less people have drown themselves every Midsummer, and the figures are dropping year by year. Is our national sport dying? Perhaps we need foreigners to join us in this effort? >>

from "the foreigner's guide to finland" (check this) :D
Today I was supposed to train for tomorrow and I just got home and it's fucking nine o'clock!!! :mad:
I desperately drank Savon Viina (which was left from the last time I drank... shame... leftovers) straight from the bottle and now it's beer time... I hope I will get drunk before I go to sleep so tomorrow I can drink like a demon! ;)
I was at my friends (count hihihi's) house. I've had enough to drink for these three hours... I'm drunk so I can go to sleep and have a hangover tomorrow so I can withstand more... Masochism? oh no... just a wise thing to do. ;)
Masochism? You can't even pronunciate the word masochism when referring to the patriotic act you proudly have done tonight, nevershine. What you've done tonight is not merely a wise thing to do, but a reaffirmation of a national will. May God be with you in your hangover.

|ngenius (Not drunked, just mentally damaged)
Status report

Feeling a bit woozy again after a few ouzo shots/drinks.
Happy joyjoy! :D I got a feeling that I should go to Golgata
and have a few hobobeers since there’s a very nice sunny
weather outside but money is something I don’t have. :(
Anyway I gotta train for tomorrow’s Party party
so I can consume more sinful substances than today.
Hmm… I’ll get mi another ouzo now. Bye bye then.

End of status report