Why even interact in any board then? Why do we even have a reply button?
As for the words: how old is his son? I believe he broke up with his ex around R2Rm which is 2002, so the mother of his children came later. His daughter is also older, so I'd put him around 10. Now, don't know about you, but I speak quite differently with 10 year olds than with 80 year olds like yourself. The words might sound very simplistic and straight to the point, cheesy, but it is for a kid. That's why I asked you how you talk with your daughter, because the answer is: like a child.
It's not even that they would not understand complex words, it's more that it is unnecessary to complicate things. You know what, it's a great opportunity to actually talk about the lyrics!
I can't wait to hear your voice again - He misses his son. I hope everyone knows what touring and being away from family means.
I am far from lonely but without you I'm a mess - He has a healthy life, yet his son is essential for him. I you get what I (or he) means, because I did not want to try to make a propr explanation because it's hard even in my native tongue. Like, he has a good life, but his son is above it all.
I close my eyes and drift away
And I'm wondering what you're doing now -
He thinks about his son a lot.
When I look at you I see me - "like father like son"
We will always be part of history - okay, this is a weak line imo, but maybe he means that they can not be seperated? blood bond? [or alternatively, it connects with the topic of death being mentioned later on]
When I look at you I see me
Forever I will always be - He will remain by the side of his son; his son can count on him. [again, rereading it, it both means he is supporting him now and possibly referencing death once again - that it will not be the end]
Mind and soul we are the same - "like father like son" i mean yeah, you can say this motif is repetitive, but to be honest, part of the selfish reason I might want a kid is because I'm just fucking curious what little me looks like. And I always assumed parents are really proud when they see a little bit of themselves reflect from their children, and I mainly mean behaviour, because of course they got the looks.
A hand on your heart, you know I am there - how can you fucking hate on this line? He is in his son's heart. If his son feels lonely, just touch his heart, he is there with him. Come on guys. That's really nice. Cheesy, yes, but nice too.
You are my lighthouse in the dark - He - like every fucking people on this Earth, before you guys start with emo Anders again - has shitty periods in time, but his son gives him motivation to persevere. Again, isn't this fucking true? Don't tell me you never saw parents being driven by the well-being of their child. Also, "lighthouse in the dark" - it's not Shakespeare, but don't tell me it's a shitty lyric. It's okay. Just that, okay.
I can see you from a thousand miles - It's about Facebook messenger.

Nah, he means that it doesn't matter how far he strays into his work, problems, whatever; he does not lose sight of his son. Basically: "nothing can be more important than you". Again, where is the problem?
I hope you feel that nothing dies
I am alive in all you touch - I'm not sure if I get these lines. Is he saying that his (Anders') death will not be the end of his (Anders') caring? Basically establishing that their father-son bond is stronger than death and he should not fear the day his father passes away.
Yes, the song itself drags out way too long, just like Come Clarity, so the two children can't argue whose song should have been a minute shorter, because the answer is both. Aside from that, what is wrong with these lyrics again? And I mean, what is SO wrong that it needs to be ridiculed and showcased as the epitome of pathetic lyrics? A father tells his son that he loves him, he means the world to him and that nothing can separate them. That's it, a story as old as mankind.