I'll take you up on that - just to prove I'm not just throwing shit out there. This review is as ridiculous as all of the others.
That said it would also be completely remiss of me to create the impression that modern day In Flames is a completely different beast to original In Flames. Yes there is a marked difference in the output, with newer material flirting with more mainstream rock and metal as well as introducing more modern effects and embellishments. However, the music remains very distinctive and cannot be confused in any way with any other band.
This is wrong right from the start. To suggest SC or what we've heard so far from Battles is part of the distinctive In Flames sound of the past is laughable.
I now find myself in a position where I’m firmly thinking that ‘Battles’ could well be the best album that In Flames have delivered since ‘Reroute To Remain’ in 2002.
This kind of statement should instantly start alarm bells ringing. No reviewer should be saying stuff like that after a week's worth of listening to an album. You need much more time to digest an album before trying to claim it's better than albums dating back 14 years.
if you’re someone who can appreciate quality metal music, you’re sure to lap this record up.
Can this oracle of music enlighten us as to what "quality metal music" is? What is he defining as the criteria here, objectively? Dare I suggest this is a baseless statement written by a know-it-all bullshitter.
As always for In Flames, the production is massive
Again, what does he mean by massive? Thin and with serious volume fluctuations within the mix? More nonsense.
Nearly every single one of the twelve songs on offer features a strong melody, hook-laden chorus, memorable vocal or infectious groove.
Judging from what we've heard so far this is a massive overstatement.
To my mind, this is part of what has been lacking over the previous couple of records and which led to my general malaise where In Flames were concerned; if In Flames were going to plough a new musical furrow, I at least wanted it to be interesting and engaging. Sadly, ‘Siren Charms’ did not deliver as far as I was concerned and ‘Sounds Of A Playground Fading’ was hit and miss at best.
Again, absolutely laughable. He may have a point with SC, but to say melodies, hook-laden choruses, memorable vocals and infectious grooves are missing from SOAPF? Even objectively that's wrong. This guy has no idea what he is talking about.
'The End’ quickly follows and instantly, the groove carries me away. The guitar tones, leads and riffs do hint heavily to the earlier days of the band, there’s no denying it.
By early days, does he mean ASOP or SOAPF? In no way do these guitar tones, leads or riffs hint towards TJR, Whoracle, Colony or Clayman.
As I alluded to earlier, one of the big bones of contention amongst fans relates to Fridén’s vocals. There can be no argument that over the years, he has experimented with different styles, mainly opting for a cleaner delivery. On ‘Battles’ however, he gets the balance just about right, I think. The clean croon is present and correct, but so are the gruff screams that typified earlier releases.
Is he really comparing Anders' current screams with what we heard 15-20 years ago? Come on. No comment on 'clean croon', but the guy clearly has very low standards.
‘The Truth’ begins like an electronic dance track and introduces what sounds like a child’s choir to enhance the truly anthemic chorus, accented by more old-school In Flames lead guitar work.
He just compared The Truth with old school In Flames. I have no words.
Battles’ then comes to a close via excellent ‘Save Me’, which teases us with its ideal blend of old and new. The highly digitised vocals at the beginning are then replaced by a classic-sounding lead guitar line that has a nostalgic warmth to it, like the return of an old friend, making me smile in the process. The chorus is more in keeping with more modern mainstream metal but yet again, it’s absolutely enormous and the whole thing comes together in a powerful and majestic manner, the perfect way to close the album.
How could anybody, having heard Save Me, read this and do anything but laugh and/or shake their head? This reviewer is either a complete moron or been paid to write this nonsense. The way he keeps pretending these songs are harkening back to the good old days is pretty pathetic.
I made my peace a long time ago with the fact that I would never hear In Flames treading old ground.
Really, chief? Because the way you continually reference the old school sound in relation to Battles, totally falsely, suggests you are not over it at all and in total denial.
I am firmly of the opinion that the material on ‘Battles’ is some of the most vital, hungry and passionate music that In Flames have recorded for well over a decade. And you have no idea how genuinely delighted I am to be able to say that.
And the review ends, appropriately, with an absolutely ridiculous comment.
Seriously, reading that made me realise how easy it must be to become a reviewer and get CD's sent to you. You can write utter bollocks and it doesn't matter. This review would be funny if it wasn't so sad and wrong on so many points.
But yeah... other than that, it's all good.