IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

it's interesting to hear about how they had to make Clayman, which I still cpnsider the quintessential In Flmaes record, and my second favorite only just behind SoaPF. Bullet Ride is such an incredible song.
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Aaaand here we go again...

But don’t hate it because it’s not old In Flames, they moved on, so should you. Go listen to At the Gates or Carcass

No, we don't hate it because it's not old IF, or ATG, or Carcass... We hate it because we can't find that craftsmanship and melodies you talk about, on actual songs.

Also, grouping SOAPF and SC together is just plain wrong. SOAPF is in many ways one of better IF (newer) albums, SC is terrible. If Battles were like SOAPF, I would be singing praises now.

they try something new, tweaking a button here, turning some knobs there, they evolve their sound. To go back and make melodeath would be giving up and just doing what is easy, to some degree degrade themselves to a joke

Just... wow!

"evolving, trying new stuff, not repeating..."

Now, I think that bunch of mid-aged Swedes with funny beards and teen clothes doing synth driven autotune pop-rock album of low value is a definition of a joke. But hey, that's just me.
Says a lot imo.
Sometimes you have the dumbest assumptions. You want to create doom from everything. Anders' new hair (like he did not have fucking afro for nearly a decade, lol), song titles, and now the album not being leaked yet.

I am 120% sure if it was leaked you would just say it was leaked because it was so shit, no one bothered to look after it.

But hey, I'm the paranoid here, who thinks some of you take it a few stretches to far with your doom 'n gloom.
Been listening to songs from Dimension Zero's Pentetrations album more. Speaking of melodies, the instrumental "Everlasting Neverness" is stunningly beautiful. Like, maybe better than anything acoustic IF ever put out. Maybe better (and more concise) than anything early Opeth.

Those key shifts... I'm in awe.
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I feel physically ill. (Trump...)
2 more days guys.

Look guy. We Spaniards voted again for a president that, in the past legislature, decided that it was a crime to record or make pictures of the police commiting a crime. And the first thing that he is going to do is to forbid the memes as a crime.

What I mean is: You're not alone.
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America voted for G. W. Bush. Twice. We aren't talking about a country that has a recent history of good election choices.

Right now, middle-aged white people are by and large intolerably racist and xenophobic. Make a campaign targeting "the other" and you will win. Trump got the vote that mattered, Hilary was a joke candidate from the outset.

Sad, but I don't see Trump lasting the full four years.
Trump wasn't racist because he told Midwestern and southern white people that illegals won't be taking their jobs anymore

And that he wants to screen potential terrorists blending into a wave of people seeking refuge from war torn areas

The liberal media twisting words doesn't work on people that can think

Its just Americans listening to YEAH AMERICA things thats why he won. They preferred his human being voice to a corrupt politican... I guess
Similar to the BREXIT campaign in the UK.

Absolutely. People claim they aren't racist/xenophobic, but Brexit and Trump campaigns were largely built on hate and won. Humanity is an absolute mess.

Trump's victory is great news if you're a middle/upper-class straight white male. A disaster if you're anything else. At least America has trumped the UK for most embarrassing moment of 2016.
Absolutely. People claim they aren't racist/xenophobic, but Brexit and Trump campaigns were largely built on hate and won. Humanity is an absolute mess.

Trump's victory is great news if you're a middle/upper-class straight white male. A disaster if you're anything else. At least America has trumped the UK for most embarrassing moment of 2016.
No man, most embarrasing moment is Spain reelecting our president.
No man, most embarrasing moment is Spain reelecting our president.

Hasn't got as much coverage but from what you said, maybe you're right. I dunno. Whole world is really screwed up at the moment, I'm OK with being in the minority when it comes to advocating human rights, equality, etc... but I do wonder why the majority seem happy for the world to progress towards a fascist, dystopian society.

1984 ... Orwell was a few decades out, but looks like it will eventually come to pass.
Just look at this. THe guy, our president, sent a whatsapp to the former treasurer of his party, when he (the treasurer) was yet on jail for evading 40 million euros, telling him to "be strong". Then, when the justice asked for the hds of the treasurer's computers, that were kept at the party's headquarters, they literally destroyed them. First they formated them 30 times and then they hit them with a hammer. Finally, we found that the remodeling of those headwuarters were paid for with black money, 1,71 million euros.

And that's only talking about their behaviour as a party. Not to talk about his politics or how he wrote an article saying that only reach people should be allowed an education since they're more intelligent by genetics. Or how the Secretary of State for the Home Department was recorded while trying to use justice to bring down other politicians, how he gave a medal to the police merit to a virgin (yes, the mother of Jesus) or how he claims that a guardian angel called Marcelo helps him parking every day.

And people is still voting for him.
Hahaha, the absolute madmen over in the USA!!

I am quite happy, though. The way so many people viciously tried to push Hillary annoyed me so fucking much, that I would probably vote for Trump solely because of that. Hillary was shady and fake as fuck, yet no one seemed to bat an eye, the e-mail thing was shrugged off, but when Trump said grab that pussy everyone went wild.

Anyway, even if Trump is the worse solution for short term, America will be thankful for him in 10-20 years, because they can't allow themselves to run annoying criminals or bored businessmen.
Hahaha, the absolute madmen over in the USA!!

I am quite happy, though. The way so many people viciously tried to push Hillary annoyed me so fucking much, that I would probably vote for Trump solely because of that. Hillary was shady and fake as fuck, yet no one seemed to bat an eye, the e-mail thing was shrugged off, but when Trump said grab that pussy everyone went wild.

Anyway, even if Trump is the worse solution for short term, America will be thankful for him in 10-20 years, because they can't allow themselves to run annoying criminals or bored businessmen.
THey have what they deserve. They cheated in the election of Hillary against Bernie Sanders though the last one was better positioned than hers in the surveys and though many people claimed that they would never vote for her.