I'm Drunk damnit!

btw, talking about lasse (hearse, right?) does anybody know where he's gone? it's quite a long time that he doesn't show up here, is he ok?
we miss a spammer, here :p
Lolita Vampiriá said:
@Downfall: cut the goth crap! :D

I just have a twisted gothic sense of humour that no one ever gets. Lasse is always bitching me about it too.
Yep, thanks rei!

I'm gonna go to my school-buddy's house and we'll drink his home-made beer and watch simpsons. A great evening ahead!
Thanks! I'm just gonna drink with my childhood friend and her new boyfriend who I teached to play guitar a few years ago. He's a regular Steve Vai nowadays. :D Nothing to do with my teachings though...
Anyway. I think a bottle of booze (kossu) just might do the trick today.
As I write this I'm so fuckijgn drunk that I can barely stay awake. Just to let you know... :D
Drank a bottle of booze (savon viina) and went to a bar. Didn't drink there though but still. I just thought that I'm getting old here. I used to drink 24 bottles of beer before going to a bar and now... FUCK! It's only 0.48 and I'm ready to go to sleep. Ususlly this time I would be in a bar having fun and... oh well... that's it for me then. now sleep. buhbye :p
Lee: Eh, well, good for you!

I drank 6 bottles of my friend's home-made beer and then 5 pints in bars and some weird-named booze.

When I came home, I watched some simpsons and ate. Then, "I think I'll go to sleep, better throw up a little first". Well, I was downstairs so I threw up and went to bed (upstairs). "Well, doesn't work, I have to throw up again". So I "quietly" sneaked downstairs and threw up again. Well, then I came back upstairs and went to bed. Then I sneaked back to downstairs and threw up and went back to bed. Then I guess I passed out or something and now I have the worst hang-over I've had in years.

better cut down a bit - again... :)
:lol: Yeah, and my last weekend made me think it might be better to stay sober for a while. well, at least until the next weekend... :)