

Jun 26, 2006
I have no problem with it, legal or not!
America was founded & built by them.
Post your opinions, please.


=dead mexican
The U.S. was founded on legal immigration, not a border jump. I have no problem at all with legal immigration, but illegal immigration needs to be curbed by any means necessary. This isn't a race issue, it is a border security issue. Millions of undocumented people in a country at war with Islamic fascists seems a recipe for disaster to me.
If I were leader of a country with a lot of people, like China, I would encourage the high birth rate and take advantage of any country that would let us emmigrate there. Expanding into other people's territory, taking power and then eliminating any opposition to the plans we had on how to rule. I would be all in favour of mass immigration in that situation - and laugh at the naive generosity of those who now stood no chance unless they changed their policy before it was too late.

The Chinese call Australia "New China". It is likely also that President Mugabe of Zimbabwe is happy for his people to overflow into Britain as "refugees", although Britain realistically will go Islamic in future.
Adolf Hitler was such a fool to start a war when he could have had masses of lebensraum using this kind of false "refugee" expansion while making sure the refugees knew they were doing it for Germany in reality. The number of Mexicans coming into the US is going to mean that parts of the US will end up Mexican. Ethnic nepotism is alive and well.
Norsemaiden said:
The number of Mexicans coming into the US is going to mean that parts of the US will end up Mexican. Ethnic nepotism is alive and well.
Mexicans have been in the states, long before there was a USA. It's just a fact of life, deal with it!
I suppose we have to deal with the fact that Texas will cease to in the US and be fully taken over by Mexico. Is that a problem? If it is it's not the Mexicans' fault. Who can blame them? I don't.
Norsemaiden said:
I suppose we have to deal with the fact that Texas will cease to in the US and be fully taken over by Mexico. Is that a problem? If it is it's not the Mexicans' fault. Who can blame them? I don't.
On paper Texas Is America, realistically it's always been Mexican!
no, it was the native americans. Then it was the spainards. Then Mexico had a revolution. Then Mexico got their asses handed to them during texan revoultion and the mexican american war. That land is ours now. And your damn wrong if you don't think we won't fight for it.
War_Blade said:
no, it was the native americans. Then it was the spainards. Then Mexico had a revolution. Then Mexico got their asses handed to them during texan revoultion and the mexican american war. That land is ours now. And your damn wrong if you don't think we won't fight for it.
Good point!
I'm half Mexican, yet 100% American!
Btw, I apologise for calling you a piece of shit.
I do find it amusing that Mexicans have suddenly discovered their "native" roots. Now they all seem to claim they were "first" and everyone else is immigrants. Of course Mexico did it's best to kill off the majority of native people in Mexico, leaving only dirt poor disease ridden Mayan refugees. As Geronimo once said, "I killed many Mexicans, but never enough." They are not "native" people, they are the product of exploration and colonization, just like most Americans.
How many people would be uncomfortable with a brown majority? Just curious. :)

I think there is room for improvement on the border, in terms of security. If the US was not at war, I would support putting troops there, but it seems as if we are somewhat hard-pressed for soldiers these days, with good reason. I don't think people that hire illegals should be thrown in jail either. I think the best solution would be for the Bush administration to put more pressure on the Mexican government, and I know they have been talking, but just keep trying and trying. And though it is rather idealistic, there should be changes to the government in Mexico. There is a reason why so many are emigrating from there, and the place to start would be within.
angelofdeath9308 said:
How many people would be uncomfortable with a brown majority? Just curious. :)

I think there is room for improvement on the border, in terms of security. If the US was not at war, I would support putting troops there, but it seems as if we are somewhat hard-pressed for soldiers these days, with good reason. I don't think people that hire illegals should be thrown in jail either. I think the best solution would be for the Bush administration to put more pressure on the Mexican government, and I know they have been talking, but just keep trying and trying. And though it is rather idealistic, there should be changes to the government in Mexico. There is a reason why so many are emigrating from there, and the place to start would be within.
Quoted for relevance!
What possible reason would President Fox want to secure his northern border? All these illegal Mexicans that live in the U.S. are sending millions of dollars back to Mexico, which is about the only thing stimulating their economy right now. Talking to Mexico isn't the solution, securing the border is. The National Guard can start using the southern border as their training area. They can train and patrol the border at the same time. Wouldn't cost that much more money since the Guard trains anyway, just move the training area.
Keltoi said:
What possible reason would President Fox want to secure his northern border? All these illegal Mexicans that live in the U.S. are sending millions of dollars back to Mexico, which is about the only thing stimulating their economy right now. Talking to Mexico isn't the solution, securing the border is. The National Guard can start using the southern border as their training area. They can train and patrol the border at the same time. Wouldn't cost that much more money since the Guard trains anyway, just move the training area.
Quoted for extreme relevance!