IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Come Clarity, the whole record's cleans were imo Anders' most passionate singing. Leeches, Vacuum, and the title track's choruses were great.

Some would call his singing on CC "whiny" or whatever... But it was genuine. Certainly infinitely better than SC's "whininess" in the cleans, though. CC is absolutely the last truly powerful record from In Flames.

ASOP suffered mostly from a poor, weak sounding mix.

Delight and Angers, as "emo" as the lyrics are... Imagine that main riff with more raw, crisp, in-your-face guitar tone & percussion.

I find the civil-war beard & baseball cap combo fine. As long as there's no mullet coming out the back like when they first toured SOAPF haha.

If he didn't wear glasses in interviews, people wouldn't talk so much shit. Plenty of dudes in the punk/HC scene wear flannel style striped shirts and shit as well. Never understood any of that.
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Come Clarity, the whole record's cleans were imo Anders' most passionate singing. Leeches, Vacuum, and the title track's choruses were great.

Some would call his singing on CC "whiny" or whatever... But it was genuine. Certainly infinitely better than SC's "whininess" in the cleans, though. Last truly powerful record from In Flames.

ASOP suffered mostly from a poor, weak sounding mix.

Delight and Angers, as "emo" as the lyrics are... Imagine that main riff with more raw, crisp, in-your-face guitar tone & percussion.
I think ASOP has a fine mix/production. To me, the issue is the whiny lyrics and whiny vocals. I think most of ASOP sounds a little heavier than SOAPF actually.
Yeah, ASOP was a bit heavier but less clean and somehow flat and weird when it comes to guitar sound. The whole thing sounds plastic and dead.

After that, SOAPF was nice, but guitars were weak. Good clarity but no gain. Actually, as with wah solos, I think it's what Bjorn likes. And that sound is really cool when you jam around in your house, sounds very classic and good, but on a metal record you need some bigger guns IMO.

Someone said this before, but it is really weird that a band that hit almost perfect sound on Clayman, can't do a decent production and mix for 15 fucking years. RTR was a mess, STYE terrible, CC solid but saturated and hard to listen, ASOP dead, SOAPF clean but a bit weak, SC catastrophic.
Yeah, ASOP was a bit heavier but less clean and somehow flat and weird when it comes to guitar sound. The whole thing sounds plastic and dead.

After that, SOAPF was nice, but guitars were weak. Good clarity but no gain. Actually, as with wah solos, I think it's what Bjorn likes. And that sound is really cool when you jam around in your house, sounds very classic and good, but on a metal record you need some bigger guns IMO.

Someone said this before, but it is really weird that a band that hit almost perfect sound on Clayman, can't do a decent production and mix for 15 fucking years. RTR was a mess, STYE terrible, CC solid but saturated and hard to listen, ASOP dead, SOAPF clean but a bit weak, SC catastrophic.

They ditched Nordstrom and thought they could do it better themselves. I think the fact Clayman is still far and away the best production they've ever had suggests otherwise! As far as I can tell, it basically came down to "he made us work too hard". I remember a Soilwork interview where they mentioned Nordstrom in particular hated the "wah-wah" guitar sound and told them to cut it out.

Meanwhile, Bjorn has taken that shit to whole new levels.
Yeah the Wah on the Solos we have heard so far on Battles is obnoxious. Except from that thr production is quite good (excluding the mixing on Through My Eyes. Yes it may not be tbe heaviest production, but The End sounds great. I can't wait to hear what they did with the clean guitar tone this time round.
ASOP's guitars are what I was referring to. Much too like A88 said flat & I find them almost this weird muffled faded sound.

Again, imagine Delight and Angers main riff with a lot more gain and bite.

Even songs like Condemned, Mirror's Truth, Move Through Me, Sleepless Again etc. etc. Could all benefit from a guitar tone more, um, sharp
Yes, sharp is the word. Guitar tone is without edge and grainy.

And that is a shame, ASOP had some great music. It is actually the most traditional sounding IF album in the decade when you ignore vocals, lyrics and a few odd songs.

Battles sound mediocre so far. Guitar tone is still in that soapf-sc style, not nearly loud or thick enough for my taste, solos are even worse with that bjorn wanky sound drowning everything else, while drums are loud and unnatural. It is not bad, but is not good.

Funny how not many bands managed to replicate Clayman sound. Arch Enemy Wages of Sin is a good and similar one, a bit more brutal and agressive.
I forgot ASOP had a bunch of IF style guitar melodies/harmonies. Guitars should deff have been more forward and crisp in the mix.

The Truth is still horrific, but judging from The End and Through My Eyes alone... I just see Battles so far as a mediocre, more basic continuance to SOAPF.

I however, do realize that the better songs on the last few albums were usually not released as singles so there's still that.

The songs that I theorize are heavier, more solid(hopefully) metal tracks, should appear on the full album.

Hopefully The Truth is it's own wildcard as well.
It's quite obvious Björn is a proponent of the weak, thin guitar-tone that they tarted with ASOP.
You can even see him explaining his "vision" in one of the ASOP making of videos-- where he wants to turn down the gain to get some of the guitar's natural acoustic properties in.

The end result, on both ASOP, SC and now Battles, is a thin- weak guitar tone that has no balls.

ASOP with better guitar tone and slightly heavier vocals would have been an amazing album.
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Cc still has better riffs and vocals. I think, I might be wrong, that asop was digitally recorded, the guitars, and then the sound chosen. I have to view again the videos to confirm this.
Better production would help ASOP, but lyrics and vocals would still ruin it for me. All three would have to be completely redone.
ASOP would make an amazing instrumental album. Highlight for me is the guitars on Sleepless Again and especially the solo. The solo is closer to the solos on Clayman (Brush the dust away, another day in quicksand). I am not sure what scale Bjorn uses on these specific solos but it has this awesome neoclassical feel and goes on well with the music.
Sleepless Again is nice instrumentally. The acoustic section of Alias is very cool as well, reminiscent of Lunar Strain or Pallars Anders Visa on Colony.
This review has mostly one side, and that, for a reason.

In Flames is "back". This time, with "Battles", AND MAN have they had Battles recently... and this is no change.

Pulling away from what made them legends with the Gothenburg sound,
Battles stands out as yet another half-assed moneygrab.

Lyrically and musically, it comes out as more joyful when compared to Siren Charms which was much of a lecture in depression.
There are sparks of the old in here, but that's all, mere sparks. This basically is Siren Charms part two, where the depression isn't as present, but nor is the music any heavier.
It is more focused on soft melodies and with a new element present, being choirs... everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

The production of the album is questionable. The band claims that Björn (Gelotte) "did the drums", which is something I don't hear. I hear MIDI drums.
Either I hear wrong, which I highly likely do not, or the drums are mixed/mastered badly. But why are they are using MIDI drums, which is okay, when you have a fucking DRUMMER, being Björn? USE him. ABUSE him.
What I don't get is if you decide on MIDI, why the hell don't you use multi-sampled MIDI drums as you SHOULD use them, being adjusting velocities and other humanization techniques to make them sound real(er).

Speaking of mixing badly, what the hell is up with the mixing on this album?
What's up with the solo in "Through My Eyes"? Are you (the guy who made the mixing) deaf?
Did you need to have the solo come out several decibels louder than the rest?
Yes, it is a good solo, LOTS of wah-ing which has come to be synonymous with a Gelotte solo to cover up for slight mistakes and so on. Basically, a time saver, but do you have to up the volume that much, and Björn, do you have to use a wah for every solo?
Appears so.

Anders does a pretty good job on the lyrics, very cheesy in some songs like "Drained" for example, while delivering very epic and catchy vocals on "The End".
Sadly, AGAIN, the mixing/mastering is off on some songs so it gets hard to hear what's being sung like on "Underneath My Skin".

If I were In Flames, I'd be infuriated at myself and at the people doing the mixing/mastering. Furthermore, I'd REDO everything with Joe Richards, In Flames' new drummer.
You now have TWO drummers. It'd be odd as fuck if you couldn't manage to beat the shit out of some drums with two drummers and without having to go to such measures as using MIDI drums.
Glenn Fricker would be fucking LIVID had he known about this, and know about this, he will.

Moving on.

Not many tracks stand out as being good in my opinion, if I dare use such wording.
Personally, though it took a while, I came to really dig "The End", and "Wallflower".
The other tracks are manageable with the exception of, in my case, "The Truth". I cannot believe how many times I ended up looking down at the timebar at around 2 minutes wondering if it was over soon.

However, I have to give praise to the craft of the music. Björn is a genius to come up with some of these riffs. "Drained" IS a really good tune, musically. There is a slight sense of Jesper being by his side. (Can I say that without pissing people off?)

It is a shame that In Flames go out with such an unfinished record as this one.
That is what it feels like.

It has nearly no characteristics.
A bland album that for sure could be a hell of a lot better had they only taken the time to do things properly. It really does make me wonder... how serious was the pressure?
Did they haste it out, or did the creativity simply not come?

If you liked Siren Charms, you'll probably like this. A faster, slightly more joyful Siren Charms.
I disliked Siren Charms as an album, so it seems pretty obvious that I don't fall for this one either, in MANY aspects.

It is a 4.5/10.

...And yet. Keep doing what you're doing In Flames. Do what you think feels right, because that IS what you SHOULD do... except for the MIDI drums. FUCK that. (If that is what it actually is.)

- Edit: Cleaned the text up a bit.
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Apparently Joe Richard did the drums based in Bjorn's programming, so it must be the final mix what is wrong