
There are plently of ethnically different people in Britain. And I notice them and think a lot about it. I don't like it at all. I consider their presence here aggressive and offensive. I know many Americans do feel the same way. Perhaps if you lived in a Mexican part of town you would have an awareness.

Someone was saying in a paper the other day how the biggest change in America in the last 50 years is how, in the past, when someone gave their word you knew you could trust it, but now you cannot trust anyone in that way.
Professor Putnam puts this down to the presence of ethnic diversity.

This is not aimed at you Speed, but there seem to be a lot of people who fear truth so much that they believe their groundless opinion based on what sounds most pleasant to them to be worth more than any research or evidence.
This kind of relativism is infuriatingly stupid.

Wishful thinking does not create reality.

i live in a mexican part of town. the common qualm that most people have with mexicans, is that they "come in here, and work for such low pay,...and..," that is usually the jest. this coming from the same folks who drive luxury cars, own beautiful homes, but (i work at a grocery store) won't buy anything that is not on sale. the mexican people in this town are some of the most down to earth people i have ever met. they are very family oriented and seem to have a take-nothing-for-granted demeanor.

they often possess the qualities that the dominant population of this town lacks. folks accuse these people of just wanting to "come over here and take advantage of our wealth and riches." i view that attitude as a reflection of their being too caught up in the wealth and riches that they identify with, which is one of America's general faults.

immigration is anologous to an invasion, or a virus.
a virus attacks the body where it is weak. the body is forced to gobble up the good, and shit out the bad. the virus itself is not the problem. the problem is the conflict between our body's workings, and the virus. once the virus is in our body, washing our hands, and taking vitamins will not work to prevent from happening what has already happened. it will only aid in ridding the body of what is bad, which is not specifically the virus. the virus that invades your body becomes a part of you forever. if an immigrant interacts with me in a more genuine way than my supposed friend, i would much rather see my supposed friend disposed of. that is the truth, it is not some pleasant fantasy that i indulge in that makes me feel like a true humanitarian. i trust my feelings concerning my interactions with all people, regardless of their ethnicity, more than i do research and evidence.

"you can't trust anyone these days." yes, this is a common catch phrase used around here, that usually goes hand in hand with ignorant gossipers. people sit at the dinner table and tell stories about how they always make sure to lock their doors. these are often the same people that opperate with shady business dealings and would secretly love nothing more than the opportunity to run over an immigrant just to spite them.

i understand that people feel this way. thats just the way it is. everything that happens is part of life's cycle. immigration happens, societies collapse. but, i know that when shit hits the fan, i hope that i am part of a group of genuine, trustworthy folks, regardless of their ethnic background, beliefs, and whatever else.
Joe Vice, I understand where you're coming from, though I have a different viewpoint. In my area I go to work in relatively well off area, but come across many poor Mexicans. These poor Mexicans work hard, and of course are not the problem that Norsemaiden is talking about. The problem is when people don't work. This happens down the way from my work, where there are illegal street vendors selling rip-off DVDs, where there are gang bangers, born here but of Mexican heritage. These are people raised by hardworking immigrants, how the hell did they end up being crap citizens? Not all of them end up that way of course, but a large enough amount to be noticed. I think it's because of alienation that the children feel when they get older. They realize that their parents work hard, for shit pay, and wow guess what happens, they don't want to be a part of that. Because the immigrants are of different race, I think some conclude that it's a racial issue, and blame the dominant race, and eventually turn against it forming destructive counter cultures. White people form "gangs" and orginizations like gangs (KKK), but they do so on a tinier scale. Pick person off the street, a gang member, why is it 9 times out of 10 that person is a minority? Whites are the majority, yet gang membership is made up of anything but whites. I think the simple reason is that whites in the white world feel like they have the chance to succeed, move up the ladder whatever, and at least try. If a person that is not white, or not part of the minority feels their chances are limited, then that person might not even try, might even choose to find something that outside the norm of white people, and I think that area is gangs...

I'm doing a gang paper, sorry if I got a little off topic...
nah, just the mexican terminator

Yeah !!! sure you are !! :lol:


There are plently of ethnically different people in Britain. And I notice them and think a lot about it. I don't like it at all. I consider their presence here aggressive and offensive. I know many Americans do feel the same way. Perhaps if you lived in a Mexican part of town you would have an awareness.

Someone was saying in a paper the other day how the biggest change in America in the last 50 years is how, in the past, when someone gave their word you knew you could trust it, but now you cannot trust anyone in that way.
Professor Putnam puts this down to the presence of ethnic diversity.

This is not aimed at you Speed, but there seem to be a lot of people who fear truth so much that they believe their groundless opinion based on what sounds most pleasant to them to be worth more than any research or evidence.
This kind of relativism is infuriatingly stupid.

Wishful thinking does not create reality.

where you from in the UK then ??

i've been following your posts on here and they reek of BNP propaganda...
where you from in the UK then ??

i've been following your posts on here and they reek of BNP propaganda...

I don't follow propaganda, I think for myself.
Could you tell us anything about the way that the Indians that come over into Mexico are treated by Metizos? I heard there are gangs of Metizos that kill them and they are "racist" against them.

Do you accept that it is possible for someone to value their own ethnicity (love their own kind) yet not therefore have to hate everyone who is not their own kind?

Not wanting your people to mix up and go extinct as an ethnicity is not hate - it is love. Those who object to this have the hate.

People who say it would be boring to have many homogeneous nations rather than a world of mixed up people who don't have any ethnicity have completely reversed the reality! Surely it is more exciting that there are many different and interesting cultures and nations and not that every city in the world is interchangeable?!
I don't follow propaganda, I think for myself.
Could you tell us anything about the way that the Indians that come over into Mexico are treated by Metizos? I heard there are gangs of Metizos that kill them and they are "racist" against them.

Do you accept that it is possible for someone to value their own ethnicity (love their own kind) yet not therefore have to hate everyone who is not their own kind?

-yes, it is possible.

Not wanting your people to mix up and go extinct as an ethnicity is not hate - it is love. Those who object to this have the hate.

-immigration happens though. we live in an ethnically diverse world. immigrants obviously don't share the love that you have for your ethnicity to the extent that they want to remain at home. but, that doesn't mean that they have the hate.

maybe they didn't like their culture anymore. its possible that there are aspects of your culture that they feel give them the freedom to be who they want.

People who say it would be boring to have many homogeneous nations rather than a world of mixed up people who don't have any ethnicity have completely reversed the reality! Surely it is more exciting that there are many different and interesting cultures and nations and not that every city in the world is interchangeable?!

i can't relate to that kind of love for not only my culture, but any culture. i am interested in the beliefs, practices, and the infinite other individual characteristics that are generalized into what is called culture, or ethnicity. i believe that there is the same infinite difference between me and my brother as there is between me and you. there are obviously extreme degrees of difference across similar lines. but, i find those degrees to be fascinating. they may cause tension...lots of tension, especially when already conflicting values based upon ethnicity are applied to a corrupt framework of law. but, in this case, the law is what needs to be changed. okay i'm about to ramble on.
i believe that there is the same infinite difference between me and my brother as there is between me and you.

If I said I needed $20 and your brother asked you for the same, I bet you would be a lot more likely to give it to your brother. Even one of your friends is unlikely (unless they are your girlfriend- or you hope they will be - and sex is involved)to get the same generosity from you as your brother. Normally people will choose to save their brother's life rather than that of a stranger also.
Do they choose or is it instinctive? If it's the latter, all the more reason to choose save the life of the stranger.

That all comes back down to whether we have free will or not! It feels like a choice, but it is driven by instict.

If instinct help our genes to survive why attempt to be contrary and go against them?
We only wish our enemies to lose such instincts.
i believe that there is the same infinite difference between me and my brother as there is between me and you.

If I said I needed $20 and your brother asked you for the same, I bet you would be a lot more likely to give it to your brother. Even one of your friends is unlikely (unless they are your girlfriend- or you hope they will be - and sex is involved)to get the same generosity from you as your brother. Normally people will choose to save their brother's life rather than that of a stranger also.

it would depend on the situation.
If instinct help our genes to survive why attempt to be contrary and go against them?
We only wish our enemies to lose such instincts.

Who's we? Someone with genetic differences might not be my enemy, while my brother might be. If I see a wounded animal lying on the road, i'll help it out. Because my conscience tells me to do so, and in doing so i become a better person. It has nothing to do with 'us'.
Benefits of immigration: cheap labor
Cost of immigration: destruction of already-weakened culture

Who profits?
Benefits of immigration: cheap labor
Cost of immigration: destruction of already-weakened culture

Who profits?

Businessmen, Housing Developers, Rich and Upper Class Housewives, Mexicans back home on the receiving end of western union, auto-detailing shops, the cowboy hat industry, and my tummy. Um, real Mexican food (not that Tex-Mex crap) is everywhere these days.
I don't follow propaganda, I think for myself.
Could you tell us anything about the way that the Indians that come over into Mexico are treated by Metizos? I heard there are gangs of Metizos that kill them and they are "racist" against them.

Do you accept that it is possible for someone to value their own ethnicity (love their own kind) yet not therefore have to hate everyone who is not their own kind?

Not wanting your people to mix up and go extinct as an ethnicity is not hate - it is love. Those who object to this have the hate.

People who say it would be boring to have many homogeneous nations rather than a world of mixed up people who don't have any ethnicity have completely reversed the reality! Surely it is more exciting that there are many different and interesting cultures and nations and not that every city in the world is interchangeable?!

Nations will always retain their distinct identities, It is not down to the colour of skin or where your dad came from, Its how you think and feel. Im British and proud.

If you feel British and are loyal to Britain, then you are British. Understand ? what makes YOU more British than lets say Gurkha's from South East Asia who as a people have spilt their blood for a hundred years for this nation in countless wars ???

And if you do believe in your sad racial arguement you should be stating that We should only breed with our own "kind", regardless of colour. I doubt you would complain if a white German was to marry a white Brit right ?? Which is totally hypocritical, as they are 2 seperate identities and cultures.

Seeing as You spend your time talking to a mixed up race all day on here - "Americans". The USA must be your worst nightmare, which is strange wouldnt you say ???
Norsemaiden said:
It is said that immigrants bring wealth to the economy, yet what we see is that whereever they settle there is noticable impoverishment and massive increase in crime. Does anyone deny this? ...

It's true with all concentrations in an area of non-white immigrants. I'd be interested to hear of any exceptions ever in history. I'm talking about anywhere in the world where such immigrants have settled among whites.

Would you suggest that there are no "white" immigrants disposed to immigrant conditions when immigrating?
I am too tired to find the post Ojeblikket quoted from Norsemaiden, but to answer her question, jewish immigrants tend to bring much higher wealth and economic conditions, as well as a lower crime rate. And also lovely food: Pastrami and potato pancakes, lox, smoked salmon, and wonderful pastries. And they're white! Hehe.

Really, when we get right down to it, think of the food different cultures bring with them. I curse English immigrants because they have no food to offer but boiled crap (excellent ale and tea however).
I am too tired to find the post Ojeblikket quoted from Norsemaiden, but to answer her question, jewish immigrants tend to bring much higher wealth and economic conditions, as well as a lower crime rate. And also lovely food: Pastrami and potato pancakes, lox, smoked salmon, and wonderful pastries. And they're white! Hehe.

Really, when we get right down to it, think of the food different cultures bring with them. I curse English immigrants because they have no food to offer but boiled crap (excellent ale and tea however).

You would be surprised how many scams Jews are involved in!
And they do not qualify as being "White" either, not that the term is scientifically definable anyway.
We can eat foreign food without bringing in the foreigners. In any case, Brits invented curry in the Empire days and also Mexican chilli food.
There is nothing especially Jewish about pancakes and smoked salmon.
Businessmen, Housing Developers, Rich and Upper Class Housewives, Mexicans back home on the receiving end of western union, auto-detailing shops, the cowboy hat industry, and my tummy. Um, real Mexican food (not that Tex-Mex crap) is everywhere these days.

By Montezuma's ghost, do I despise Mexican food!! Ugghh...many a Mexican eatery has sprung up in my ever more Mestizo-rrific part of the country and some quite fancy indeed - yet the food is invariably the same. Overcooked mushy meats...with refried beans...and lots of mysterious sauces...bleech!:ill:

The salsa and chips generally served to warm up the palete is quite tasty though...