IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Anders and Bjorn could quit the band tomorrow, and Krofius and Slave would be like:

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Oh my god, Peter Iwers just quit the band! What will happen now? How will In Flames continue to exist now? The band most famously known for it's intricate bass melodies and solos has just lost its pillar member. In Flames' future is in shambles!!

Happy now?
What are you even trying to do? Embarass yourself? Then it's working.
Do you really think that your post deserved a better answer?

Also nice conclusion about Anders & Björn you came too, missing their families = being bad parents
What a stunning correlation. It's hard to imagine you're 40years old sometimes tbh, when you act like 15 :>

Basic reading comprehension. I said that you were the one suggesting that they don't miss their families enough. I just read between your lines.
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Oh my god, Peter Iwers just quit the band! What will happen now? How will In Flames continue to exist now? The band most famously known for it's intricate bass melodies and solos has just lost its pillar member. In Flames' future is in shambles!!

Happy now?
No worries. Nikki sixx is unemployed now.
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Anders and Bjorn could quit the band tomorrow, and Krofius and Slave would be like:

Well if Björn left I'd be somewhat worried, if Anders left I would be very worried, pretty sure that if Anders left they'd break up. If Björn left I guess they could continue, Niklas and Anders writing stuff, I think it would change the sound a lot though. I don't see Anders or Björn leaving though. I mean I didn't see Peter leave although I'm not surprised, but I think it's much more unlikely Anders or Björn leaves in the coming couple years. I think it's more plausible they do another couple records before they break up. I don't see them doing this in their 60's, but I could see them doing this another 10 years.
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Anders, Bjorn and Niclas are playing an acoustic show live on Facebook right now. Really cool acoustic rendition of "In My Room" at the moment.

It sounds great to me! Anders is obviously more comfortable in this lower vocal range, noticeably more so than he was when they performed "Through Oblivion" and "Dead Eyes" a while back. I like these stripped-down versions of their more recent songs.

I think this is the end of the show, though. I'll have to go back and listen to the rest.

Anders: "We'll play correct next time."
Anders, Bjorn and Niclas are playing an acoustic show live on Facebook right now. Really cool acoustic rendition of "In My Room".

Sounds great to me! Anders is obviously more comfortable in this lower vocal range, noticeably more so than he was when they performed "Through Oblivion" and "Dead Eyes" a while back.

I think this is the end of the show, though. I'll have to go back and listen to the rest.

I was just checking it out. In My Room's acoustic version was awesome. Love the song and love the acoustic version of it. Anders was pretty good. He screwed too much at Through Oblivion though. Like really really bad. Forget the lyrics, miss the entrance after refrain.
Through Oblivion sounded average. He sounded really nervous with the vocals to my ears, stumbling a bit like when you are talking infront of people. In My Room was indeed a lot better, really cool acoustic version, and vocals much better, like you just said that lower vocal range worked better. He still sounds a bit nervous though, I could imagine considering it's in a studio infront of like 5 people.
Well if Björn left I'd be somewhat worried, if Anders left I would be very worried, pretty sure that if Anders left they'd break up. If Björn left I guess they could continue, Niklas and Anders writing stuff, I think it would change the sound a lot though. I don't see Anders or Björn leaving though. I mean I didn't see Peter leave although I'm not surprised, but I think it's much more unlikely Anders or Björn leaves in the coming couple years. I think it's more plausible they do another couple records before they break up. I don't see them doing this in their 60's, but I could see them doing this another 10 years.

Last year Björn said there has not been any talks of setting a deadline for disbanding and that he personally hopes the band can keep going on for another 20 years. But yeah, I can't honestly envision In Flames being active in 2035 still.

Oh, there's a new album out? I guess I should listen to it. :D
Oh guys, you really need to start listening to real singers if you think that was awesome. For real, are your expectations that low that you feel comfortable with that shit?
I would love for In Flames to record that acoustic version of In My Room :D sounds great Completely different vibe to the almost 'cocky' sounding hard rock of the origional version

After hearing the first 4 songs (The End, The Truth, Through My Eyes and Save Me) I concluded there's no hurry to hear the rest and somehow kind of forgot about Battles for a few weeks, haha. The End is a good track, Save Me is okay, Through My Eyes I just can't get into, and The Truth... well, I don't think it's complete shit as some say but it does sound like a "forced hit song", iow. instantly accessible but quickly forgettable.
Oh guys, you really need to start listening to real singers if you think that was awesome. For real, are your expectations that low that you feel comfortable with that shit?
Well, good by Anders standards, at any rate. I'm pretty guilty of cutting him a ton of slack. =P

I don't think he's a great singer or anything, nor do I think he's bad. And rare's the singer I think sounds impressive in a live setting anyway, at least when it comes to metal. But yeah, I agree that most clean vocalists in the metal scene trounce him easily.

There are times when I think he's sounded genuinely great, of course, Passenger being the biggest example.
Anders is a bad singer. I don't think there's anybody who could objectively claim otherwise. Subjectively liking his 'singing' is another thing entirely.

There are records he sounds okay on, but that's with a hefty pinch of ProTools sprinkled all over the masters. Now I know Krofius and Slave will say "BUT EVERY ARTIST USES PROTOOLS U IDIOT LOL" ... and yeah, most of them do. But there are few artists who sound as bad as Anders when you compare live singing vs how it sounds on the album. He just cannot reproduce 95% of his studio singing in a live setting, and that's because he's not good at singing. At all. Not even a little. Any of us could go into a studio, have our voices ProTooled up and we'd sound OK. That is no barometer as to a person's singing talent.

Proof is in the live setting, and Anders fails that test.
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Did you expect him to have watery eyes or something? He is not depressed, he is not struggling with his bandmates, he just made a choice, probably months and months ago.

You really are the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen, really. The worst, dude. You must be awful to deal with in real life.

Anything anyone says, always, HAS to be to the extreme in your shit mind and no one can say a simple thing without your 100% of the time WRONG view and analysis responding to it.
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I say "After meeting Peter just a couple weeks ago, I didn't sense in ANY way, that he'd be leaving the band soon."

So yes Slave, I was suggesting he should be visibly shaken, walking around in a robe, moping around and holding back tears. Exactly.

Holy shit. You're dead serious with the shit you say too which makes it even more hilarious.
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As our little meet & greet session was ending, right before they left to get ready, I asked Anders if the band is still going strong...

In the context of a couple more albums. He said "Yeah I still got some music left in me"
After hearing the first 4 songs (The End, The Truth, Through My Eyes and Save Me) I concluded there's no hurry to hear the rest and somehow kind of forgot about Battles for a few weeks, haha. The End is a good track, Save Me is okay, Through My Eyes I just can't get into, and The Truth... well, I don't think it's complete shit as some say but it does sound like a "forced hit song", iow. instantly accessible but quickly forgettable.
My Ummm... was a reaction to that performance just then. It was fucking horrible lol, and In My Room is my favorite from the record, while I also enjoy Through Oblivion. Anders is not a shitty singer, but that was a fucking terrible performance, absolute cringe.
You really are the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen, really. The worst, dude. You must be awful to deal with in real life.

Anything anyone says, always, HAS to be to the extreme in your shit mind and no one can say a simple thing without your 100% of the time WRONG view and analysis responding to it.
You are no different with these bitchy ass outbursts which you present in 2 or more posts a'la Columbo-style ("oh, one more thing..."), because you are so mad, that thoughts are keep coming into your mind, and you have to vent them out.

I asked you what the fuck did you expect from Peter, but hey, I asked it in a slightly exaggerated manner (btw, if you want to know what's exaggerated, read the krofius-eochaid battle on the same page), so fuck me sideways, right? Maybe next time just answer the question, and don't start whining about how it was presented like you are some fairy princess. It wasn't even THAT offensive. I could've said you must be mentally retarded to think if someone is leaving a band, they totally can't seem to be happy and content during a meet and greet and/or show on their last tour. But I didn't. Turns out it doesn't matter what I say, you go apeshit either way.

Oh my god, maybe you are autistic, and I keep triggering you, which suddenly made me feel bad about myself. PM me your paypal info and I send you some money. It's the least I can do, really.
After hearing the first 4 songs (The End, The Truth, Through My Eyes and Save Me) I concluded there's no hurry to hear the rest and somehow kind of forgot about Battles for a few weeks, haha.
I was pretty much the same way. I didn't bother to download the leak and listened to it once a few days after the album arrived on the mail. Haven't listened since.