
infoterror said:
Because it is giving up some measure of their identity. Ebonics, speaking only Spanish, and the "countrified" language of some white Americans are all assertions of identity, as much as the mincing dialect of East Coast citays.
ebonics/countrified/east coast dialects are not really the same as refusing to learn the language of the land

case in point
in dallas area there are a disturbingly freaky huge number of people that do not speak english as their 1st language, but unlike houston or san antonio, in dallas only about half of them speak spanish as their native tongue, so, for all those people that learned english from German/Swedish/Swahili/Korean etc etc etc, why the fucking hell do all those people have to learn a 3rd language just because the hispanics won't learn a 2nd one, that's not fair
I'm Mexican, & bi-lingual!
you're not really hispanic though, you've got blue eyes, that means that if you go back far enough in your family tree [on both sides] you'll find blue-eyed blonde nordic people that died without ever learning a single word of spanish or any of the native american languages
Tongue_Ring said:
isn't speaking english should be a requirement for living here, legally?
so, then all the people that can't speak english are illegals, right?

But think of it this way:

If you're from another culture, and it's not a waste, you probably like that culture, including its language.

You don't want to abandon that and raise your kids as English speakers.
Tongue_Ring said:
you're not really hispanic though, you've got blue eyes, that means that if you go back far enough in your family tree [on both sides] you'll find blue-eyed blonde nordic people that died without ever learning a single word of spanish or any of the native american languages
Tongue_Ring said:
you're not really hispanic though, you've got blue eyes, that means that if you go back far enough in your family tree [on both sides] you'll find blue-eyed blonde nordic people that died without ever learning a single word of spanish or any of the native american languages
Tongue Ring, I get what you're trying to say, but I really have to disagree. The way you're putting it, it sounds like you're saying that because he probably has some kind of Nordic gene, despite the probably 99.9% of Hispanic genes he has in his body, all 99.9% are cancelled out because of one single solitary gene he has. That would also mean that the idea of Race is completely nonexistant, because of the fact that there's a really really good chance that everyone on the planet Earth has at least one gene from at least 50% of the world's "races".
Ptah Khnemu said:
That would also mean that the idea of Race is completely nonexistant, because of the fact that there's a really really good chance that everyone on the planet Earth has at least one gene from at least 50% of the world's "races".

No credible evidence supports that statement.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Tongue Ring, I get what you're trying to say, but I really have to disagree. The way you're putting it, it sounds like you're saying that because he probably has some kind of Nordic gene, despite the probably 99.9% of Hispanic genes he has in his body, all 99.9% are cancelled out because of one single solitary gene he has. That would also mean that the idea of Race is completely nonexistant, because of the fact that there's a really really good chance that everyone on the planet Earth has at least one gene from at least 50% of the world's "races".
this is true except that blue eyes don't go back more than 4 generations, so if you have blue eyes, then 2 (or more likely 4) of your great-grandparents (or (a) grand parent(s) or (a) parent(s) had blue eyes as well, they don't just pop up out of nowhere, so if you've got blue eyes you should be able to identify at least 2 direct-line anscestors that also have blue eyes
no no no
there's a difference between "language" and "culture"

i don't give a rat's ass if you have a garishly huge mexico flag in your front lawn, or if you proudly drive a car that a blue-eyed-blonde [ghetto-ville slang term meaning "difinitively not hispanic white person" as dileniated from hispanics, asians, and black people] wouldn't get caught dead in
i don't care
if you're going to be in the states you should learn english the same as all the people that learn english starting from german swedish swahili korean etc etc etc
those people should not have to learn a 3rd language just because the hispanics are too lazy to learn a 2nd one
infoterror said:
Of course. But together, language, culture and heritage are what make up "a people."
i was born here
i speak the official language, the same as all the people who had to learn it from german/swedish/korean/swahili etc etc etc
i don't think i should have to learn spanish just to go to eat lunch at the fucking mcdonald's
i'm not saying they have to be 100% bi-lingual, just learn english good enough to do an interacting-with-the-coustomer/client-type-job without the coustomers/clients having to know spanish
Tongue_Ring said:
this is true except that blue eyes don't go back more than 4 generations, so if you have blue eyes, then 2 (or more likely 4) of your great-grandparents (or (a) grand parent(s) or (a) parent(s) had blue eyes as well, they don't just pop up out of nowhere, so if you've got blue eyes you should be able to identify at least 2 direct-line anscestors that also have blue eyes
Or maybe the blue-eye gene was a supressed gene until he was born. It could be possible you know. But if it is in fact true that he did have a blue-eyed grandparent or whatnot, that doesn't mean that that one caucasian gene completely cancels out all other ethnically based genes.
megamaniac said:
I have no problem with it, legal or not!
America was founded & built by them.
Post your opinions, please.

Well, so you are saying somebody that isn't an American citizen can have a business that could have gone to a home grown American? Furthermore America was founded by immigrants, however, Americas immigration laws at one time were in favor of whites, it wasn’t until the 1965 immigration act that turned previous European immigration policy on it’s head. But in any case why would you want any illegal aliens in a country, no matter what race they are? I mean, they could kill and rape women and you would have no way to track them down, just think about that.
Patrick R. said:
I mean, they could kill and rape women and you would have no way to track them down, just think about that.
The same could be said for the homeless and fugitives.