IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

It looks like the new music video is about Call Of Duty....I'm disappointed, I was hoping the band will be in the music video and I can see no connection between the lyrics and the game.
If you think In Flames stands for beautiful and intelligent vocals we are not speaking of the same band. You speak of the reroute to remain in flames whereas I speak of the Whoracle/Jester Race In Flames. The In Flames I know and love cares very little for the beauty of their lyrics. The best attempt on that godforsaken assfucking of an album was Take this Life, and only because they attempted to reinact December's Flower.

The first time i heard that solo I was already bashing my head into some concrete because they actually turned emo. I expect them to tour with Dashboard Confessionals or My Chemical Romance if they plan on making crap like that in the future. I am ashamed to call myself a fan of that band when I hear that song, and lately if anything from that album comes onto my ipod i throw it and go buy a new one, hoping to god the next time i press shuffle songs my ipod knows i mean no Come Clarity.

I just want to point out that this quote is from 9 (NINE) years ago, and it is bashing Come Clarity, both the song and the record. It's amazing reading old ass threads, because whenever I read nowadays that "no, slave, this is the all time low for IF", I can't help but roll my eyes. Like, when only4theweak quoted those fbook comments... The same perpetual shit is happening ever since R2R at least.

I remember when I asked here what is your problem with TO (Through Oblivion was all the rage 2 years ago, which is now The Truth), CC (song) is the same whiny "shit", but I was told CC is a beautiful power ballad and TO is just pop shit. Reverse time, and CC is just a pop shit (and before that, Metaphor).

Nothing changed!

Except the number of people and the way of arguing. Back then (2006/7) many people wrote a lot, but the amount of "fuck yourself" were through the roof. Jesus, it's like there are three generations of IF fans, and the oldest ones were just fucking brutal. I am glad I had the opportunity to get smashed by at least one of them in the SC thread, that guy was a fucking peasant, but he most definitely brought the bantz, wrecking almost everyone.

I mean, again, a post from 2007: Shut the fuck up. Kalmah has nothing to do with Bodom... If anyone steals any riffs it's Bodom you dumb fuck! Just cause they're from the same country that makes them the same? Go fuck yourself...

That's the fucking spirit right there!

Take This Life is okay about a 6 or 6.5. Leeches is about a 3-4. I just cant understand Bullet Ride, It was the first disappointing song I ever heard by Inflames and skip it every time I listen To Clayman. I actually think its their worst album opener ever followed closely by F(r)iend . If Pinball Map had opened Clayman I probably wouldve shit myself. Instead i had to wait 3 and a half minutes and a third verse programmed drum beat to shit myself.

All right, I stop. From tomorrow onwards, all the discussion will be about the live DVD and the new music video anyway. Too bad I'll be late for the party once again, just like with the singles. :(
Yeah, proper old school In Flames fans are fucking insane :D we're talking the real cvlt fans who dwell in the metal underground. These people raged over Colony and Clayman, so I dread to think what they would say about ASOP or SC. I think nowadays most of them pretend they never listened to In Flames at all.
All right, I stop. From tomorrow onwards, all the discussion will be about the live DVD and the new music video anyway. Too bad I'll be late for the party once again, just like with the singles.

If you're a good boy I promise to give you plenty to discuss about.
Yeah, proper old school In Flames fans are fucking insane :D we're talking the real cvlt fans who dwell in the metal underground. These people raged over Colony and Clayman, so I dread to think what they would say about ASOP or SC. I think nowadays most of them pretend they never listened to In Flames at all.
Come on man, don't exclude SOAPF. The guy was shitting on Bullet Ride too, so don't assume for a second anything from SOAPF would impress him. :D
Come on man, don't exclude SOAPF. The guy was shitting on Bullet Ride too, so don't assume for a second anything from SOAPF would impress him. :D

Well yeah, they'd shit on anything post-Whoracle (some of them even thought Whoracle wasn't good enough) but SC especially may have sent a few of them into an early grave had that been released around the STYE/CC-era.
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Thanks, dad!

It's already a struggle when I'm only behind of 2 pages of "LMAO SHIT DRUMMER" quality of posts, there is just no way I'll have the time and/or mental fortitude to read through at least 10 pages of "everything sucks" :D
What if I give you something to make you really mad? :p
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LOL, that's a drum solo?

Yup, that's some quality drum work... He could apply for Dream Theater or Opeth next.
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I don't even get why the drum thing is a conversation. Younger, seemingly energetic dude? Cool. If it helps the band to bring some fresh energy on tour, then great for them. Everything else is bullshit unless there's something to talk about.

Hopefully they continue with a varied setlist like 2015's shows were. Early in the year, bringing back bullet ride, clayman, embody the invisible etc. etc. Then in the fall, that crazy out-of-nowhere selection of songs was awesome... Hopefully they continue on to play at least a nice hybrid of 2015's setlists on the forthcoming tours. Obviously, that last fall '15 tour was just a fun change up for them playing a bunch of clubs with songs they haven't touched in 8+ years... But hopefully they stick with adding at least some of those songs to the mix.

The photo shoot... They did the same thing for SC... Always cringy and lame for bands. I don't think they enjoy it either.
Don't get your hopes up, are most likely going to play boring setlist until next Fall. In the Winter and Autumn they will tour Battles, which probably means at least 6 songs from that record, and just as a reminder, not even TQP and MSS could get into the setlist at first when they last started their touring session. In the Summer, they will play at festivals with *spoiler alert* dumbed down festival setlists. Sure, they brought out Bullet Ride, Drifter and Alias, but the SC dominance was still quite heavy.

After all that, we will see.

I am curious what SC songs they will play, aka remain quasi staples. If I had to guess in order of possibility:
1. Paralyzed - I guess it's supposed to be the Deliver Us of SC.
2. Everything's Gone - It was a single. It was a staple. It was the first live sound release from the DVD. It was the first video release from the DVD. Sigh... It's here to stay.
3. Rusted Nail - It's decent
4. Siren Charms - Makes the most sense as 4th, because:

- Through Oblivion and WEWO will most likely not get played. Battles will have it's own slow songs, slap TCP to them and baam, TO and WEWO can rot in hell with Liberation, Come Clarity, Evil In A Closet, etc.
- I would play In Plain View over Rusted Nail, hell, objectively speaking I think it's the best live song from SC, but I don't think it was played other than a setlist opener, and just as Battles will have its own slow songs, it will also has its own opener, so RIP.
- WTWE is still shit, Dead Eyes will forever has its niche as an acoustic promo song, Monsters In The Ballroom is still shit, the band still doesn't understand how they managed to record Filtered Truth, and they won't acknowledge their bonus tracks.

If they won't play The Chosen Pessimist, Through Oblivion might have a shot.

Oh, and yes, The Truth will be a staple for the promo tour at least, so strap yourselves haters :D
Ive had a fine time with every single song they've played live the past 5 or so years that I've seen. Didn't goto the siren charms tour in fall 2014 but they came right back the following April/May.

The Truth will be the only time ever that I genuinely will be like "alright can this end already"

For real, I'd rather see Chosen Pessimist played than The Truth.
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I just kind of count myself unlucky; when I saw In Flames it eas thr samr tour as thr DVD so it was like 6/7 Siren Charms songs, and then a 'greatest hits' of everything 2002 onwards (plus resin and OFTW). next time In Flames come to the UK and I see them I am seeing them as a support act for some other bands I eant to see, so again all I will see is the 2002 onwards greatest hits + the truth. Oh well at least I can say I saw Resin live, which was awesome.
Yeah. I think it's a cool video... But it doesn't suit the song. Seems like the sort of thing you would have for a song off of come clarity more thsn for The End
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