
Patrick R. said:
Well, so you are saying somebody that isn't an American citizen can have a business that could have gone to a home grown American? Furthermore America was founded by immigrants, however, Americas immigration laws at one time were in favor of whites, it wasn’t until the 1965 immigration act that turned previous European immigration policy on it’s head. But in any case why would you want any illegal aliens in a country, no matter what race they are? I mean, they could kill and rape women and you would have no way to track them down, just think about that.

On the 1965 Immigration Act:

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains sunstantially the same...Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset...Contrary, to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area..."
- Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy

It should be safe to say that the good Senator could not have been more wrong, or that he didn't damed well know it and condone it, even then. This, of course, coincided with a stunningly reckless policy of looking askance while literally millions of Aliens invaded the land unquestioned and unmolested.
His arrogant and preposterous(though never answered for) statement was made when America was almost 90% White. At last count it is roughly 66% White, but given the myriad racial/ethnic mixtures and peoples from the Middleast(Iranian, Turkish, etc.)that often self-identify as White, even these current numbers in question. The vast majority of these "immigrants" are, however, Mexican and are unskilled, uneducated(often only semi-literate in their native tongue) and yes...illegal.
There are many opinions throughout this thread, but it seems clear that few have first-hand experience with just what havoc this invasion is wreaking upon the US. I reside in New York, and have a front-row seat for all of this. America is currently in the throes of an unprecedented suburban crime-wave, turning back two decades of declining violent crime stats. The cities continue to to be terrorized by gangs and random violence - and a completely new strain of inter-ethnic and cross-racial violence(Black vs. Hispanic). Virtually all of this, according to Law Enforcement and demographic research is a result of unchecked "immigration."
Tongue_Ring said:
this statement is still accurate 9/10ths of the time, but i have seen blue-eyed people that can't speak english, it's just kind of rare to see that
My Dad, and both of my Grandfathers had blue eyes.

Europe is full of blue eyed people who can't speak English, btw Spain is in Europe.
I believe it was one of the men with 'Conquistador' Hernan Cortes, who possessed blond hair and blue eyes and was thought to be the incarnation of a God by the indigenous peoples in Mexico. Given the long Hegemony of that region by Spaniards who likely also had such characteristics, there are naturally all manner of ethnic combinations that inhabit much of Latin/Central America. Blue eyes are probably unusual...but not all that rare.

I'll add my two cents:

First, Mexicans should not abandon their native country and should instead improve Mexico, as opposed to strengthening a country that is not theirs. I understand the reasons why Mexicans go to the United States, namely: 1) There is no work in Mexico, 2) The Mexican government doesn't care about helping the majority of Mexicans, and 3) It's much easier to jump the border and make money here.

I don't blame Immigrants alone here. I blame the Mexican government most of all. They don't give a shit about their own people, and the Spanish Elite continue their reign, while they laugh in the face of the U.S. as they get rid of people they don't care about.

I honestly think that that the U.S. should completely stop any Mexican from entering this country. Force the issue upon the Mexican government to help their own people. Don't allow hard working and respectable people who genuinely want to work to leave your country. Use this drive to help rebuild a once glorious Mexico. How much better do you think Mexicans would feel knowing that their native homeland is healthy and self-sufficient?

The overriding issue for Mexico is that it is a mixed-country with extreme racism. The dark-skinned Indian is dirt upon the shoe of the blonde-haired Spaniard. Unless this issue is resolved, I don't see anything changing in Mexico.
Tongue_Ring said:
no no no
there's a difference between "language" and "culture"

i don't give a rat's ass if you have a garishly huge mexico flag in your front lawn, or if you proudly drive a car that a blue-eyed-blonde [ghetto-ville slang term meaning "difinitively not hispanic white person" as dileniated from hispanics, asians, and black people] wouldn't get caught dead in
i don't care
if you're going to be in the states you should learn english the same as all the people that learn english starting from german swedish swahili korean etc etc etc
those people should not have to learn a 3rd language just because the hispanics are too lazy to learn a 2nd one
OldScratch said:
I believe it was one of the men with 'Conquistador' Hernan Cortes, who possessed blond hair and blue eyes and was thought to be the incarnation of a God by the indigenous peoples in Mexico. Given the long Hegemony of that region by Spaniards who likely also had such characteristics, there are naturally all manner of ethnic combinations that inhabit much of Latin/Central America. Blue eyes are probably unusual...but not all that rare.
it was Cortes himself that had the blue eyes
10293847 said:

I'll add my two cents:

First, Mexicans should not abandon their native country and should instead improve Mexico, as opposed to strengthening a country that is not theirs. I understand the reasons why Mexicans go to the United States, namely: 1) There is no work in Mexico, 2) The Mexican government doesn't care about helping the majority of Mexicans, and 3) It's much easier to jump the border and make money here.

I don't blame Immigrants alone here. I blame the Mexican government most of all. They don't give a shit about their own people, and the Spanish Elite continue their reign, while they laugh in the face of the U.S. as they get rid of people they don't care about.

I honestly think that that the U.S. should completely stop any Mexican from entering this country. Force the issue upon the Mexican government to help their own people. Don't allow hard working and respectable people who genuinely want to work to leave your country. Use this drive to help rebuild a once glorious Mexico. How much better do you think Mexicans would feel knowing that their native homeland is healthy and self-sufficient?

The overriding issue for Mexico is that it is a mixed-country with extreme racism. The dark-skinned Indian is dirt upon the shoe of the blonde-haired Spaniard. Unless this issue is resolved, I don't see anything changing in Mexico.

I agree with everything except the idea that they're strengthening the country. Experience has taught me that one of three things occurs when they come over:

1. They expect a free hand-out and refuse to adapt to the culture. They wish for welfare because they're too lazy to get a job and want everyone else to have to speak Spanish and cater to them if they're too lazy to speak English

2. They insist on creating huge racial tensions with their 'Fuck you, white people!' attitude which sadly, is rather common.

3. Among the ones who DO work many jobs are taken that Americans WOULD take otherwise, despite the stereotypes, and many jobs that used to be respectable jobs that provided high pay (such as construction work) have turned into 'wetback jobs'. Really low pay and not being a legal citizen required if you want them.

In other words; they should do the best they can to fix their own country, not come fuck up another one. However, I do understand how difficult it would be to fix the problem, however, when they can get millions of them having protests over building a wall that covers the Mexican border I am damn convinced that they can organize the same kind of protests IN Mexico and work from there.
Immigration as it is so common today is the destruction of culture and value in society. I believe it should be legal with very strict regulation.
-Very difficult, requiring a long and difficult process, and much effort on the part of the immigrant. Though not so difficult as to prevent someone who puts the large ammount of effort into it, from immigrating.
-Should not be viewed as a "good" thing in society.
-Certain privledges sacrificed [right to vote, run in gov't, etc . . . ]
-Requiring complete cultural assimilation of the immigrant [needs to learn language fluently, and basically be entirely re-taught how to act in the new culture].

I believe cultural and national pride should be something vitally important in society, and [in any way 'fast'] cultural integration should be absolutey intolerated. I think people should stay in their own country, take pride in their culture, and improve their country in whatever way they can. Though I know this is not always possible for everyone, such as myself. I'll never be sated in this country, as it has no true culture, and is based around to the extreme all the values that I despise. That is why immigration shouldn't be made impossible, but rather very difficult and uncommon.

With that said, I plan on leaving the United States and moving to Norway as soon as possible.
And therein lies the problem, LEGAL immigration does have many restrictions and require a process that includes some of the details you mentioned, however, illegal immigration is still very difficult to stop.
The Devil's Steed said:
And therein lies the problem, LEGAL immigration does have many restrictions and require a process that includes some of the details you mentioned, however, illegal immigration is still very difficult to stop.
It doesn't include the most vital, with in assimilation. The rest can kind of go out the window really compared to that . . .

But ya, I don't think illegal immigration should be tolerated at all, there shoud be a harsh crack-down and tightening up of that.
i hate when some nations hasn't memory. It is like it is happen here in south america. Im from Uruguay, a small country that were a safe home for europeans after the 1st world war (almost all of them from Spain,Italy,France). They come here and found a safe land where they took up their lifes. Now on, if i talk to many of the spaniards, italians etc (not all of them) they call you "sudaca", a despective term and they are plenty of "immigration laws" just to restrict the inverse proccess of immigration...

If you cannot remember, then fuck off!:)
Immigration generally destroys middle classes by forcing native populations out of low-income labor, raising costs and creating cities of ethnic/class friction which only the super-rich escape. It has never been a winner for any nation. It also dilutes culture and gives more power to the commercial interests of a nation, which causes further destruction of values.
Immigration generally destroys middle classes by forcing native populations out of low-income labor, raising costs and creating cities of ethnic/class friction which only the super-rich escape. It has never been a winner for any nation. It also dilutes culture and gives more power to the commercial interests of a nation, which causes further destruction of values.

Is immigration perhaps one of the last significant traits of later stage capitalism? I think so. Besides Mejico and Central America which are in perpetual economic stagnation thanks to american policies, official corruption, low educational rates, and a feudalistic society, the rest of the world has been growing at such a rate, that many countries residents such as India, China, Thailand, etc. no longer have to migrate to find good jobs; and in fact, the trends show many of these once immigrants, returning back to their homes--especially in India's case.

In our case, I dont see any changes in Central american migration despite all the Lou Dobb's etc. The simple fact is immigrants are good for business and the economy. Capitalism doesnt care about morals, traditions, etc.
Is immigration perhaps one of the last significant traits of later stage capitalism? I think so. Besides Mejico and Central America which are in perpetual economic stagnation thanks to american policies, official corruption, low educational rates, and a feudalistic society, the rest of the world has been growing at such a rate, that many countries residents such as India, China, Thailand, etc. no longer have to migrate to find good jobs; and in fact, the trends show many of these once immigrants, returning back to their homes--especially in India's case.

In our case, I dont see any changes in Central american migration despite all the Lou Dobb's etc. The simple fact is immigrants are good for business and the economy. Capitalism doesnt care about morals, traditions, etc.

It should spark people into suspicion that there is something odd going on, when they realise that while immigration particularly benefits the capitalists, it is the supposed Left, while claiming to oppose Capitalism, that traditionally most supports immigration. Two sides of the same coin.

Some Marxists oppose immigration because it dilutes class war, making the racial divide more likely to be the cause of social friction.