IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

would say SOAPF and SC are probably the closest things to In Flames (in this instance, Anders & Bjorn's) "true" identity, but even on SOAPF you get the feeling they're mainly trying to emulate bands like Scorpions.
Interesting on the Scorpions comparison. What songs and what Scorpions album compare?
Interesting on the Scorpions comparison. What songs and what Scorpions album compare?

I don't listen to Scorpions regularly so I couldn't tell you. But SOAPF certainly has a rock/metal vibe in terms of its production, clean singing and general song structures. We also know Anders is a big fan as he's mentioned them many times before. I'm not saying they were trying to copy Scorpions or any other rock band, but it's entirely likely they were thinking of these types of bands when heading in the direction of ASOP & SOAPF.
I think they were just trying to prove they could still write good, inspired music without Jesper and they did that. So, now they can be as lazy as they want to be as evidenced by SC and what we've heard so far off Battles.
So I wanted to skip through the ASOP documentary to search for some Anders-Jesper moments, but instead I got Daniel hitting the cymbals with his penis.

I'm not saying I'm disappointed, but it caught me off guard.
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Are you guys really that excited? I was, but with new releases since then, and hearing the direction they went to, I am not counting down the days. They have to fuck up big time to make me rate Battles worse than 6/10 and I am fairly certain I will listen to it more than SOAPF for example, but I already know by the 4 songs, that it is not going to be something epic (like R2R or CC), nor something thematically cool (like SC).
I wouldn't feel upset at all if for some crazy reason they just decided to not release the album.

It genuinely wouldn't bother me at all. Judging from the reviews I can already tell this is going to be a shrug of the shoulders album for me. Not as bad as SC, but nowhere near good enough for me to want to listen to often if at all.

I kind of wish they'd stop producing albums after SOAPF. There are so many good songs from their back catalog that already get ignored, it would have been fine with me if they'd stopped on a high point after 2011 and just toured from that point onwards.
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There are so many good songs from their back catalog that already get ignored, it would have been fine with me if they'd stopped on a high point after 2011 and just toured from that point onwards

Yeah, I thought of that too. And I think they know it too. Their back catalog is so strong they don't even need good songs on albums anymore. Maybe 2 or 3 per album, the rest could be filler. Whole albums can be flops but they will still and do survive live.
Yeah, I thought of that too. And I think they know it too. Their back catalog is so strong they don't even need good songs on albums anymore. Maybe 2 or 3 per album, the rest could be filler. Whole albums can be flops but they will still and do survive live.

Just think of all the fantastic songs from their back catalog that barely get a look in... even if we're only going from Reroute onwards:

Dawn of a New Day
Dismiss the Cynics
Free Fall
Dark Signs
Dead Alone
Evil in a Closet
In Search for I
Dead End
Versus Terminus
Our Infinite Struggle
Vanishing Light
Drenched in Fear
The Puzzle
Enter Tragedy
A New Dawn

All good/great songs that never got as much set list time as they deserved. And that's forgetting everything off TJR, Whoracle, Colony and Clayman. The first three in particular barely get a look in these days. Who wouldn't want to hear Embody the Invisible, Ordinary Story, Insipid 2000, Coerced Coexistence, Zombie Inc, Square Nothing, Clayman, Satellites & Astronauts, Swim or Suburban Me more often?

Instead these incredible songs are being replaced with average to awful songs like In Plain View, Everything's Gone, Paralyzed, The Chosen Pessimist, Through Oblivion, Rusted Nail, and so on... it fucking sucks.
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Engelin and Bjorn are good enough to play it, if they wanted to. Might have to cut out the solo or replace it with a load of wahhhh's. Vocals are still within Anders range. CJ could probably pull of the drumming... probably.

But hey, it's a lot of effort when they could stand around for 8 minutes repeating the same chords over and over again with TCP.
Damn, album is so bad, nobody won't even leak it few days before official release.

When talking about solos. I've just heard original version od DZ - Through the virgin sky. What an epic peace of music sounding like a child from unholy marriage between early In Flames and late ATG.
Damn, album is so bad, nobody won't even leak it few days before official release.

When talking about solos. I've just heard original version od DZ - Through the virgin sky. What an epic peace of music sounding like a child from unholy marriage between early In Flames and late ATG.

Is that the demo version? If so, yeah, fucking epic solo. The proper version of the song gets rid of it entirely.
Is that the demo version? If so, yeah, fucking epic solo. The proper version of the song gets rid of it entirely.
Very good solo indeed. Not Jesper's though, it's Fredrik Johansson, same guy who did leads and solo's on December Flower. You can hear some similarities in the two solo's as well, imo.

Hence why they did some weird ass interlude on the Silent Night Fever album version. Just like they did when they performed December Flower live.
Is this the version?

I can't believe I had never heard this before, especially since I'm a big December Flower solo fan. The extended soloing is awesome.