I don't understand. I saw there's a new Metallica video, 2M views, likes are dominating, the comments are hailing the return of true Metallica, etc. Woow, I'm all hyped up, 6 minutes, let's fucking go babyyyyyyyyy!!
6 minutes of the biggest fucking garbage I've listened in the last 5 years. At least Hardwired was hectic, like some cheap copy of Frantic, but what the fuck. Their newest single is just boring, uninspired and lame.
Okay, firsts first: Kirk's solo is fucking amazing, I give you that. But everything else... Just imagine how you would feel yourself, if when songs from Siren Charms were released, everyone would've said things like "yeah, finally the good IF returned" and such. What the fuck.
I'm so pissed. I'm afraid to, but going to watch some "hardcore 'Talica" fans' songs reaction to this as well and you know what? I'm fucking going to cringe my way through that 6 minutes, while they act over the top, jump up and down and headbang like it's the second coming of Jesus Christ. THAT SONG IS FUCKING BLAND AS FUCK, WTF. WHAT THE FUCK.
I'd be fine with people being OK with it, or hell, like it if you want, but jesus, if you could not see the title, just the comments, you'd think it's a pre-90s Metallica song. St. Anger has a bunch of better songs than this, so let me not even go to MoP.
The IF hate on FB and Youtube is funny, it's only annoying when sometimes you guys try to make more out of it than it is, but this is some next level annoyance for me. Some guy wrote on Youtube that it's just an okay song, don't see what's all the fuss is about, and the most upvoted comment is "Said no one ever." Like, imagine the same fucking autistic retards who hate on IF on social media, except this time they are defending stuff.