IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

No connection to music. I just "love" this type of videos.

And just how many time can they use The End?

Lyrics video
Regular video
The music video is totally irrelevant with the music. I was hoping to see the band performing...I'm afraid they are going to release the same kind of video for the truth.Also,the new drummer didn't participate in the video
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Doesnt fit the music at all.

Should've been the band playing live, with a "storyline" or something going on that the video cuts to every now and then in the background, like most videos are done now.

So The Truth just plays in the last minute or so in the video...

That will have a video too?

Hopefully we hear a third song in a few weeks or something
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So November, depending on the setlist, I'll be seeing them twice most likely

Argh lucky, I have to wait until January, to see them once, supporting, and in a seated ticket as it was all that was left. Oh well, at least I get to see them again, and with an new man behind the drums.
I've snuck down to the floor area at arenas a couple times, because lucky enough the dudes sitting there just let you by if you look confident enough or hold up your ticket like hey yeah I belong there and they don't take it and look at it haha

They'll probably play the UK a second time
I think parroting the same song over three videos shows a lack of confidence in the album.

It may also be a result of poor planning and communication failures, however.
I think parroting the same song over three videos shows a lack of confidence in the album.

It may also be a result of poor planning and communication failures, however.

Deffo poor plannimg, they were a lot more active and positive about the recording process with this album than the last, amd anders actually looks half interested in tslking about the music, unlike with Siren Charms where he was really dismissive and uncommunicative in promo material
The problem is that they released the first two songd too soon. THey should have waited between two weeks and a month before releasing The Truth as the second single (or they could have used that time to delete the song and to pretend that it never existed).
So the way they fix it now is release another single right? :D damn I rrmember through all the various singles and song leaks over half of sirrn charms was on youtube over two weeks before it was rrleased, IPV,WEWO,Siren Charms, Dead Eyes and Monsters were the only ones that didn't leak. I can hope for another single anyway
As expected:
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