In desparate need of black metal bands.

Any black metal bands like Opeth? Oh my fuckin' shit !:OMG: Dude, I think you jumped on the wrong train :lol: Anyway, check out Beyond The Wandering Moon and ...And So The Night Became by Aeternus. They're not really black metal, but I think that's what you're looking for.
Indeed both bands you mentioned are Death Metal.
(Opeth also is not Death, but rather Death than black ;) ).

If you want black or black-colored Bands try:
Progressive Viking and Black influenced metal
Traditional Metal with BM flavour ;)
Like Dissection but with a higher BM-concentration
Covenant(not The Kovenant(!!!))
melodic metal with BM vocals and female vocals
The first album by Arcturus
a bit like Borknagar, just with different atmosphere

If you wand more Death Metal(ish) or Göteborg bands(like Opeth), try:
older In Flames
Dark Tranquility(!)
My Dying Bride
At The Gates and The Haunted sound NOTHING like Opeth.

Cryptopsy are brutal death, but still, almost nothing like Opeth.

I would suggest bands such as Novembre or Extol.