

Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Thinking about giving these guys a go. Reading about death metal, and this band come up constantly as more professional, and relevant death metal. Maybe thinking man's death metal, without resorting to asinine technicality or Optimus Prime vocals.

What's your take on them? Best album?

As always, cheers.
I prefer the later period albums. I would start with Close to a world below. One of the best dm albums ever imo, it epitomizes the genre done right. Never technical for the sake of being technical, the dissonance created throughout has such a sinister and crushing atmosphere. Unholy cult and shadows in the light are also very very solid. From the earlier stuff, look into dawn of possession and here in after.
I have yet to hear the new album in its entirety, but anything leading up to it is pretty damn good. As for an album to start with, I'd say Dawn of Possession. You might as well start at the beginning to follow their progress. Failures For Gods would be my least favorite with Unholy Cult generally claiming the top spot (depending on my mood).
I saw them open for someone a few years back, can't remember who...but they really just struck me as your average Death Metal band with little to no melody and just nothing memorable in the slightest.

All that said, the album cover for "Failures For Gods" is one of the best concepts I've ever seen. I'd love to have a poster for that one.
I saw them open for someone a few years back, can't remember who...but they really just struck me as your average Death Metal band with little to no melody and just nothing memorable in the slightest.QUOTE]

Wow...that surprises me. I've seen them live a few times and thought they were great each time. Then again, I was a fan going in so I was biased.