The Wrong Side Of Heaven Vol 1
Lift Me Up - FUCK ME, this is a very good song!! And yes, I realize that the chorus is a shameless copy of This Is War from 30 Seconds To Mars.

2. Watch You Bleed - Average. Decent, but average. I like the poppy effect at the beginning of every chorus.
3. You - Is this a tribute album? So many Drowning Pool copies in this song hahaha. As I said, I don't mind stealing, but you better make it good like in Lift Me Up. By the way,
@galvanized , if you want to listen to some good music, check out Drowning Pool's Full Circle. You are welcome, bud!
4. Wrong Side Of Heaven - ah, this is the song I tried to listen to on youtube like 4 times, but it has like a 7 minutes long video so every time I said fuck it after 10 seconds. Do I regret it now?! No. First two minutes are strangely calming, but what the fuck happened to the rest of the song? It had potential.

5. Burn MF - This gimmick grew old after 1 minutes. Holy shit, I guess the signs were on the wall that they are going to make a godawful record like Got Your Six eventually.
I.M. Sin - Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... I let this one slide!
7. Anywhere But Here - Hey guys, I just checked out Maria Brink! Huge tits, would bone, 7/10! Oh, the song? Now, listen to me. I don't know how good or bad of a singer this Maria is, but for Christ's sake, if you invite her to sing on your fucking song, then please, let her sing?????? All she did was some fading back vocals at the end. Like, FFDP's singer is as interesting as a brick of rock, he literally does the same shit on every single record, so god fucking dammit, if you feature a guest singer, give them room. Song could have been decent if the girls gets at least one chorus, but no, I guess we can't have that. Fuck off!!
8. Dot Your Eyes - I quit after 1:30. I think it could be used for a drinking game. The longer you can bear to listen to this godawful piece of D-side filler shit demo ass motherfucker of a song, the less you have to drink. Or the more; I mean, you really need the booze after this one.
9. M.I.N.E. (End This Way) - First of all, stop with these fucking song titles! Second of all, this was a nice song, until they fucked up the second part. Seriously, why? I mean, for two minutes we had a by the book slow song, which was very much listenable, and then they went and fucked it up. Yes, I rather listen to mindles Siren Charm and Battles verse-chorus-verse-chorus-SOLO TIME-chorus-chorus if it is good, then to have the second song ruined in this record because FFDP wanted to be edgy. If you want a good example of a song that changes halfway through and doesn't end up sounding fucking boring and shitty, then listen to
The Chain from Fleetwood Mac. This record is seriously pissing me off. Got Your Six was a fucking garbage of a record, okay, nothing to be mad about, but this one could have been pretty okay if not for the many shit they pulled so far.
Mama Said Knock You Out - Yes, In My Room is the bad song title. Yes. Not this one. Definitely not this one. I'm sorry, someone just started rapping. What is happening? What is that riff? Where did this song come from? The thing about FFDP is that they have 2 songs which they redo 10-14 times on each record. A very angry one and a very melodic one. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but if it was up to these guys, humanity still had not invented the wheel. So, I have to say, hearing that they actually did something new is... a big thumbs up in my book. A song worth checking out for sure.
11. Diary Of A Deadman - 2 minutes gone and nothing happened. Let me skip forward a bit. Ah I see, this supposed to be kind of an instrumental song. They fucking stole their own music by the way, around 3:30~ it was the same shit they played in one of their other songs. I'm sad.
I.M. Sin (take 2): Ooooooohhh, I see! I see now. They have two good songs on this record, so this them trying to ruin one of them. I am sorry, but this song is decent, even with Max Cavalera trying his best to fuck it up.
Anywhere But Here (take 2): LOOK. LOOK. THEY DID IT! THEY FUCKING DID IT! THEY LET THE GUEST SINGER ACTUALLY SING!! THESE GUYS MIGHT ACTUALLY BE CAPABLE OF INVENTING THE WHEEL! The more you know, right? I have no idea why isn't this the original song, but I have so many questions about this record already, that I'm hardly phased anymore.
14. Dot Your Eyes (take 2): Let's see if Jamey Jasta (whoever he is) can make this song listenable. 0:47 - still shit. 1:00 - still shit. 1:10 - still shit. Okay, my record has gone down to 1:24, this Jamey Jasta is fucking terrible. I googled him up, and he looks exactly like he sounds: shit. I see he copied the Limp Bizkit logo idea on his own record, so I really have nothing else to say. If you have to copy from Limp Bizkit (as much as I actually like them), you are a terrible person.
Okay, so
@galvanized , this is the record you heard from FFDP so far, right? Man, I envy you. Starting out with this garbage will make you cream your pants after hearing War Is The Answer and American Capitalist.