
America was founded & built by them.

Who -- immigrants?

"Immigrant" is a made-up word. It means simply, someone going from one place to another.

America was founded and built by Germans, English, Dutch and other Europeans.

Immigration today means something entirely different.

It means America becoming Brazil/Mexico.
infoterror said:
Who -- immigrants?

"Immigrant" is a made-up word. It means simply, someone going from one place to another.

America was founded and built by Germans, English, Dutch and other Europeans.

Immigration today means something entirely different.

It means America becoming Brazil/Mexico.
Point taken!
Don't forget about the Chinese, and others!
Are you a racist, if not please explain in greater detail?
Are you a racist, if not please explain in greater detail?

Translation: "Can I use a social taboo to silence you?"

I'm used to passive aggression, so it's not hard to see your tactic.
Keltoi said:
What possible reason would President Fox want to secure his northern border? All these illegal Mexicans that live in the U.S. are sending millions of dollars back to Mexico, which is about the only thing stimulating their economy right now. Talking to Mexico isn't the solution, securing the border is. The National Guard can start using the southern border as their training area. They can train and patrol the border at the same time. Wouldn't cost that much more money since the Guard trains anyway, just move the training area.

Well the US won't have to deal with Fox much longer, his term ends in December. And apparently both of the contenders for the presidency have different views on the matter; Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says he wants to stray away from the buddy-buddy relationship many have accused Fox of having with Bush, whereas Felipe Calderon would rather keep the relations strong. I'm not sure what either of their stances are on illegal immigration, but whatever the case, US/Mexico relations obviously will play a large part in the situation.
Is it not possible that some southern states will eventually elect to secede and join Mexico? May be this would be allowed, or may be it would lead to another civil war. Mexico itself would quickly be drawn into such a war, protecting its people and hoping to gain the states and the resources in them. It is a very common thing with wars that they start with people from one country agitating in another country.

If this happened, you might think that the US would easily win, but the Mexicans would fight dirty, using Al Quaeda style tactics - sabotage, etc. Perhaps blow up a nuclear power station.

It would be best if this situation is avoided, and it has to be considered in advance to try and work out how best to deal with it.
Well, there is no way any of the border states would vote to secede to Mexico. These people may be Mexican, but they also came to the U.S. for a reason, which is to have a better life for themselves and their children. Joining Mexico again would be an exercise in sadism. Mexican immigrants make great Americans, the problem is the wave of illegals leaving Mexico like the plague is behind them. The U.S. simply can't contain them all with state budget problems.
Norsemaiden said:
Is it not possible that some southern states will eventually elect to secede and join Mexico? May be this would be allowed, or may be it would lead to another civil war. Mexico itself would quickly be drawn into such a war, protecting its people and hoping to gain the states and the resources in them. It is a very common thing with wars that they start with people from one country agitating in another country.

If this happened, you might think that the US would easily win, but the Mexicans would fight dirty, using Al Quaeda style tactics - sabotage, etc. Perhaps blow up a nuclear power station.

It would be best if this situation is avoided, and it has to be considered in advance to try and work out how best to deal with it.

impossible. The US has nukes. Mexico trys shit and you can bet thats the end of them.
Keltoi said:
I do find it amusing that Mexicans have suddenly discovered their "native" roots. Now they all seem to claim they were "first" and everyone else is immigrants. Of course Mexico did it's best to kill off the majority of native people in Mexico, leaving only dirt poor disease ridden Mayan refugees. As Geronimo once said, "I killed many Mexicans, but never enough." They are not "native" people, they are the product of exploration and colonization, just like most Americans.
Keltoi said:
Well, there is no way any of the border states would vote to secede to Mexico.

Wait until they're 70% Mexican. That's only about ten years away. Texas is already 50% Mexican.
SoundMaster said:
Thank godlessness for the liberal forefathers, otherwise conservative twits wouldn't have anything to whine and cry about.

that is a whole different league. Im sure Mr. Washington wouldn't want our guns stripped away and such.

Not probable.
No way we'd use nukes on a nation so close to our own....the nuclear "drift" wouldn't be pleasant at all.

we have set off nukes in the desert for ages. At locations way closer then major mexican cities.

even if we didn't use nukes, if it was total war, mexico wouldn't stand a chance in hell agaisn't the US.

infoterror said:
Wait until they're 70% Mexican. That's only about ten years away. Texas is already 50% Mexican.

it isn't that easy. There is waay to much invovled. You can't just say these days "LOLZ WERE GOING GO BE PART OF SOME SHITTY THIRD WORLD COUNTRY INSTEAD OF THE WORLDS STRONGEST SUPERPOWER!!!!"

Those voting to leave the US would instanly be tooken out of power because it is a matter of national security.
infoterror said:
Who -- immigrants?

"Immigrant" is a made-up word. It means simply, someone going from one place to another.

America was founded and built by Germans, English, Dutch and other Europeans.

Immigration today means something entirely different.

It means America becoming Brazil/Mexico.
So I guess in your mind the African slaves don't count!
With all due respect, are you a racist, or just an idiot?