
Dude, are you blaming her for the fact that most bad people in the world were white? I have to say, that's not just wrong, but it's unfair!!
Ptah Khnemu said:
Dude, are you blaming her for the fact that most bad people in the world were white? I have to say, that's not just wrong, but it's unfair!!
Of course not!
Then what were you saying? Because your comment just sortof came out of nowhere, and I'm still really confused about this.
infoterror said:
Wait until they're 70% Mexican. That's only about ten years away. Texas is already 50% Mexican.

Arizona too. I don't really mind since I'm a mongrel anyway...with Mexican blood. Did I say Mexican? I take that back.

The area I inhabit is far from safe, and it's predominantly Mexican. Go figure. [/end tangent]
Norsemaiden said:
It's true with all concentrations in an area of non-white immigrants. I'd be interested to hear of any exceptions ever in history. I'm talking about anywhere in the world where such immigrants have settled among whites.

Multiculturalism is considered a proven fact.

I'd also love to see of some exceptions where two ethnic groups got along and did not become a failed nation.
the projects freak me out big time. i always feel like someones walking very close to me with a gun and bad intentions. i went to chicago once and the projects right outside chicago freaked me the fuck out. the trailer parks near me are pretty bad though. Theyll cap your ass but not with a 9mm, but with an ak-47 or a 12 guage shotgun. shit gets stolen all the time too. pretty insane
Ptah Khnemu said:
Then what were you saying? Because your comment just sortof came out of nowhere, and I'm still really confused about this.
What am I saying? What's on my mind, at least at that moment in time.
Out of nowhere, go back and read all of her posts.
Confused, sorry to hear that.
We know that La Raza means "The race"...that seems somewhat divisive to me, but maybe I'm missing something. On the issue of ghettos and immigrant groups, I think it is fairly self-evident that in many instances these people flock together and create their own little ethnic community. This isolates them from the rest of society and usually leads to "white flight", which then leads to the flight of the local economy. It is understandable why ethnic groups tend to flock together in urban areas, but I think in the end that is what causes so many problems for these people.
Keltoi said:
We know that La Raza means "The race"...that seems somewhat divisive to me, but maybe I'm missing something. On the issue of ghettos and immigrant groups, I think it is fairly self-evident that in many instances these people flock together and create their own little ethnic community. This isolates them from the rest of society and usually leads to "white flight", which then leads to the flight of the local economy. It is understandable why ethnic groups tend to flock together in urban areas, but I think in the end that is what causes so many problems for these people.
Divisive? You really are missing something!
Every race, at least in America creates their own little ethnic community.
These people?
Every race, at least in America creates their own little ethnic community.

Races and ethnic groups don't mix. When assimilation begins, the real racism, hatin' and ethnic cleansing begins.

Then again, we are overpopulated, so death is life.
Keltoi said:
We know that La Raza means "The race".

It means race/nation/a people, all of which mean the same thing in English as well -- or did before we sanitized the language.

"La gente" is sometimes used to mean "people" in the vernacular, as in "People just defecate on the floor sometimes."
I can't see white folk ever being allowed a "Day of the Race". If there was such a thing wouldn't you call it "racist" and be angry Megamaniac? Isn't there a huge amount of hypocrisy about this?
What am I saying? What's on my mind, at least at that moment in time.
Out of nowhere, go back and read all of her posts.
Confused, sorry to hear that.
I did go back and read the entire thread all the way through, and I still have no idea what exactly made her a racist and a bigot.
If you want me to see exactly what got you pissed off, quote it, so I know exactly what to read. Don't tell me to just go back and find it myself.
No doubt there is hypocrisy on the issue of race. I know it is a reaction to real or percieved incidents of "white supremacy", but this new PC mindset creates an atmosphere where any race or ethnic group can be very proud and vocal about their racial heritage, unless of course you are white. I'm sure someone will call me racist for pointing that out and come up with an excuse about how racist white peope were or are, but that doesn't change the simple reality of the situation.
Norsemaiden said:
I can't see white folk ever being allowed a "Day of the Race". If there was such a thing wouldn't you call it "racist" and be angry Megamaniac? Isn't there a huge amount of hypocrisy about this?
St. Patricks Day!
I'm not angry.
There's always hypocrisy, no matter what the subject.
I apologise for my hostility & vulgarity torwards you.
St. Patricks Day!
I'm not angry.
There's always hypocrisy, no matter what the subject.
I apologise for my hostility & vulgarity torwards you.

I appreciate your apology, and bear you no ill will.

St Patricks Day is for Irish catholics, who may not be from any one race and who are only required to be catholic.
Norsemaiden said:
I appreciate your apology, and bear you no ill will.

St Patricks Day is for Irish catholics, who may not be from any one race and who are only required to be catholic.
Cool, thanks!
I'm Catholic & my dad is of Irish blood. "British"
Btw, Dia de la Raza welcomes everyone, at least from my point of view!