IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

You're welcome.

Yeah, I don't hold back on my opinions, and that is what they are, opinions, although harsh.
I am NOT saying that you won't like it, nor do I say that you will, all I do is offering my opinion, and you shouldn't take it seriously, at all. Your opinion matters to you, mine doesn't, and nor should it since it isn't evidence based.

Yeah I know its not evidence based, just comparing your thoughts and mines for the previous albums so I'm guessing what I'll think about the new album. So thanks again for the review.
Man, I love "Everything's Gone". I'm a sucker for a good ride cymbal. What can I say? Those verses - with Anders' cleans sprinkled on top - are the grooviest.

Also, I have a Gothenburg playlist going right now and holy shit, "Everdying" is such a good song. Probably one of the definitive highlights of the early IF years. Henke Forss is sooooo bad, hahaha. But! Fantastic music.
I don't know why they don't just make Where Dead Ships Dwell, Fear Is The Weakness, The Chase & The End level songs and keep it within a nice creative realm...

Plenty of freedom to move around while not crossing into "too much"

Add cool, interesting stuff like The End has with its choir and vocal refrain... Without going overboard. That's all. Keep it at the current mainstream level all you want... Want to do simplified, pop-metal structures? Do it and do it well. IF can do that no problem. Not even that much extra effort.

Plenty of $ to be made going more mainstreamish, while still being in the vast scope of the heavy metal realm. Veering into teenage-scene garbage will not elevate the brand.

Bring us an awesome lead guitar riff/melody, harsh screams(i.e. The End, The Chase), More powerful cleans(again like The End, The Chase), build up a nice bridge to a memorable catchy/big chorus, cool solo and then one more repeat of that main guitar riff/melody... Boom, next track please! (Extras welcome by all means: electronics, solo breaks, choirs, refrains, synth key solos, breakdowns etc. etc.)

Just keep it fucking heavy and good shit.

^That should be the standard.

Sweden's most brutal band is sadly frowned upon for being right-wingers, which they aren't, and has even stated on their website that they condemn racism, nazism and so on, and the singer (who has an AMAZING voice by the way) has repeatedly stated that he gets infuriated when he hears shit like that.
They've fallen for the same shit as Rammstein did back in the day whom also had issues with accusations of being nationalsocialists, homophobes and racists which they aren't.

Anyway, just like Rammstein, this band is provokative, something I enjoy a lot, and as I said, they are likely Sweden's heaviest band, so, check them out. You may like them!

Brutal song first and a slower song to showcase what beauties these weirdos throw together. Second song is epic as fuck.

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I seeeeeriously doubt it. Just listen to the cymbals for example. They stick out like a sore thumb. It is the same, over and over and over again, not a change in the sound either on hit, or as it bleeds out.

That's what they said. I also doubt it.

I don't like EG, live or at studio. Boring vocals and riffs.

The song is our infinite struggle everywhere. If they came with another name is because of ignorance.
There are a couple of songs on CC which have alternate names when you rip them (that were from the early tracklist released a few months before the album dropped). There was never an "Our Infinite Solution" though, sounds like someone just screwed up labeling the song.
Or maybe the biggest mystery of time...

What are those lyrics in the Episode 666 demo chorus?
I know, I'm only kidding :D not so much with Slave, though.

Anders has given the same answer for years. He must be so bored of being asked that question.
Those comments are absolutely fine, that kind of humor (whether it comes from sincere hate or not) is really close to my heart, I do the same with bands/artists I don't like or just want to bash. I also read reddit a lot, so I'm used to one liners to rule them all.
Sweden's most brutal band is sadly frowned upon for being right-wingers, which they aren't, and has even stated on their website that they condemn racism, nazism and so on, and the singer (who has an AMAZING voice by the way) has repeatedly stated that he gets infuriated when he hears shit like that.
They've fallen for the same shit as Rammstein did back in the day whom also had issues with accusations of being nationalsocialists, homophobes and racists which they aren't.

Anyway, just like Rammstein, this band is provokative, something I enjoy a lot, and as I said, they are likely Sweden's heaviest band, so, check them out. You may like them!

Brutal song first and a slower song to showcase what beauties these weirdos throw together. Second song is epic as fuck.

Well I wouldn't really call a Industrial Metal band slightly heavier than Rammstein ''Sweden's most brutal band''. That's a ridiculous thing to say, unless you mean brutal as in some weird metaphor. I don't really like them, he isn't really talented with his voice, it's more his northern Haparanda accent. It's not like he's singing or anything, mostly doing a talk-thing during most of the verses, and barely singing, more yelling in choruses. You can not ditch Anders cleans and praise this guys vocals, that is the weirdest thing I've heard in a while. Being from Sweden I find his voice fucking shit lol. Just listening to Dit Vinden Bär, he literally sounds like a drunken finnish guy who talks in Swedish. I mean if you like monotone sounding Industrial Metal I guess it's good. Their songs are so simple sounding as well, chug chug all the time. Poor mans Swedish Rammstein, and I don't even like Rammstein.
Didnt like this at all though i see the resemblance with Rammstein

Sweden's most brutal band is sadly frowned upon for being right-wingers, which they aren't, and has even stated on their website that they condemn racism, nazism and so on, and the singer (who has an AMAZING voice by the way) has repeatedly stated that he gets infuriated when he hears shit like that.
They've fallen for the same shit as Rammstein did back in the day whom also had issues with accusations of being nationalsocialists, homophobes and racists which they aren't.

Anyway, just like Rammstein, this band is provokative, something I enjoy a lot, and as I said, they are likely Sweden's heaviest band, so, check them out. You may like them!

Brutal song first and a slower song to showcase what beauties these weirdos throw together. Second song is epic as fuck.

Seems like Jesper is finally recording his new stuff. Few snippets he released in public so far sound mellow and nice.
Hard to know which project Jesper is doing. So he said he was doing a solo album a while back, he resurrected Dimension Zero as well, and now he has a band with Peter? We have no clue if that means a full band with singer etc, Peter already has a full side band that he does stuff with when he's not with In Flames so I don't see it being a huge band project between them.

EDIT: Probably some All End's-ish stuff since the singer from All Ends is doing vocals on it.
A songwriter/clean vocalist from Amaranthe is tagged as well (Jake E)

As for Raubtier-- great band. Not a poor mans' rammstein by any stretch. Yes, they chug-- but they use electronics to drive the melody most of the time.
The vocals require getting some used to, but they have some absolutely fantastic compositions. Calling them "brutal" is redicilous.

Hard to know which project Jesper is doing. So he said he was doing a solo album a while back, he resurrected Dimension Zero as well, and now he has a band with Peter? We have no clue if that means a full band with singer etc, Peter already has a full side band that he does stuff with when he's not with In Flames so I don't see it being a huge band project between them.

EDIT: Probably some All End's-ish stuff since the singer from All Ends is doing vocals on it.
I don't think that people is specting a huge project, just good songs.
is this good music? It doesn’t really matter what the band have done in the past as this is them now, and the answer to the aforementioned question is simply: yes. Each track is enjoyable, with heavy riffs aplenty accented with splices of melody that refuse to leave you alone. The likes of “Save Me” will remain burrowing in your ear for days after. With this in mind, it’s a shame that those cave-dwelling types who refuse to see change will dismiss another album because it isn’t ‘Whoracle, Pt. 2’.

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On the one hand, you have bruising tracks like “Through My Eyes” with finger-flaying riffs and a delightfully ripping solo

After reading this I knew that the review was shit.
Well I wouldn't really call a Industrial Metal band slightly heavier than Rammstein ''Sweden's most brutal band''.

I mean soundwise. It is really heavy shit. It beats out Meshuggah in my opinion.

I don't really like them, he isn't really talented with his voice, it's more his northern Haparanda accent. Their songs are so simple sounding as well, chug chug all the time.

I disagree. His singing is great in my opinion, and the Kvenländska/Norrländska accent beefs things up. This, and Johan Hägg's vocals are probably my faves in metal overall along with Deicide's Glen Benton.

As for their songs being simple. They sound simple, but inspecting the sound with producer's programs, you can filter out the guitars, and you'll find things that can't be heard clearly in the final mix. You won't find overly complex things of course, but things that make you go "Oh shit, really?! Had no idea it was played like that, that's really cool!" However the same can be said about In Flames. There are a lot of things buried within. For example:

In Dismiss The Cynics there is a conversation buried at around 01:03 among the ambience.
"What will it take for sanity to remain? - What will it take for insanity to go away? - Dismiss the Cynics? - Fourteen Songs of Conscious Insanity. - Dismiss the Cynics."

Furthermore, the entire song is played in a much more complex way than the final mix came out as and represented. The acoustics near the end of the song (02:14) are simple as all fuck, but epic, and aren't made justice in the final mix.

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