IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Going to agree with ciko_gfb on "Here Until Forever", of course. With the exception of Wallflower, I still think the whole stretch from Through My Eyes to Save Me is overall pretty weak, but at least most of those songs are enjoyable to some extent. But Here Until Forever I just can't do.

This could be from the weird drums on the verses. I dont like the rhythym and chorus is not good. If they did something different on verses it could've been fine.
I've heard that drum technique used on more recent metal songs, yeah. I think it's a cool style in theory, but I've never heard it employed in a song I liked. Like, "Here Until Forever" reminds me so much of this song:

You can hear some similarities with the Here Until Forever verses in the second verse and bridge. Personally, this is 100% not to my taste. Though to be fair, that may be because I heard it a billion times at work a few years ago. But yeah, it's got the choir of kids/teenagers in the background, angsty lyrics, etc.

Also, I was experimenting with altering pitch on the Battles songs and you know what? Bringing "Through My Eyes" up one half-key makes the song ten thousand times better for me. Kind of like how doing the same elevates Siren Charms's title track to my personal god-tier. I find that this is true for a lot of metal, actually, including DT's Atoma (Encircled sounds even more sinister when pitched up by the same amount). Sometimes a small alteration like that can make all the difference for me.
I've heard that drum technique used on more recent metal songs, yeah. I think it's a cool style in theory, but I've never heard it employed in a song I liked. Like, "Here Until Forever" reminds me so much of this song:

You can hear some similarities with the Here Until Forever verses in the second verse and bridge. Personally, this is 100% not to my taste. Though to be fair, that may be because I heard it a billion times at work a few years ago. But yeah, it's got the choir of kids/teenagers in the background, angsty lyrics, etc.

Also, I was experimenting with altering pitch on the Battles songs and you know what? Bringing "Through My Eyes" up one half-key makes the song ten thousand times better for me. Kind of like how doing the same elevates Siren Charms's title track to my personal god-tier. I find that this is true for a lot of metal, actually, including DT's Atoma (Encircled sounds even more sinister when pitched up by the same amount). Sometimes a small alteration like that can make all the difference for me.

I linked that song the first day I heard Here Until Forever on the forum as well :p It's the chorus that are really similar that I hear. I kinda like the song.
Like some others of you I've spent the last month or two listening to In Flames' latest albums, trying to convince myself that radio rock/metal is good. That singing ability doesn't matter much. That weak and uneven production is okay. That I don't really need aggression in my "metal". That I can listen to ten songs with the same basic wahwah solo and like it all. In short, getting myself to like In Flames latest albums has left me vulnerable and suggestable. Basically at this point I guess I could listen to anything...

I was doing some mindless surfing and read on blabbermouth about Five Finger Death Punch's frontman going total liar mode. Never really listened to them since I thought they were nu metal-ish and not trve. Well since I'm open to anything now I was like, shit, lets check them out.

I feel dirty now. I'm listening to the album Got Your Six and I think it's great. Strong singing, strong harsh vocals, aggressive riffs, solos more interesting than most anything off SC and Battles. Hell, if we are doing radio music now why not go all the way? Then I find out that metal archives downright refuses to add an entry for them since they aren't real metal. I never thought my favorite metal band, In Flames, would lead me to this. They are a f***ing gateway band to nu metal radio metal. Not sure if I should be ashamed but head banging at the moment regardless.

Good, albeit short, solo part at 2:00

Radio rock done right
Like some others of you I've spent the last month or two listening to In Flames' latest albums, trying to convince myself that radio rock/metal is good. That singing ability doesn't matter much. That weak and uneven production is okay. That I don't really need aggression in my "metal". That I can listen to ten songs with the same basic wahwah solo and like it all. In short, getting myself to like In Flames latest albums has left me vulnerable and suggestable. Basically at this point I guess I could listen to anything...

I was doing some mindless surfing and read on blabbermouth about Five Finger Death Punch's frontman going total liar mode. Never really listened to them since I thought they were nu metal-ish and not trve. Well since I'm open to anything now I was like, shit, lets check them out.

I feel dirty now. I'm listening to the album Got Your Six and I think it's great. Strong singing, strong harsh vocals, aggressive riffs, solos more interesting than most anything off SC and Battles. Hell, if we are doing radio music now why not go all the way? Then I find out that metal archives downright refuses to add an entry for them since they aren't real metal. I never thought my favorite metal band, In Flames, would lead me to this. They are a f***ing gateway band to nu metal radio metal. Not sure if I should be ashamed but head banging at the moment regardless.

Good, albeit short, solo part at 2:00

Radio rock done right

FFDP are far heavier than In Flames at this moment in time. I don't listen to them regularly but the stuff they're releasing is objectively heavier than anything off Battles or Siren Charms.

As for metal archives, they need to take their heads for a shit. If the rules are that entries have to be metal, how the fuck are albums like Siren Charms or Battles allowed in their databases? Reviews for both are pretty brutal though :D I love how Siren Charms first three reviews on that site are 0%. Slave will be fuming.
FFDP are great, A bit formulaic at times, but great all the same. I saw them at wembley arena in London last year, such a good show. I'll find some footage someone else filmed and post it below:

These 4 songs were amazing in the Live environment, especially the closer, The Bleeding. Goosebumps all the way through.

Edit: Yes, for anyone wondering, Ivan does change his shirt between songs, as do some of the other members.
FFDP is good, but to be fair, their last album was fucking terrible. Jekyll And Hide + Question Everything are good, the rest are mediocre at best.

Their guitarist and is Hungarian btw, suckaaaas.
FFDP is good, but to be fair, their last album was fucking terrible. Jekyll And Hide + Question Everything are good, the rest are mediocre at best.

Their guitarist and is Hungarian btw, suckaaaas.
What's their best album? I just listened to Got Your Six and thought it was decent. I'm ready to be blown away by their older stuff.
@krofius: Hah, I'd forgotten you'd mentioned that song already! Funny how it was such an obvious dead-ringer for "Here Until Forever".

lmao, I haven't checked the Siren Charms reviews at Metal Archives. I'm not at all surprised that it received a few 0s, though. After all, this is the same site that dubbed STYE a "Swedish St. Anger" which is hyperbolic as fuck. I think the only thing myself and that site can agree on is that Sacrilege is fucking amazing.

Personally I just see Siren Charms as an experimental release that doesn't really want to go for heaviness or aggression. The whole stretch from "Paralyzed" through "Siren Charms" is pretty soft, but those are some of my favorite IF songs ever. I think that's totally fine. Bands can do that. Of course it's up to the individual listener as to whether that experimentation is shit or not. It's still one of my favorite IF albums, but it's so hard to compare it to the rest of their discography because it's so different, which I think was the intention. I sort of see DT's Construct as a similar kind of outlier.

(Although I preferred Siren Charms to Construct. =P)

I remember watching this Q&A with Anders and Bjorn some time ago in which they took a question that was something like "why is the riffing on Siren Charms so simple?" Bjorn's response was that it wasn't necessarily simple or dumbed down; it was just different compared to their usual. And I can see what he's saying. Sometimes, in the composition of a song, energetic or complex riffs just don't fit as well as you'd want. I've been there in my own songwriting, and I've started to ascribe to the theory that less is sometimes more.

Like, the guitarwork in "Paralyzed" isn't very complex, and I'm sure it's been used as an example of SC's shit riffing. But even that basic harmony creates this somber mood that accompanies Anders' cleans perfectly (and contributes toward the overall theme of the song). I love how it starts as such a brain-dead simple riff and then fractures into that harmony. Just that small little shift made me go "holy SHIT" when I first heard it, and I was surprised how much that made the song for me. I like subtle touches like that, and SC is pretty much made of them (like that faint synth in the last verse of "In Plain View", jfc).
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What's their best album? I just listened to Got Your Six and thought it was decent. I'm ready to be blown away by their older stuff.
Never listened to their previos record at all (a friend told me it was not good, + I saw it was a fucking double disc, so I said fuck it), and I think I only listened to their first one once (edit: nope, just the singles actually). But you know what? Since I'm rotting in here for almost 10 more hours, I'm gonna listen to those!

The Bleeding is an awesome song, it's on my playlist ever since I heard it, great song overall, that I know about the first record.

War Is The Answer is a very descent record with songs like Hard To See, No One Gets Left Behind and Bad Company.

Still, if you want to go through their discography, definitely listen to American Capitalist next, easily their best record. This is what I like to see, 11 songs ranging from decent to very good, no bullshit. It has my overall favorite FFDP song as well, Remember Everything, but really, every song is more than listenable.

Got Your Six is fucking shit, it's like Vikings season 3. It's starts out peaking your interest. Got Your Six (song) is as average as this record gets, but hey, it's an intro song and I guess it fits the requirements of such. Then Jakyll and Hide, yeah, air guitar timeeee, then Wash It All Away with that sexy ass riff, and... and nothing. There is one good song out of the last 11 one. And you realize FFDP just ran out of ideas.
It's a great example when people are bitching and moaning when a band changes style even if just for one record. Sure, The Truth is hella dividing, not even that, most of you hate it, but Got Your Six is a very sad example of what happens when a band desperately tries to force the same shit for the millionth time. It's when in the Vikings they siege Paris, and they lose!! And you have goosebumps, oh my god, who will die??? Bjorn?? Lokki?? Ragnar?? Rollo???

No one. No one fucking dies, everyone has plot armor. The exact oposite of Game of Thrones. You know, in season 2 when Rollo, Lokki or Bjorn survived by the skin of their teeth, you are like HELL YEAH, THAT WAS CLOSE!! But by season 3 it grows really old. So old you start to detest these characters. That's Got Your Six in a nutshell.
Okay, so a quick review of FFDP's The Way of The Fist

1. Ashes - lol, the fuck is this shit, I quit after 2 mins.
2. The Way of The Fist - sounds like a Slipknot song. A good song, I really dig the mixture of the aforementioned Slipknot style with that extremely peaceful and chilling riff. Fuck, maybe I've been missing out not listening to this record fully.
3. Salvation - See, a song like this on their very first record is fine. Has some nice ideas, but overall it's just an average song. Now imagine this almost 10 years later with less creativity. Once again, Got YOur Six in a nutshell. Anyway, this song is not recommended, but not awful.
4. The Bleeding - 10/10, classic.
5. A Place To Die - Decent. Verses are terrible, but good riff and catchy chorus. Chorus has a very mainstream metal vibe to it, strange! Shows the juvenility of this record, bunch of things on this record which you can't hear again in later FFDP songs.
6. The Devil's Own - To the singer: I would hate what my life become if I were making songs like this, wow. Terrible song with terrible lyrics. Yes, as bad as some of the worst from Battles. Cringe.
7. White Knuckles - First two words of the song is "fuck you". :D I don't like it, but it has some interesting ideas, and I appreciate the effort. Just not my jam.
8. Can't Heal You - Ugh, so-so. It's definitely not shit, I'd need time to see if it grows on me or not.
9. Death Before Dishonor - This is most definitely a song.
10. Meet The Monster - That fucking riff carries this song, despite everything else (except the drums, those are decent too) being just average.
11. Never Enough - It's the classic FFDP formula I was introduced to on War Is The Answer. I'm already sick and tired of this song for I have listened to this a lot, but hey, when it's fresh it's preeeeetty good.
12. Stranger Than Fiction - Last 20 seconds changed my mind.

Verdict: If you have time, check this record out. If not, then I have 20 records right off the bat you should listen to before this one. For example, American Capitalist, heh!
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The Wrong Side Of Heaven Vol 1

1. Lift Me Up - FUCK ME, this is a very good song!! And yes, I realize that the chorus is a shameless copy of This Is War from 30 Seconds To Mars. :D :D
2. Watch You Bleed - Average. Decent, but average. I like the poppy effect at the beginning of every chorus.
3. You - Is this a tribute album? So many Drowning Pool copies in this song hahaha. As I said, I don't mind stealing, but you better make it good like in Lift Me Up. By the way, @galvanized , if you want to listen to some good music, check out Drowning Pool's Full Circle. You are welcome, bud!
4. Wrong Side Of Heaven - ah, this is the song I tried to listen to on youtube like 4 times, but it has like a 7 minutes long video so every time I said fuck it after 10 seconds. Do I regret it now?! No. First two minutes are strangely calming, but what the fuck happened to the rest of the song? It had potential. :(
5. Burn MF - This gimmick grew old after 1 minutes. Holy shit, I guess the signs were on the wall that they are going to make a godawful record like Got Your Six eventually.
6. I.M. Sin - Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... I let this one slide!
7. Anywhere But Here - Hey guys, I just checked out Maria Brink! Huge tits, would bone, 7/10! Oh, the song? Now, listen to me. I don't know how good or bad of a singer this Maria is, but for Christ's sake, if you invite her to sing on your fucking song, then please, let her sing?????? All she did was some fading back vocals at the end. Like, FFDP's singer is as interesting as a brick of rock, he literally does the same shit on every single record, so god fucking dammit, if you feature a guest singer, give them room. Song could have been decent if the girls gets at least one chorus, but no, I guess we can't have that. Fuck off!!
8. Dot Your Eyes - I quit after 1:30. I think it could be used for a drinking game. The longer you can bear to listen to this godawful piece of D-side filler shit demo ass motherfucker of a song, the less you have to drink. Or the more; I mean, you really need the booze after this one.
9. M.I.N.E. (End This Way) - First of all, stop with these fucking song titles! Second of all, this was a nice song, until they fucked up the second part. Seriously, why? I mean, for two minutes we had a by the book slow song, which was very much listenable, and then they went and fucked it up. Yes, I rather listen to mindles Siren Charm and Battles verse-chorus-verse-chorus-SOLO TIME-chorus-chorus if it is good, then to have the second song ruined in this record because FFDP wanted to be edgy. If you want a good example of a song that changes halfway through and doesn't end up sounding fucking boring and shitty, then listen to The Chain from Fleetwood Mac. This record is seriously pissing me off. Got Your Six was a fucking garbage of a record, okay, nothing to be mad about, but this one could have been pretty okay if not for the many shit they pulled so far.
10. Mama Said Knock You Out - Yes, In My Room is the bad song title. Yes. Not this one. Definitely not this one. I'm sorry, someone just started rapping. What is happening? What is that riff? Where did this song come from? The thing about FFDP is that they have 2 songs which they redo 10-14 times on each record. A very angry one and a very melodic one. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but if it was up to these guys, humanity still had not invented the wheel. So, I have to say, hearing that they actually did something new is... a big thumbs up in my book. A song worth checking out for sure.
11. Diary Of A Deadman - 2 minutes gone and nothing happened. Let me skip forward a bit. Ah I see, this supposed to be kind of an instrumental song. They fucking stole their own music by the way, around 3:30~ it was the same shit they played in one of their other songs. I'm sad.
12.I.M. Sin (take 2): Ooooooohhh, I see! I see now. They have two good songs on this record, so this them trying to ruin one of them. I am sorry, but this song is decent, even with Max Cavalera trying his best to fuck it up.
13. Anywhere But Here (take 2): LOOK. LOOK. THEY DID IT! THEY FUCKING DID IT! THEY LET THE GUEST SINGER ACTUALLY SING!! THESE GUYS MIGHT ACTUALLY BE CAPABLE OF INVENTING THE WHEEL! The more you know, right? I have no idea why isn't this the original song, but I have so many questions about this record already, that I'm hardly phased anymore.
14. Dot Your Eyes (take 2): Let's see if Jamey Jasta (whoever he is) can make this song listenable. 0:47 - still shit. 1:00 - still shit. 1:10 - still shit. Okay, my record has gone down to 1:24, this Jamey Jasta is fucking terrible. I googled him up, and he looks exactly like he sounds: shit. I see he copied the Limp Bizkit logo idea on his own record, so I really have nothing else to say. If you have to copy from Limp Bizkit (as much as I actually like them), you are a terrible person.

Okay, so @galvanized , this is the record you heard from FFDP so far, right? Man, I envy you. Starting out with this garbage will make you cream your pants after hearing War Is The Answer and American Capitalist.
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The Wrong Side Of Heaven Vol 2

1. Here To Die - the song's title describes my exact thoughts upon starting to review this record as well. Nice, trashy drums, typical FFDP formula in action. Anyway, it's good. I can already sense that the rest of this record is gonna be even worse than the last one.
2. Weight Beneath My Skin - These guys are trolling me. This is a very good song!! It's better than anything from Battles, maybe goes toe-to-toe with In My Room. I... I don't get it.
3. Wrecking Ball - New drinking game: take a shot every time an FFDP lyric contains the word "everyone". The song is average.
4. Battle Born - Oh, shit guys, did you know that American soldiers are dying for people higher up waging war for money? Unreal! But in case you did not know, pick up any FFDP or Rise Against records, and you will be remembered every third song. Like, I understand that a 40 year old singing about heartbreak can be off-putting to some, but the fuck do I care people dying on the battlefield? Americans are always whining, even making not one but numerous records with songs all dedicated to the war, while completely ignoring that the rest of the world has and had it much worse. But hey, poor dog was crying on that soldier's funeral, MURICA. Even our news feed was full of with this presidential election shit - WHO CARES?!! Self-entitlement at its best. Oh, almost forgot: average song.
5. Cradle to the Grave: I'm sad that the solo was beyond terrible, but overall a good song.
6. Matter of Time: Good. Could've used one more chorus, though.
7. The Agony of Regret: filler
8. Cold - Cold from Static-X is a good song. This is a good song as well. Now kiss!!
9. Let This Go - I love how they copy their own songs! It's like the opposite of their Vol 1. This song is shit for 2 minutes and gets good after that. These guys are definitely trolling.
10. My Heart Lied - I really like how many drum settings are on this record. Pretty cool. Very boring song, only the drums saves it.
11. A Day in My Life: This is a song, yes.
12. House of the Rising Sun: Nice, at least they pay royalty for some of the stuff they steal. Behind Blue Eyes (Limp Bizkit), Shout (Disturbed), The Sound of Silence (Distubed), Sweet Dreams (Marilyn Manson), Ravenlord (Hammerfall), Temptation (Cradle of Filth), Hurt (Johnny Cash), Dead Souls (Nine Inch Nails). I listed some good covers for you guys to listen, because this one was terrible.

Hey, this album was not half bad! The best from this one and the best from Vol 1 combined would actually make the second best FFDP record to date, but since they released them separately for the $$$ (to support the troops, of course), we got stuck with an average and a good record, instead of a very good one!

1. American Capitalist
2. War is The Answer
3. The Wrong Side of Heaven Vol 2
4. The Way of the Fist
5. The Wrong Side of Heaven Vol 3
6-98: [spots reserved]
99: Got Your Six

Yes, if you want heavy music, listen to Got Your Six. If you want good music, listen to In Flames. I don't take it lightly when I say that I rather listen to Lunar Strain than anything other than those previously mentioned 3 songs from Got Your 6. Cheers!
The Wrong Side Of Heaven Vol 1

10. Mama Said Knock You Out - Yes, In My Room is the bad song title. Yes. Not this one. Definitely not this one. I'm sorry, someone just started rapping. What is happening? What is that riff? Where did this song come from? The thing about FFDP is that they have 2 songs which they redo 10-14 times on each record. A very angry one and a very melodic one. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but if it was up to these guys, humanity still had not invented the wheel. So, I have to say, hearing that they actually did something new is... a big thumbs up in my book. A song worth checking out for sure.

I believe this is not a FFDP song, its a cover from a rap artist.

Anyway, I pretty much know FFDP since their first album. They have awesome songs I admit but after a while you just realised that last 3 albums sounds just same. If you're being mad at Battles album because of song structure, this not a band that you would listen for long term.

My favorite album is American Capitalist, pretty much every song is good. After that album they found a song pattern and doing most of their songs on the same structure. I will recommend songs here you can check them out, pretty good songs.

American Capitalist (whole album is good)
Death Before Dishonour
The Bleeding
Never Enough
Dying Breed
Cradle to the Grave
I believe this is not a FFDP song, its a cover from a rap artist.

Anyway, I pretty much know FFDP since their first album. They have awesome songs I admit but after a while you just realised that last 3 albums sounds just same. If you're being mad at Battles album because of song structure, this not a band that you would listen for long term.

My favorite album is American Capitalist, pretty much every song is good. After that album they found a song pattern and doing most of their songs on the same structure. I will recommend songs here you can check them out, pretty good songs.

American Capitalist (whole album is good)
Death Before Dishonour
The Bleeding
Never Enough
Dying Breed
Cradle to the Grave
Appreciate it, but it was galvanized who asked, I know FFDP since high-school. :D

Totally agree with you, FFDP is the anti RIse Against. Rise Against does the same shit every time too, but it works. They make it work. You know that fucking breakdown is coming after the second chorus, you know Tim will start to sing slowly, with barely any instrumental assistance, just some mild guitars in the background, you try to resist, and then you fail, and then you accidentally listen through the whole Rise Against discography. Again.

For all the shit In Flames gets, and always got for nearly 15 years now, FFDP is the flagship of mediocrity. Sure, they don't do The Truth, they only do "I heard this song before 10 times already, I don't know why am I still buying their-- DID HE JUST SING ABOUT SOMETHING VERY AMERICAN? FUCK YEAH, IM BUYING THIS SHIT, THIS IS AWESOME, AMERICA LET'S GO!!!


edit: The best song's chorus on TWSOH Vol 1 is literally a copy and paste of a very famous song, straight out plagiarism. 500.000+ people bought that record. In Flames reuses a sequence of their previous riff, and people go crazy.

edit 2: sure, others being lazy motherfuckers does not mean it's okay to be a lazy motherfucker, I get that.
FFDP have and will never release albums anywhere near the quality of In Flames early records. That's why more is/was expected from In Flames, and rightly so.
Okay thanks guys and especially Slave for those detailed song by song breakdowns. I've listened to Got Your Six, I chose War is the Answer for my next album. This will keep me busy while I let SC digest (yes I listened several times for the first time since album dropped).
Are the writing credits on the Wikipedia Battles article accurate?

Christ, I refuse to believe that the singer of Sixx AM helped write "Drained". Literally the darkest timeline.

Don't do this to me, In Flames, lmao
Are the writing credits on the Wikipedia Battles article accurate?

Christ, I refuse to believe that the singer of Sixx AM helped write "Drained". Literally the darkest timeline.

Don't do this to me, In Flames, lmao
LOL. I knew there was a reason why the good Lord called me to listen to FFDP. (Still honestly enjoying Got Your Six by the way). Turned out it wasn't God but some sleazy Nicky Sixx weirdo subliminally whispering it in my ears during the bridge of Drained.