IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016






Sorry, my mistaque. I meant for his children. It was a confussion since, in Spanish, children and sons are the same word:
YOu sound like a religious apologist. He made a song for his son. So what? Does it make the son better? I don't think so. Does it leave the song out of criticism or even mockery? Why? Because he made it for his son? Think about that.

No, I'm not. I'm laughing about some stupid lyrics. not the content or the meaning. The lyrics.

You were upset about it. Why? I don't get it.
Okay, let's rephrase it: you should give more leeway to Here Until Forever given the song's context. Well, lyrically at least.

I am upset, because people get upset. Unjust things tends to stir up everyone. And if I mentioned Unjust....

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Okay, let's rephrase it: you should give more leeway to Here Until Forever given the song's context. Well, lyrically at least.

I am upset, because people get upset. Unjust things tends to stir up everyone. And if I mentioned Unjust....

But that's the point. You should not be upset. If I'm wrong, what better answer than to laugh at me?

And no, I don't really care about context. That's something between Anders and his family. He made that song, he made it public, so the song can be object of praise, but can also be object of mockery. Not because he made it for his son, but because of the words... No, let me say this again, because of the chosen words. I'm pretty sre that's what he feels about his son but it sounds (the words, not the feeling) ridiculous (to me at least) and not very inspiring.

Lovely song. Is it original (for the soundtrack, I mean)?
Why even interact in any board then? Why do we even have a reply button?

As for the words: how old is his son? I believe he broke up with his ex around R2Rm which is 2002, so the mother of his children came later. His daughter is also older, so I'd put him around 10. Now, don't know about you, but I speak quite differently with 10 year olds than with 80 year olds like yourself. The words might sound very simplistic and straight to the point, cheesy, but it is for a kid. That's why I asked you how you talk with your daughter, because the answer is: like a child.

It's not even that they would not understand complex words, it's more that it is unnecessary to complicate things. You know what, it's a great opportunity to actually talk about the lyrics!

I can't wait to hear your voice again - He misses his son. I hope everyone knows what touring and being away from family means.
I am far from lonely but without you I'm a mess - He has a healthy life, yet his son is essential for him. I you get what I (or he) means, because I did not want to try to make a propr explanation because it's hard even in my native tongue. Like, he has a good life, but his son is above it all.
I close my eyes and drift away
And I'm wondering what you're doing now
- He thinks about his son a lot.

When I look at you I see me - "like father like son"
We will always be part of history - okay, this is a weak line imo, but maybe he means that they can not be seperated? blood bond? [or alternatively, it connects with the topic of death being mentioned later on]
When I look at you I see me
Forever I will always be
- He will remain by the side of his son; his son can count on him. [again, rereading it, it both means he is supporting him now and possibly referencing death once again - that it will not be the end]

Mind and soul we are the same - "like father like son" i mean yeah, you can say this motif is repetitive, but to be honest, part of the selfish reason I might want a kid is because I'm just fucking curious what little me looks like. And I always assumed parents are really proud when they see a little bit of themselves reflect from their children, and I mainly mean behaviour, because of course they got the looks.
A hand on your heart, you know I am there - how can you fucking hate on this line? He is in his son's heart. If his son feels lonely, just touch his heart, he is there with him. Come on guys. That's really nice. Cheesy, yes, but nice too.
You are my lighthouse in the dark - He - like every fucking people on this Earth, before you guys start with emo Anders again - has shitty periods in time, but his son gives him motivation to persevere. Again, isn't this fucking true? Don't tell me you never saw parents being driven by the well-being of their child. Also, "lighthouse in the dark" - it's not Shakespeare, but don't tell me it's a shitty lyric. It's okay. Just that, okay.
I can see you from a thousand miles - It's about Facebook messenger. :D Nah, he means that it doesn't matter how far he strays into his work, problems, whatever; he does not lose sight of his son. Basically: "nothing can be more important than you". Again, where is the problem?

I hope you feel that nothing dies
I am alive in all you touch
I'm not sure if I get these lines. Is he saying that his (Anders') death will not be the end of his (Anders') caring? Basically establishing that their father-son bond is stronger than death and he should not fear the day his father passes away.

Yes, the song itself drags out way too long, just like Come Clarity, so the two children can't argue whose song should have been a minute shorter, because the answer is both. Aside from that, what is wrong with these lyrics again? And I mean, what is SO wrong that it needs to be ridiculed and showcased as the epitome of pathetic lyrics? A father tells his son that he loves him, he means the world to him and that nothing can separate them. That's it, a story as old as mankind.
Why even interact in any board then? Why do we even have a reply button?
What are you talking about?

As for the words: how old is his son? I believe he broke up with his ex around R2Rm which is 2002, so the mother of his children came later. His daughter is also older, so I'd put him around 10. Now, don't know about you, but I speak quite differently with 10 year olds than with 80 year olds like yourself. The words might sound very simplistic and straight to the point, cheesy, but it is for a kid. That's why I asked you how you talk with your daughter, because the answer is: like a child.
He is 8 or nine. His daughter was 3 when he made CC. Children around 8 know how to talk to an adult and understand many words.
A hand on your heart, you know I am there - how can you fucking hate on this line? He is in his son's heart. If his son feels lonely, just touch his heart, he is there with him. Come on guys. That's really nice. Cheesy, yes, but nice too.
You are my lighthouse in the dark - He - like every fucking people on this Earth, before you guys start with emo Anders again - has shitty periods in time, but his son gives him motivation to persevere. Again, isn't this fucking true? Don't tell me you never saw parents being driven by the well-being of their child. Also, "lighthouse in the dark" - it's not Shakespeare, but don't tell me it's a shitty lyric. It's okay. Just that, okay.
SO the son doesn't understand complex concepts but he is all into metaphors? Lame :D
Yes, the song itself drags out way too long, just like Come Clarity, so the two children can't argue whose song should have been a minute shorter, because the answer is both. Aside from that, what is wrong with these lyrics again? And I mean, what is SO wrong that it needs to be ridiculed and showcased as the epitome of pathetic lyrics? A father tells his son that he loves him, he means the world to him and that nothing can separate them. That's it, a story as old as mankind.
You're talking aout the meaning. I'm talking about the words. Two different things. You think it's beautiful. I... don't think so.
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Well, the meaning, yes. Not my jam, bu it is a beautiful thing nonetheless. And I don't see why these words are terrible. Why is you are my lighthouse in the dark is so bad you have to make fun of it? "my light in the dark" is a pretty common expression, he just upgraded it a little. I don't see what is so bad in it. Also, a lighthouse's purpose is to guide, so I say it's quite neat. Not literature nobel-prize winning good, but no one said that.
That's why I asked you how you talk with your daughter, because the answer is: like a child.
Sorry I skipped this part. Well, you know, it's a little embarrasing but... the problem is... that... no. I talk to her in an adult way. And my wife is always reminding me that she's a child. But I don't think that it's good for her that I put myself to her level. I don't like adults talking to children as if they're retarded little humans.
Well, the meaning, yes. Not my jam, bu it is a beautiful thing nonetheless. And I don't see why these words are terrible. Why is you are my lighthouse in the dark is so bad you have to make fun of it? "my light in the dark" is a pretty common expression, he just upgraded it a little. I don't see what is so bad in it. Also, a lighthouse's purpose is to guide, so I say it's quite neat. Not literature nobel-prize winning good, but no one said that.
Something that an 8 years old child will, according to you, understand... :p

Light in the dark, or lighthouse in the dark... that's so stupid that I don't have words. Anyway. What dark? Is Anders life so pathetic? I don't think so. You don't think so. No one thinks so. He is not living in the dark. Oh, I'm pretty sure that he has some hard times. But, come on! Lets try being a little original here.
Something that an 8 years old child will, according to you, understand... :p

Light in the dark, or lighthouse in the dark... that's so stupid that I don't have words. Anyway. What dark? Is Anders life so pathetic? I don't think so. You don't think so. No one thinks so. He is not living in the dark. Oh, I'm pretty sure that he has some hard times. But, come on! Lets try being a little original here.
Dark doesn't necessarily means some depressing shit. It can mean being lost, having no idea what to do, where to go. You can interpret it as his son giving him (A SENSE OF) purpose.
Sorry I skipped this part. Well, you know, it's a little embarrasing but... the problem is... that... no. I talk to her in an adult way. And my wife is always reminding me that she's a child. But I don't think that it's good for her that I put myself to her level. I don't like adults talking to children as if they're retarded little humans.
But they ARE retarded little humans, and not just pre-teens. If I think back being 14-19, I can definitely say that we were goddamn idiots. I agree that straight talk with children is the way to go, however, you can't expect everything to stick. For example, you can explain to them 100 different, adult ways that touching the hot stove will burn their hands, but you know what? There is a very good chance they will still touch it.

Hate to be a party pooper, but no amount of "drink responsibly" and "NEVER touch a cigarette!!!" talk will prevent your child or children to eventually arrive home shitfaced at least once, or not to take a puff. To be fair, I liked my father approach in this. All he said that I should pick 1 color of drinks (preferably non-colored) and stick to drinking that at a party. Now, of course, I drank all kinds of shit because we were 15, cool, and if some drink was called "brainmelt" than you just had to try it, right? Sounds logical. Anyway, when I inevitably vomited through the night, he just sat down in my room in the midst of my agony, laughed, and just said that he told me so. Well, no shit dad. My point is, that it wasn't any worse than my mother's "OH MY GOD HE IS SICK, MAYBE WE SHOULD CALL THE DOCTOR, OH SON WHY DID YOU DRINK SO MUCH". :D

But, all of this had no on-topic merits, because Here Until Forever is a song where Anders tells his son that he loves him beyond all, and alive or dead, he will always remain his loving that. I don't think there is a much more adult version to that. I love you is I love you at every age.
Dark doesn't necessarily means some depressing shit. It can mean being lost, having no idea what to do, where to go. You can interpret it as his son giving him (A SENSE OF) purpose.
I'm talking about the use of a metaphor. And I don't think that Anders has that feeling that you describe frequently. He just used some words that sounded cool, that's all. I cannot imagine him going like "fuck, another night i gotta go to the stage and do my thing. I don't want to but... I'LL DO IT FOR YOU MY CHILDREN. I MISS YOU SO MUCH".
But they ARE retarded little humans, and not just pre-teens. If I think back being 14-19, I can definitely say that we were goddamn idiots. I agree that straight talk with children is the way to go, however, you can't expect everything to stick. For example, you can explain to them 100 different, adult ways that touching the hot stove will burn their hands, but you know what? There is a very good chance they will still touch it.
The fact that we (they) are doesn't mean that I should treat them like that. It's a matter, for me, of respect.
Hate to be a party pooper, but no amount of "drink responsibly" and "NEVER touch a cigarette!!!" talk will prevent your child or children to eventually arrive home shitfaced at least once, or not to take a puff. To be fair, I liked my father approach in this. All he said that I should pick 1 color of drinks (preferably non-colored) and stick to drinking that at a party. Now, of course, I drank all kinds of shit because we were 15, cool, and if some drink was called "brainmelt" than you just had to try it, right? Sounds logical. Anyway, when I inevitably vomited through the night, he just sat down in my room in the midst of my agony, laughed, and just said that he told me so. Well, no shit dad. My point is, that it wasn't any worse than my mother's "OH MY GOD HE IS SICK, MAYBE WE SHOULD CALL THE DOCTOR, OH SON WHY DID YOU DRINK SO MUCH".
I never thought of them like that. I know that they're going to do some crazy shit. And I won't stop them, as long as there's reasonable shit, because it's a part of their learning as human beings.
But, all of this had no on-topic merits, because Here Until Forever is a song where Anders tells his son that he loves him beyond all, and alive or dead, he will always remain his loving that. I don't think there is a much more adult version to that. I love you is I love you at every age.
THere's an adult version of that, just by chosing other words. Even my wife, the mature one on the house, the loving one on the house, found those lyrics fucking ridiculous. Because they are, or, at least, to some of us.

But, it's good. When Anders spent a long time at home, and conflict starts, it will always atart, and he has to raise his voice or be angry with his child, this always happens, sooner or later, then the child can come and tell him "But dad, I'm your lighthouse in the dark". I can imagine the secene. Anders starts crying. The child approaches him, first slowly, then determined. He embraces his father neck while saying "it's ok dad. Veverything's ok. Your home now". Then he calls his mum and older sister. "Dad, Sis, come here. Father is in need of us. He's having one of those times". Then the mother gently apporaches, his mouth near his son's ear and whispers "did you do it again? Don't be avusibe. Your father is an innocent soul". The family are united in one big embrace under the evening light that falls from the western window. They've finally become one. Fade to black. End of the story.
My mother said many times that she loved me and I still got slapped whenever I did some stupid shit, but I did not have a crisis about it, like "MOM, YOU SAID YOU LOVEE MEEEE!".

And I think here is the core problem of yours. You expected something grand, something more refined, something like the pyramids in Egypt; marvelous, mystical, breathtaking. And in reality, it is a middle aged man telling his son that he means a lot to him. Yes, he is still fed up, when Edwin (name of the son) puts up a tantrum for not wanting to go to sleep early. He is still fed up when Edwin keeps pulling his big sister's hair. He is still fed up when Edwin says his favorite In Flames record is Lunar Strain. But he loves him nonetheless.

Anders is a boring guy like that, and I can't remember any interview where he said otherwise. You are creating problems, where are none. "You're not my friend and I despise you/You are my pain and I adore you" - you see, that is what garbage lyrics look like.
Anders is a boring guy like that, and I can't remember any interview where he said otherwise. You are creating problems, where are none. "You're not my friend and I despise you/You are my pain and I adore you" - you see, that is what garbage lyrics look like.
"You're my lighthouse in the dark":D
nd I think here is the core problem of yours. You expected something grand, something more refined, something like the pyramids in Egypt; marvelous, mystical, breathtaking. And in reality, it is a middle aged man telling his son that he means a lot to him.
In a lame way. I don't think the boy will be ever able to forget this :p
Anders is a boring guy like that, and I can't remember any interview where he said otherwise.
Well, I read some funny interviews with him. He has a strange sense of humour, at least in the interviews. I must saym a humor that's similar to mine in some ways.
For one, Anders always came across to me as a decent person. Yes, there is only so much you can assume about someone based on hearing them in interviews here and there but he never seemed to be an asshole to me. He's like an introverted average joe.

That's why it's so funny that Jesper has been giving him shit for years now on social media while Anders never took up the gauntlets. You see, I respect that. I have no illusion that Anders is a saint, we will never know exactly how it all went down with him, Jesper and the band, but he never trashed Jesper. Anders can't sing, Anders buried himself in the booth, Anders this, Anders that, yet not a single story was surfaced about Jesper and his shenanigans from Anders. Funnily enough, he got all the hate, because whenver Jesper posted a "fuck anders fridén, am i right? XDDDDD"-quality post, people jumped on his dick, trashing Anders. That's a looooooot of hate towards someone people don't know jackshit about.

Goes to show how blind is the hatred against Anders. A pity, as I really wanted to see some collaboration, you know, performing with them for a couple of songs in a Swedish show or something. Hell, if these manchilds could take away their dire hatred of each other, they could make new In Flames together.

I am pretty sure that if Jesper got his shit together, he would have been more than welcome to rejoin the band after SOAPF. Niclas got writing credits on Battles first, right? And not just that, they are all friends, so if Jesper were to return, I don't think Niclas would have had any problems with it.

I think playing In Flames could help him, actually. It's clear as day it's his love, he wouldn't piss on Anders at every opportunity he gets. Just go on stage, play Take This Life again, watch the crowd go wild, I don't know. Either way, he needs to make peace with the whole situation somehow.
For one, Anders always came across to me as a decent person. Yes, there is only so much you can assume about someone based on hearing them in interviews here and there but he never seemed to be an asshole to me. He's like an introverted average joe.
Are you saying that I'm not decent?:D

Well, I read at least an interview that made the journalist upset because he couldn't understand his jokes.
That's why it's so funny that Jesper has been giving him shit for years now on social media while Anders never took up the gauntlets. You see, I respect that. I have no illusion that Anders is a saint, we will never know exactly how it all went down with him, Jesper and the band, but he never trashed Jesper.
J'espère talked about him like 2times or so? That's not trashing for years.
Goes to show how blind is the hatred against Anders.
As I said before, you only care about Anders and don't give a fuck about us talking shit about the rest of the band. Si maybe what's blind is the love for Anders . Ah, and people has a reason, and that's that



I am pretty sure that if Jesper got his shit together, he would have been more than welcome to rejoin the band after SOAPF. Niclas got writing credits on Battles first, right? And not just that, they are all friends, so if Jesper were to return, I don't think Niclas would have had any problems with it.
Who knows. We don't even know if he wants to go back.
I think playing In Flames could help him, actually. It's clear as day it's his love, he wouldn't piss on Anders at every opportunity he gets. Just go on stage, play Take This Life again, watch the crowd go wild, I don't know. Either way, he needs to make peace with the whole situation somehow.
Except that he is not doing this. Unless you're not counting Björn as part of the band. Once again, you people only care about Anders. I can go to Björn, punch him in the face, shit on his car and you would be like "why are you doing this to Anders?":D
It's hilarious how Slave has convinced himself Jesper is desperate to go back to IF :D yeah I'm sure he'd be delighted to go back to the touring schedule that drove him to addiction, and with the added bonus of getting to hear Anders "sing" every night again. I bet he's praying every night that Anders and Bjorn kick Niclas out and ask him to return :rofl:
It's funny how Jesper has talked shit about Anders, how many times? Once? And then, he, yes, you, slave, mistakes bashing the band, thing that he did like three times, with bashing Anders. Maybe it's a sign of the current state of the band. Should they change their name to Anders Friden's In Flames?
Slave calling out Jesper on childish/embarrassing remarks really is the pot calling the kettle black. At least Jesper has the sense to see when he's written something immature and remove it.
Once? Are you nuts? How many times have we discussed his facebook shenanigans here? Many times.

" yeah I'm sure he'd be delighted to go back to the touring schedule that drove him to addiction" - I know you are happy he liked your comments on Facebook and I'm proud of you too, but why would you ever become an apologist for someone's alcoholism? You sound like wives in an abusive relationship saying "yeah he hits me, but ya know, it's the stress so I understand!".

And yes, if he were capable of getting his shit together, then why wouldn't he return? He would not have been kicked to begin with.
In other news after being lost in wikipedia I found Edge of Sanity, getting their discography now. Already listened to a few of their songs on youtube and it's quite good!

Listening to Sacrifice right now for the first time, and even New Flames could do music like this.
" yeah I'm sure he'd be delighted to go back to the touring schedule that drove him to addiction" - I know you are happy he liked your comments on Facebook and I'm proud of you too, but why would you ever become an apologist for someone's alcoholism? You sound like wives in an abusive relationship saying "yeah he hits me, but ya know, it's the stress so I understand!".

And yes, if he were capable of getting his shit together, then why wouldn't he return? He would not have been kicked to begin with.

It's no coincidence that so many people who relentlessly tour - musicians, athletes, wrestlers, whoever - end up with addictions to either drugs or alcohol. It's a lifestyle that seriously lends itself to addiction.

Now it's possible Jesper has this type of personality anyway, but In Flames' touring schedule would have made it 1000x worse. It's nothing to do with making apologies or whatever nonsense you've concocted this time in your adolescent brain, it's just a fact. He's better off away from that type of lifestyle and seems in a much better place now than when he was in IF. I know you're secretly pining for him to come back and aren't about to let common sense ruin that fantasy, but don't get your hopes up. If Jesper's smart he stays well away from In Flames - firstly for his own sake, and secondly because it's a band in a downward spiral who have no correlation to the music project he founded back in 1994. Hell, the current line up and musical direction barely has a correlation to SOAPF, and that was only six fucking years ago.