I don't know why they don't just make Where Dead Ships Dwell, Fear Is The Weakness, The Chase & The End level songs and keep it within a nice creative realm...
Plenty of freedom to move around while not crossing into "too much"
Add cool, interesting stuff like The End has with its choir and vocal refrain... Without going overboard. That's all. Keep it at the current mainstream level all you want... Want to do simplified, pop-metal structures? Do it and do it well. IF can do that no problem. Not even that much extra effort.
Plenty of $ to be made going more mainstreamish, while still being in the vast scope of the heavy metal realm. Veering into teenage-scene garbage will not elevate the brand.
Bring us an awesome lead guitar riff/melody, harsh screams(i.e. The End, The Chase), More powerful cleans(again like The End, The Chase), build up a nice bridge to a memorable catchy/big chorus, cool solo and then one more repeat of that main guitar riff/melody... Boom, next track please! (Extras welcome by all means: electronics, solo breaks, choirs, refrains, synth key solos, breakdowns etc. etc.)
Just keep it fucking heavy and good shit.
^That should be the standard.