IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

The music video was exactly what I thought, band didnt play on it. (Except for few seconds) I'm not really fan of music videos like that so it was so pointless for me. And I guess The Truth video will be same as The End. I hope they release a decent video for the third single.

From where?

I uploaded two bonus tracks for you, here's the link for it:!lwMnhLTC!TZOy-N6fnWEpkljlT9oT6hU0pQV2BDF5OGFL8abWJnA

Sorry couldnt find a good site for it.
yeah haha XD I like how they mentioned one song on the new album is longer, a bit epic and doesn't follow the verse/chorus structure. sounds good to me :D
The Truth ...

Hey Monsters in the Ballroom actually has a really good main riff that is let down by poor drumming. the intro teases fast paced drums but then when the riff kicks in for real it sets into the 'siren charms groove' as a call it, as IPV, paralyzed, WEWO, Rusted Nail, Dead Eyes and MITB all have similar style slow paced drumming during the main riff. #CouldHaveBeenReallyGood :'(
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Oh, I remember this place.

Last time I posted here was in the lead-up to SOAPF's release, I think. In retrospect, that album was pretty great, though I don't listen to it all that much these days. That's mostly because Siren Charms wound up, somehow, being tied with TJR as my favorite IF album. I don't even know what it is. I just fucking enjoy it from start to finish. Those two records - TJR and SC - are easily my most-played from IF these days.

But Battles is giving me conniptions because I don't know what to make of THIS BAND ANYMORE.

Here are my 100% illegal and wrong opinions of these two new songs.

"The End" is a fun, solid track. I'd say it's their strongest lead single since "Take This Life," and holy shit it's nice to have an IF song with good production. Anders's vocals are the highlight here. Barring ASOP and parts of SOAPF, I've always been cool with Anders's cleans, and I'd say this is him at his best. The verses have a nice R2R-style groove, and that pre-chorus ("I can't tell you what to do / this crossroad is your own...") is probably my favorite section. Love the bridge, too - Anders's cleans and Bjorn's lead make a neat combination and create a ton of cool atmosphere. Bjorn's solo has grown on me, too. Lately I've been thinking he's been growing a bit stale, but like, if the 14-year-old me had heard this solo, I would've gone nuts.

But just, holy shit, get that choir of kids out of there. Guys. What were you thinking. And that chorus is way too Bring Me The Horizon for my tastes. But yeah, this is a good one, albeit flawed.

"The Truth" seems to be roundly hated. Which of course means this one's more my speed. I like Experimental In Flames, although you can call it Sellout In Flames if that suits you. This'll come across as shitposting but I was actually surprised to hear the allegations of "pop song!" toward this. On first listen, this reminded me of DT's "Misery's Crown." I wish I was joking. And I actually like this song more than "Misery's Crown." Semi-upbeat metal track with clean verses, clean vocals with great melodic hooks, a (relatively) positive vibe, and great harmonized leads. The point being that it's not like this kind of song hasn't been done in the Gothenburg scene before, let alone metal, so seeing all these "WHOOOAAAARGH" reactions was kind of strange.

The main things I like here are the verses, especially the "I hear the sound of a plane/car" sections. Love that clean lead layered over Anders's vocals. That's some 80's shit right there, so naturally I'm a fan. The chorus has some cool guitar work, too. Listen to when Anders sings "We are the truth that hurts the most" - there's a great guitar lick there that almost makes the whole song for me. Yeah, the song is pretty poppy. But In Flames has always been poppy as far as metal goes. I can't be mad about it.

If they feature Adam Levine on this album, though, I will flip shit. Some lines you just do not cross.

My big problem with "The Truth" is that, yeah, I like it a lot, but there's an even better, 200% more hype version of this song called "Filtered Truth" that I could listen to just as easily. And, again, get those kids and that clapping out of there. You're 40-year-old dudes, In Flames. You're not fooling anyone.

Anyway, I'm keeping my hype for Battles in check. I've never really agreed that IF was actively chasing a "made-for-radio" sound, but it's so overt with these two songs that even I can't deny it now. We'll see.

EDIT: I am really curious to see if the new drummer can play even half of their back catalog. I'd have to see it to believe it. Or hear it, etc. You know what I mean.
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Siren Charms and TJR are your number one IF albums... I don't think I can take you seriously. I get that we all have opinions and stuff, but that doesn't make any sense at all. Sorry, but that's The Truth.
I mean, I'd be the last to say they sound similar in any way, barring that delicious, TJR-esque clean guitar tone in the verses of "With Eyes Wide Open". For all intents and purposes they could have been made by two different bands. In a sense, they were. I just happen to enjoy them equally, for different reasons.

I'd say the only similarity is that TJR and SC both evoke strong imagery for me. When I listen to them, I often imagine storylines that take place in various settings, loosely connected. Other IF albums have sort of done this, but not to that extent. I love albums that can stoke my imagination like that.

Also, because I forgot to mention it: I'm kind of baffled by the "The End" music video. I got a grin out of the band member cameos, but I don't know. I can't think of another music video consisting of the frontman killing people for three minutes straight. I would've preferred a performance video.
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You just can't fathom my impeccable taste. =D

I went to go see them in Boston nearly two years ago when they were touring with Opeth and Red Fang. Some guys ahead of me and my friends were like "I'm here to see Opeth, mostly. In Flames's setlist is...uh...yeah."

Awesome show, either way. Opeth was on point but hearing stuff from Siren Charms (and SOAPF, since I never saw them on that tour) in a live setting was, for me, fantastic. They played The Chosen Pessimist, as well - the crowd went nuts when those opening notes started. I totally get what Niclas means when he says it's his favorite to perform live.

Although they need to hurry up and retire "Delight and Angers" and replace it with, I don't know, "Biosphere" or something.
Of course TCP is his favourite, it takes the least effort :D the band are renowned for being lazy so I'm not surprised they like to play TCP. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't eat 8+ minutes of time, effectively taking the place of two songs rather than just one.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, STYE is the album that, for me, benefits most from a live setting. SOAPF doesn't really benefit due to Anders being unable to pull off the clean vocals live. Songs like Fear is the Weakness and Where the Dead Ships Dwell lose their epic choruses as Anders awkwardly half-sings half-yells his way through the clean parts. SC just sucks, live or on disc. Fuck that record.

I've always found Opeth insanely boring live. And on disc, actually. Never understood their appeal, probably never will.
Yeah, I'm not too big on Opeth. I like a handful of their songs - "Windowpane" is my favorite - and I get the appeal, but they've never really clicked for me.

I usually go into an In Flames show knowing that Anders can't pull off studio vocals live, so I'm willing to let that slide as long as he puts on a good frontman act. And for me, he does. Probably because I've always liked the guy despite his faults, and I like their music enough that just being there in person is all I need to have fun. But even then, I'm not big on most of his cleans on SOAPF, so for me, not much was lost in translation from record to live. It's that harsh yelling-singing that's most evident on songs like Deliver Us. I never thought that sounded good at all, like he was trying to emulate Layne Staley. Whereas his Passenger-esque cleans - like most of what you hear on SC, or like the chorus of Crawl Through Knives - are what I prefer, perversely. That seems to be the style everyone hates, I think.

And he seemed to do a good job on the SC songs live, from what I could hear, so I was a-okay with that. I'll definitely go see them again. But they should stop touring with SiriusXM Octane bands. In Flames, please

For what it's worth, I remember listening to SC for the first time and being all "holy shit why do I like this so much" and at the same time thinking "holy shit the fans are going to loathe this record hahaha". Looks like I wasn't far off. =P

Sucks in a way for the band, though. I remember reading some Reddit AMA they were doing before SC's release and Bjorn said it was probably the best album they'd ever done. He was super-proud of it, and I can see what he meant, in a way. Of course the band can take the negative feedback and put it to constructive use, but it's still gotta suck. You can sort of see that when they talk about R2R's reception, too.
I usually go into an In Flames show knowing that Anders can't pull off studio vocals live, so I'm willing to let that slide as long as he puts on a good frontman act. And for me, he does.

He is a good frontman, that much I do agree with. He's really improved on that since the early days, so fair play to him for that.

It's that harsh yelling-singing that's most evident on songs like Deliver Us. I never thought that sounded good at all, like he was trying to emulate Layne Staley.

I think it's just a lack of confidence over his ability to sing cleanly, which is understandable as he's not very good. He does that half-sing half-yell thing on ALL cleans live, even when on record they were just straight cleans that sounded okay. To my knowledge he never went to a vocal coach or tried to learn how to sing properly, which is a shame. Instead he's gone down the easy route of using ProTools in the studio and winging it live.

Sucks in a way for the band, though. I remember reading some Reddit AMA they were doing before SC's release and Bjorn said it was probably the best album they'd ever done. He was super-proud of it, and I can see what he meant, in a way. Of course the band can take the negative feedback and put it to constructive use, but it's still gotta suck. You can sort of see that when they talk about R2R's reception, too.

They say that every new record is the best one they've ever done, so I wouldn't be too concerned :D if they were genuinely proud of the record then OK, but there were a lot of legitimate gripes which they must have expected too. That's how it goes.
I used to like opeth. The music and melodies were cool. But now it doesn't sound natural, as if he is doing a conscious effort to be extremely progressive.
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