
You would be surprised how many scams Jews are involved in!
And they do not qualify as being "White" either, not that the term is scientifically definable anyway.
We can eat foreign food without bringing in the foreigners. In any case, Brits invented curry in the Empire days and also Mexican chilli food.
There is nothing especially Jewish about pancakes and smoked salmon.

See, through food, we've proved the importance of immigration and cultural mixing. Jewish food is nothing more than mish mash of polish, russian, german and middle eastern; indian food was forever altered and bettered by the British; Mexicans by the Spanish, so on and so forth. Food is proof that cultures are ever changing, mixing, and experiencing each other. Let us celebrate such a thing.
By Montezuma's ghost, do I despise Mexican food!! Ugghh...many a Mexican eatery has sprung up in my ever more Mestizo-rrific part of the country and some quite fancy indeed - yet the food is invariably the same. Overcooked mushy meats...with refried beans...and lots of mysterious sauces...bleech!:ill:

The salsa and chips generally served to warm up the palete is quite tasty though...

You should try the innard soup (surprisingly good), always go for the pork in the tacos and burritos, splash it with plenty of lime as well. And Bohemia beer is excellent.

But why stop at mexican, in the last 10 years, the country is full of Indian (yum), Chinese (generally American style though), Korean (yum), Ethiopian, Lebanese (yum), Vietnamese (yum), Thai (yum), even a few Russian and Ukrainian places; and all because of immigration.

Our kids are hopefully learning about other cultures with these new kids in class; cultures that still take traditional things like school and family and heritage, seriously. This can only be a good thing.

Anyway, as Ive stated numerous times before, immigration is a mandatory side-product of free trade and empire. The British found out, the French too. Without changing either one, it will continue. There wont be a serious backlash until its too late.
You would be surprised how many scams Jews are involved in!
And they do not qualify as being "White" either, not that the term is scientifically definable anyway.
We can eat foreign food without bringing in the foreigners. In any case, Brits invented curry in the Empire days and also Mexican chilli food.
There is nothing especially Jewish about pancakes and smoked salmon.

Norsemaiden, DO YOU REALISE THE Destruction and damage done By white people throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries in America, Africa and Asia ??? So dont EVEN give me this crap that violence and poverty only follows black and coloured immigrants !!! Europeans for centuries have brought death and destruction everywhere they went. SOME EFFIN NERVE !!!!

HYPOCRITE !!! Nice Slayer shirt by the way !! even though the singer is Ethnically CHILEAN, and From an IMMIGRANT family !!!

Tom Araya (born Tomás Enrique Araya June 6, 1961 in Valparaíso, Chile as the fourth child in a family of nine) is the vocalist and bassist of the American thrash metal band Slayer. Araya's family moved to the United States in 1966.

get a clue, you're more mixed up than a centipede at a toe tappin' contest.
You would be surprised how many scams Jews are involved in!
And they do not qualify as being "White" either, not that the term is scientifically definable anyway.
We can eat foreign food without bringing in the foreigners. In any case, Brits invented curry in the Empire days and also Mexican chilli food.
There is nothing especially Jewish about pancakes and smoked salmon.

Laughing at the term "mexican chilli food."

I would like to know what exact "mexican chilli food" the brits invented...

So the Jewish conspiracy pops up again... We really need a thread devoted to this...
Norsemaiden, DO YOU REALISE THE Destruction and damage done By white people throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries in America, Africa and Asia ??? So dont EVEN give me this crap that violence and poverty only follows black and coloured immigrants !!! Europeans for centuries have brought death and destruction everywhere they went. SOME EFFIN NERVE !!!!

HYPOCRITE !!! Nice Slayer shirt by the way !! even though the singer is Ethnically CHILEAN, and From an IMMIGRANT family !!!

Tom Araya (born Tomás Enrique Araya June 6, 1961 in Valparaíso, Chile as the fourth child in a family of nine) is the vocalist and bassist of the American thrash metal band Slayer. Araya's family moved to the United States in 1966.

get a clue, you're more mixed up than a centipede at a toe tappin' contest.

LOL Yes I am very tolerant. I like a lot of bands that have people in them that I wouldn't want in my family or my country. We don't have a perfect world. I even tolerate my parents...
It seems even you are infected by the immigrant scourge, lol. He's not pointing out the tolerance or lack of, he's pointing out the hypocrisy of you letting an immigrant of different ethnicity invade your ears, yet you would not have him in your country.
It seems even you are infected by the immigrant scourge, lol. He's not pointing out the tolerance or lack of, he's pointing out the hypocrisy of you letting an immigrant of different ethnicity invade your ears, yet you would not have him in your country.

Why would wishing to control unchecked immigration, to the point where major social/demographic changes and cultural breakdown occur, translate to one not being able to enjoy music - regardless of whom it derives from? Where is the hypocrisy in appreciating art, but not encouraging what you perceive to be inevitable cultural upheaval?

If Japan wishes to remain largely Japanese - which it clearly does - are they then a nation of irredeemable hypocrites for liking music created by non-Japanese? If so, then they are the Hypocrite capital of the world.

This is silly...
Why would wishing to control unchecked immigration, to the point where major social/demographic changes and cultural breakdown occur, translate to one not being able to enjoy music - regardless of whom it derives from? Where is the hypocrisy in appreciating art, but not encouraging what you perceive to be inevitable cultural upheaval?

If Japan wishes to remain largely Japanese - which it clearly does - are they then a nation of irredeemable hypocrites for liking music created by non-Japanese? If so, then they are the Hypocrite capital of the world.

This is silly...

we are not talking about "unchecked Immigration" here, we are talking about Norsemaiden who doesnt want or respect obviously ANYONE in her country that isnt White Anglo-Saxon. Which is very sad, because to me it seems that she is misinformed, and misled.
It seems even you are infected by the immigrant scourge, lol. He's not pointing out the tolerance or lack of, he's pointing out the hypocrisy of you letting an immigrant of different ethnicity invade your ears, yet you would not have him in your country.

Old Scratch answered brilliantly. You see, the Japanese can want to be pure Japanese but still enjoy Beethoven. Because what you don't seem to realise is that loving and protecting your own biological group does not mean that you have to hate outsiders. Hating outsiders only makes sense when they are a direct threat.

I am annoyed with my parents because they are defend cosmopolitanism, although of course they do this hypocritically because they often make snobbish remarks about the behaviour of other races. (As is typical of insane cosmopolitan types).

If I only tolerated people I see 100% eye to eye with I would be unable to function in this society and very very stressed. I still work to prevent things getting even worse, and hopefully things will improve.
NorseMaiden, out of curiosity, how old are you ?

and have you ever made it with a Black man ?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think the question is have YOU 'made it' with a black man? I'm actually glad you don't support any pro European cause, we don't need foolish children around us.
haha :kickass:
but really i mean we are all HUMAN BEINGS there is no real such thing as races we're just the same but, like Baskin Robbins, just a different flavor, we should LEARN to share this earth not fight over meaningless crap like oil in the Middle East and waste countless lives and time on such crap

So we are different right? Yes we are all humans and we are part of the same species, but we are all very different. Your example with the Middle East, that just goes to show how human differences cause conflict.
Nations will always retain their distinct identities, It is not down to the colour of skin or where your dad came from, Its how you think and feel. Im British and proud.

If you feel British and are loyal to Britain, then you are British. Understand ? what makes YOU more British than lets say Gurkha's from South East Asia who as a people have spilt their blood for a hundred years for this nation in countless wars ???

That is complete nonsense, where on earth do you come up with this? You are trying to tell me that a decendent of the indigenous populations of the British Isles are ‘no more British’ then a ‘South East Asian’? I will tell you what makes them ‘more British’…it is called thousands of years of reproductive isolation…the whites over in Britain have lived there for thousands of years and created Great Britain. You take away their creators and you take away that nation…that is a very simple concept.

And if you do believe in your sad racial arguement you should be stating that We should only breed with our own "kind", regardless of colour. I doubt you would complain if a white German was to marry a white Brit right ?? Which is totally hypocritical, as they are 2 seperate identities and cultures.

Seeing as You spend your time talking to a mixed up race all day on here - "Americans". The USA must be your worst nightmare, which is strange wouldnt you say ???

Ok their cultures are different, but their races are the same…so in other words who cares? CULTURE is social…it is man made whereas race isn’t. People with multicultural agendas try to claim that race is social, but the reality is much different…race is genetic. No amount of ‘culture’ will ever change that.

Why would the USA be any ‘nightmare’ to someone who is pro European? The USA has one of the largest white populations on the planet. It was created by white people as well. The constitution that created the executive, legislative, and judicial branch of the federal government was created by white men who believed in the superiority of the white race to their very bones. I don’t have that belief in any shape or form by the way.
That is complete nonsense, where on earth do you come up with this? You are trying to tell me that a decendent of the indigenous populations of the British Isles are ‘no more British’ then a ‘South East Asian’? I will tell you what makes them ‘more British’…it is called thousands of years of reproductive isolation…the whites over in Britain have lived there for thousands of years and created Great Britain. You take away their creators and you take away that nation…that is a very simple concept.

Ok their cultures are different, but their races are the same…so in other words who cares? CULTURE is social…it is man made whereas race isn’t. People with multicultural agendas try to claim that race is social, but the reality is much different…race is genetic. No amount of ‘culture’ will ever change that.

Why would the USA be any ‘nightmare’ to someone who is pro European? The USA has one of the largest white populations on the planet. It was created by white people as well. The constitution that created the executive, legislative, and judicial branch of the federal government was created by white men who believed in the superiority of the white race to their very bones. I don’t have that belief in any shape or form by the way.

So Culture isnt important when talking about preserving different cultures between White peoples, but it suddenly becomes important when threatened by non white Culture ???!!! :lol: :lol: What a Facking Joke

Reproductive isolation ??? You've got to be having a laugh mate ??? I take it you dont know the history of Britain very well !!! :lol:

Also Are you trying to tell me Gurkhas arent British ??? Do you even know what a Gurkha is ??? Are you seriously trying to tell me a black kid with Jamaican heritage who was born and raised in Britain, and who is a loyal British citizen cannot be classed as British ?? simply because the people who founded the nation were white at the time ???? Hell, where does that leave you on African Americans ??

In modern identity, Being British :- "is a collective description for the inhabitants of Great Britain, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands and, to a much lesser degree, Ireland, where it refers almost exclusively the Protestant community of Northern Ireland.

In a geographical context, it applies to someone or something from the island of Great Britain, or to someone or something from the United Kingdom or the Crown Dependencies".

-Institute of Governance, United Kingdom, 2006.

I dont see the words "WHITES ONLY" above, did you read "Crown dependencies" ok ?? or shall I point it out again ?? There are many crown dependencies all over the world I might add, and they arent all White Patrick
So Culture isnt important when talking about preserving different cultures between White peoples, but it suddenly becomes important when threatened by non white Culture ???!!! :lol: :lol: What a Facking Joke

Perhaps you can’t read, but in any case it is like I said, culture is social whereas race is genetic. I could care less about culture to be honest, I’m more devoted to physical appearance more then anything.

Reproductive isolation ??? You've got to be having a laugh mate ??? I take it you dont know the history of Britain very well :lol: !!!

Ok, I forgot, non whites have entered that land for thousands of years right? :erk:

Also Are you trying to tell me Gurkhas arent British ??? Do you even know what a Gurkha is ??? Are you seriously trying to tell me a black kid with Jamaican heritage who was born and raised in Britain, and who is a loyal British citizen cannot be classed as British ?? simply because the people who founded the nation were white at the time ???? Hell, where does that leave you on African Americans ??

Here is the biggest problem the West has, trying to turn non whites into Europeans, particularly the British and Americans…the British have had an empire around the world and non of these non whites wanted any British influence in their land and I don’t blame them, but now we have millions of them coming back into our land. Have you seen some of these ’Gurkhas’? They aren’t European, I don’t care how much you argue that.

No I don’t think that black person would be British, neither did Queen Elizabeth that removed Britain’s entire black population, a fact almost forgotten in modern historical view. Blacks have their own unique identity and many of them want to preserve that rather then become white washed in the named of multiculturalism…there efforts at preservation are attacked just like European preservation.

In modern identity, Being British :- "is a collective description for the inhabitants of Great Britain, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands and, to a much lesser degree, Ireland, where it refers almost exclusively the Protestant community of Northern Ireland.

In a geographical context, it applies to someone or something from the island of Great Britain, or to someone or something from the United Kingdom or the Crown Dependencies".

-Institute of Governance, United Kingdom, 2006.

Well, that goes for the rest of the West as well, we are forced to except every single nationality from the Middle East all the way to Africa…if not we are ‘racist’. In any case, all it takes is some hard work and we will have some racially based citizenship…just like many parts of the world (Japan, Israel etc.)

I dont see the words "WHITES ONLY" above, did you read "Crown dependencies" ok ?? or shall I point it out again ?? There are many crown dependencies all over the world I might add, and they arent all White Patrick

I tell you what, you take the white out of Britain and guess what? You will not see Britain, you would see the Middle East or Africa and most likely a repeat of history with the Arabic Muslims enslaving the black population there…there is nothing British about that.