Patrick R. said:Well, so you are saying somebody that isn't an American citizen can have a business that could have gone to a home grown American? Furthermore America was founded by immigrants, however, Americas immigration laws at one time were in favor of whites, it wasnt until the 1965 immigration act that turned previous European immigration policy on its head. But in any case why would you want any illegal aliens in a country, no matter what race they are? I mean, they could kill and rape women and you would have no way to track them down, just think about that.
On the 1965 Immigration Act:
"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains sunstantially the same...Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset...Contrary, to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area..."
- Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy
It should be safe to say that the good Senator could not have been more wrong, or that he didn't damed well know it and condone it, even then. This, of course, coincided with a stunningly reckless policy of looking askance while literally millions of Aliens invaded the land unquestioned and unmolested.
His arrogant and preposterous(though never answered for) statement was made when America was almost 90% White. At last count it is roughly 66% White, but given the myriad racial/ethnic mixtures and peoples from the Middleast(Iranian, Turkish, etc.)that often self-identify as White, even these current numbers in question. The vast majority of these "immigrants" are, however, Mexican and are unskilled, uneducated(often only semi-literate in their native tongue) and yes...illegal.
There are many opinions throughout this thread, but it seems clear that few have first-hand experience with just what havoc this invasion is wreaking upon the US. I reside in New York, and have a front-row seat for all of this. America is currently in the throes of an unprecedented suburban crime-wave, turning back two decades of declining violent crime stats. The cities continue to to be terrorized by gangs and random violence - and a completely new strain of inter-ethnic and cross-racial violence(Black vs. Hispanic). Virtually all of this, according to Law Enforcement and demographic research is a result of unchecked "immigration."