IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Well, Björn is bitching at Iron Maiden so, basically, the same.

Really, if he doesn't like the band why doesn't he move away. They're doing what they want and they're happy with it.
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From that Blabber Mouth article: "Because if we don't like it, and we have to play the songs a thousand times live, and I have to remember a song structure other than verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus, I probably wouldn't do this."
It's just too easy to talk shit. There's always a group of haters in every single thing on the internet that has a following of people who enjoy it.

It's just dudes who like the old shit, heard newer albums and it's just too hard to not say something they think hasn't been said already. A quick bashing is easy.

But, to understand In Flames' change takes maturity and an open mind. Much easier to hate instead. Anonymity of the internet allows one to settle into a removed state of being able to be nasty all the time with zero consequence or even self reflection like, "why am I talking like this?"
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Fuck, you've been brainwashed.

Hahahaha no no, I just mean the losers that don't even care about the music one bit, actually wasting energy to talk shit.

When we discuss something here, we speak of things with actual depth and substance even if short.

And I only mean it takes maturity NOT to say something. You feel how you feel about the band, why waste energy to hate on a random website or a random Facebook post no one gives a shit about?

At least we have a forum here to talk about stuff
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Hey people may shit on modern in flames but Sounds of a playground fading is an incredibly well written album. A New Dawn is a blast from the past, The Attic is haunting and awesome, Fear is the Weakness is a festival killer, the title track has a beautiful intro, the list goes on. God I'm such a fanboy of that album... XD
Hey people may shit on modern in flames but Sounds of a playground fading is an incredibly well written album. A New Dawn is a blast from the past, The Attic is haunting and awesome, Fear is the Weakness is a festival killer, the title track has a beautiful intro, the list goes on. God I'm such a fanboy of that album... XD
And that's what is so confusing about them recently. They can still make a really good album if they just think about it. But they're really just lazy for the most part.
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Wow there's so much hate in the comments section. I know BM is full of trolls but there are literally zero positive comments. IF have really pissed off a lot of people over the past few years heh. It makes me wonder how more popular would they be if they kept the Clayman sound or even the Come Clarity sound.

Clayman is hailed by many, many producers and mixing engineers around the globe as being a masterpiece, here's one.

Now, as to why they won't go back to that sound, I can only blame insanity.
Clayman is hailed by many, many producers and mixing engineers around the globe as being a masterpiece, here's one.

Now, as to why they won't go back to that sound, I can only blame insanity.

Cayman's sound is absolutely brilliant. But, I think, it does not fit their current sound, less if they keep on trying to approach non metal fans.
From that Blabber Mouth article: "Because if we don't like it, and we have to play the songs a thousand times live, and I have to remember a song structure other than verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus, I probably wouldn't do this."
Yeah, why would any musician do something different than that?
Hey people may shit on modern in flames but Sounds of a playground fading is an incredibly well written album. A New Dawn is a blast from the past, The Attic is haunting and awesome, Fear is the Weakness is a festival killer, the title track has a beautiful intro, the list goes on. God I'm such a fanboy of that album... XD

Other than All For Me, I find SOAPF to be an excellent album with really crisp production and high energy. For me, it's the total opposite to Siren Charms and an example of what In Flames can do if they put some effort into their work.

And that's what is so confusing about them recently. They can still make a really good album if they just think about it. But they're really just lazy for the most part.

Yeah, pretty much. This is why I absolutely detest Siren Charms, it's a waste of everybody's time. Uninspired, insipid (2014) and tedious. I had high hopes after SOAPF and the band completely wrecked those expectations. Even with ASOP, I initially thought it was okay and if the album had better production and vocals it would be fine. I can't say the same for Siren Charms. Even with improved production values and somebody who could actually sing, the album would be bland and repetitive, with no replay value whatsoever.

Cayman's sound is absolutely brilliant. But, I think, it does not fit their current sound, less if they keep on trying to approach non metal fans.

Clayman's production is very much metal. In-your-face, powerful, but at the same time quite clean and crisp. I would say the last album they had a truly metal production on was Come Clarity. After that it's been more rock music based production, which worked great for SOAPF, but not so much ASOP or SC. Although, as I said above, imo great production values alone couldn't have saved SC anyway.
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A comment on Facebook regarding the new drummer getting signed to Pearl Drums: "I just listened to Through Obliviion live from that Gothenborg live track. Listen to it and pay attention how great his timing and flawlessness is influencing the song overall. It sounds amazing. Joe Rickard for In Flames? Fuck yeah!!"