
Keltoi said:
No doubt there is hypocrisy on the issue of race. I know it is a reaction to real or percieved incidents of "white supremacy", but this new PC mindset creates an atmosphere where any race or ethnic group can be very proud and vocal about their racial heritage, unless of course you are white. I'm sure someone will call me racist for pointing that out and come up with an excuse about how racist white peope were or are, but that doesn't change the simple reality of the situation.

But you do understand that this really only exists on places where whites are the majority and hold majority power (wealth, status, etc)?

Had Africans colonized North America and built a nation, and imported whites as slaves, you'd almost certainly see the same thing occuring today but with whites as the troubled minority proudly proclaiming their heritage.
Ive deleted a number of posts. Mostly Warblade and Megamaniac. Please refrain from outright idiocy and name calling in the future.
speed said:
Ive deleted a number of posts. Mostly Warblade and Megamaniac. Please refrain from outright idiocy and name calling in the future.
The name calling I understand.
Demilich said:
Did you delete my inquiry about white immigration to predominately non-white countries? I swear I posted that this morning.

Nope. Sure didnt; and I can view what I've deleted.
here's my opinion on the subject
whether or not you can stay here should be dependant on passing a language test
if you can speak english, you can stay here, if you can't speak english, then you have to leave
blue-eyed-blond cosplayers learn fluent spanish when they're only gonna be in japan for 2 weeks
why can't hispanics learn english if they're coming here to actually live their lives here?

a giant wall where it's totally phisically impossible for anyone to cross the border without USA soldiers checking your person for bombs/chem weapons
Tongue_Ring said:
here's my opinion on the subject
whether or not you can stay here should be dependant on passing a language test
if you can speak english, you can stay here, if you can't speak english, then you have to leave
blue-eyed-blond cosplayers learn fluent spanish when they're only gonna be in japan for 2 weeks
why can't hispanics learn english if they're coming here to actually live their lives here?

a giant wall where it's totally phisically impossible for anyone to cross the border without USA soldiers checking your person for bombs/chem weapons
Tongue_Ring said:
here's my opinion on the subject
whether or not you can stay here should be dependant on passing a language test
if you can speak english, you can stay here, if you can't speak english, then you have to leave becaue blue-eyed-blond cosplayers learn fluent spanish when they're only gonna be in japan for 2 weeks, so why can't hispanics learn english if they're coming here to actually live their lives here?

a giant wall where it's totally phisically impossible for anyone to cross the border into USA without USA soldiers checking your person for bombs/chem weapons
i seriously believe this would solve the problem
War_Blade said:
i dont see why cosplayers have to learn spanish in japan...
the blue-eyed-blonde cozplayers learn Japaneese when they're only going to be in Japan for a mere week

as opposed to

Mexican people comming to USA while still teen-agers with the intent on living here for the rest of their lives but still refusing to learn English
In the United States, the national language is gonna be Spanish by the end of this decade. I'm moving to Europe after college.
SoundMaster said:
But you do understand that this really only exists on places where whites are the majority and hold majority power (wealth, status, etc)?

Why do we want more than one ethnic group in power?

As you point out, it inevitably leads to inequity and collapse, therefore is a stupid idea.
Tongue_Ring said:
why can't hispanics learn english if they're coming here to actually live their lives here?

Because to give up their language, and culture, is to become cultureless non-people and they rightly resist it.

If my heritage were Hispanic, no fucking way would I make my primary language English.

You've got to understand that every group wants pride, and only sick people want to be what they're not -- even if that is a wealthy, slender, blue-eyed-blonde white person.
infoterror said:
Because to give up their language, and culture, is to become cultureless non-people and they rightly resist it.

If my heritage were Hispanic, no fucking way would I make my primary language English.

You've got to understand that every group wants pride, and only sick people want to be what they're not -- even if that is a wealthy, slender, blue-eyed-blonde white person.
i can understand the freakishly huge Mexico flag in the front yard, and Hispanics driving cars that blue-eyed-blonds wouldn't get caught dead in, and i wouldn't tell anybody to be completely fluent in a 2nd language, all i'm asking is the working hispanics to learn english good enough to interact with the coustomers that can't speak a word of spanish, and people who come to america from places where their native tongue is Sweedish/German/Swahili all learn english good enough to talk to people born in america, why can't Mexicans do the same?