IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

It's the production and guitar-tuning that turns a lot of people off. I can understand that, but it never really bothered me. It's a song that gets a lot of hate, but I've always enjoyed it. As @ThePhobiac says above, the lyrics are pretty good as well. A cut above most of the R2R lyrics.

I get the production. I don't get the tuning. Drop G is brutal, and the tone, the fucking TOOOOOOOONEEEEEEEE in those first couple of seconds when only one guitar is playing, and then the second one kicks in, are just... "...You'll bleed metal..." hateful.
Also, that DZ song was fucking GREAT eochaid!
I haven't heard their album from 2007, but the others all have good songs.

Interestingly Anders (along with the DZ guys) was producer on SNF and This is Hell. Nordstrom produced Penetrations From the Lost World.

Anders also co produced Opeth's My Arms you Hearse - amazing album
What about Like Sand, Before I fall, In My Room, Underneath my Skin - good songs or fillers? Have you heard the bonus tracks?

Not my type of songs, yet. Haven't grown on me.

No, I haven't. There may be gold among the rust... much like Become The Sky was a bonus track.
Anders also co produced Opeth's My Arms you Hearse - amazing album
I would like to know his involvement on this. Probably just a studio helper/grunt. Their styles are so far apart I can't imagine he had any creative input production wise or musically.
Nope actually he did Co-production and Engineering on the album. He worked for a few years in Studio Fredman and also had ownership later which he sold around the millenia shift if I recall correctly. He also did Engineering on Sacrilege's second album The Fifth Season. He even did recording of guitars and vocals of bands and mixed stuff too, such as Dimension Zero's This is Hell, he did producing, engineering + mixing.
Wow, thanks, did not know that. It seems like his style/interest shift in ~2000 goes even deeper, and is more intentional, and more full than I thought.
Like Yagami said, the bonus tracks are unheard of as of yet, no reviews, nothing.
They will be a nice surprise after we've all heard the album.
I'm interested what this 15th track is supposed to be or if it's the Japanese bonus track, which is an alternative version of Here Until Forever, (after some research) which if that has been recorded entirely aside from the original version and not just an edit with slight differences thrown about, that will be interesting to hear another take on it, if it's one of the better tracks of the album
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