IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

I don't like new Metallica, but I understand the hype since they're trying to be metallica while if are trying to be 30 seconds to mars. And you should understand that people can like different things than you.
So we better won't mention the videoclips. Let's pretend that they do not exist :p
Haven't watched The Truth, but The End was a nice touch. I can value trying new things, it was a nice one off, and I really dig how they wanted to tell a story, making The Truth vid the continuation - at least that's what I gathered from what I've seen.

Keep in mind, IF videos are shit to begin with, so I'm rating them in a vacuum. I don't understand some people's fixation on seeing the band perform. "Oh my god, In Flames has 999999 music videos where they dub to the songs, I am so disappointed these new music videos were not the 1000000th!!!!"

Yeah, truly a shame I can't see Peter hammering away at that bass for the millionth times.
I don't like new Metallica, but I understand the hype since they're trying to be metallica while if are trying to be 30 seconds to mars. And you should understand that people can like different things than you.
I have no problem with the hype. I am hyped too.
Ah, and both new Metallica songs are far better than IF new songs, even when I don't like them and I like the end.
I won't comment on this.
Jester Slave doesn't warrant a response at all. I'm pretty much just skipping everything he says. I really like both new Metallica songs and am really looking forward to the album.
It's okay fam, I see you are from the USA, so ignorance fits you perfectly. Live in your bubble where the new Metallica single is considered a great song!
Jester Slave, is Winter's Gate shit too?
Link me 1-3 songs, otherwise I'm just going to listen to the singles they released. I don't know Insomnium, that's why.

edit: oh, 1 track album.

edit 2: Okay, I listened into it. Don't suggest me any bands with vocals like that, as I won't like it. I am fine with instrumental tracks, but this style of... singing is extremelly off-putting to me. Subterranean (EP) is the lowest bar my ears can accept in.

I do like Finnish bands though, I like their folk elements.
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What he doesn't seem to understand is that metal is mostly about guitar riffs. Catchy songs are OK, but metal fans like to do a god air guitar.
What he doesn't seem to understand is that metal is mostly about guitar riffs. Catchy songs are OK, but metal fans like to do a god air guitar.
The vocal melodies on both of the new Metallica songs are abyssmal. Inferior. Weak.

I have no doubts that the new Metallica record containts great songs. However, they are yet to be released to the public.
The vocal melodies on both of the new Metallica songs are abyssmal. Inferior. Weak.

I have no doubts that the new Metallica record containts great songs. However, they are yet to be released to the public.
Riffs, riffs and more riffs. The vocals aren't that important.
Guys, you are all forgetting AGAIN that Slave is a narcissist.

Remember how peaceful and efficient it's been here for about a week or more?

He's come back...

Now there's arguing again.

See the connection?
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Like... He made it his job to look at every single opinion and then write long-winded paragraphs about why what that person thinks is wrong hahahahaha

Zero self-awareness. Classic narcicism.
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But I can't listen to the riffs, when the vocals (not the quality of it) are so bad. I mean, I can, but the song overall will be much worse.

Or to translate it into your terms: ASOP.
Guys, you are all forgetting AGAIN that Slave is a narcissist.

Remember how peaceful and efficient it's been here for about a week or more?

He's come back...

Now there's arguing again.

See the connection?
Got you man, changed it into my title, so no one will forget! Now make your round of crying because your orderly boringness has yet again came to an end and move on!
Same goes to you liking that mediocre song. Basic chop-chop-chopping away with all the instruments, sad excuse for a melodic chorus, one goddamn good solo by Kirk and all of this unnecessary lengthened so it's 6 minutes and not 4, because it's Metallica, hell yeah!!

It is mind-boggling to me that you let yourself deepthroated by this shitty """"melodic"""" song, yet you have such a hard time grasping the good qualities in modern In Flames.

But hey, at the end of the day I sleep better that some people who bash new IF actually liking Moth into Flame. Right now I'm hoping you guys will absolutely detest Battles, because it would mean it's going to be a helluva good record.

Dudette, you better shut up with Lunar Strains. Which, funnily enough, has better songs on it than Moth into Flame.

These are the ramblings of a madman. Not the claims, but the way he talks to others here. Its not just immaturity.

Some of us like the new Metallica track, says those of us who do are wrong. (Wrong?)

Speaks with a god-complex as if his word is the one, only truth.

Ego-maniacal narcicist, lady and gentlemen.

***By the way, Metallica making a simple thrash song is them being Metallica... Hahaha how the fuck can you even try to criticize that? This guy is great
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Got you man, changed it into my title, so no one will forget! Now make your round of crying because your orderly boringness has yet again came to an end and move on!

But you make it so fascinating.

It's amazing how one human can truly believe he knows everything above everyone else.

You call it "crying" and "boring" because your egoism and narcicism doesn't allow you to see that you are the creator of all of the problems here hahaha.

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Every Metallica song is a thrash-metal song, what kind of argument is that, gosh. In Flames making a melodic song is In Flames being themselves, hurr-durr. Don't mind the fact that both The Truth and Gyroscope fits that criteria.

I love how all the bullshit you usually gather could be used against you just as well, because all you do is telling weak-ass arguments, which only sound good, because you try to win by attacking me (as a person). But that makes no sense, because my reckless, no-bullshit personality is already antagonistic to your average hive-minded person here, who is way too afraid of confrontation or having original, unique thoughts, so your wikipedia knowledge is absolutely not needed.

I also specifically stated that the problem is not with simply liking that track, but hey, I'm not gonna write paragraphs this time showing how perfect of a presidential candidate you could be, by altering the truth oh so slightly.

It is so fuuuuuckiiiing amusing to watch you (not you, specifically, your bi-weekly menstruation cycle is always expected) go crazy when your songs are criticized, which is ironic, because the usual dynamic of discussions is educated people like Cobra saying some of the dumbest shit about new IF, while me trying to salvage it.

I do respect some of you, but the phoney people deserve no rest.
Every Metallica song is a thrash-metal song, what kind of argument is that, gosh. In Flames making a melodic song is In Flames being themselves, hurr-durr. Don't mind the fact that both The Truth and Gyroscope fits that criteria.

I love how all the bullshit you usually gather could be used against you just as well, because all you do is telling weak-ass arguments, which only sound good, because you try to win by attacking me (as a person). But that makes no sense, because my reckless, no-bullshit personality is already antagonistic to your average hive-minded person here, who is way too afraid of confrontation or having original, unique thoughts, so your wikipedia knowledge is absolutely not needed.

I also specifically stated that the problem is not with simply liking that track, but hey, I'm not gonna write paragraphs this time showing how perfect of a presidential candidate you could be, by altering the truth oh so slightly.

It is so fuuuuuckiiiing amusing to watch you (not you, specifically, your bi-weekly menstruation cycle is always expected) go crazy when your songs are criticized, which is ironic, because the usual dynamic of discussions is educated people like Cobra saying some of the dumbest shit about new IF, while me trying to salvage it.

I do respect some of you, but the phoney people deserve no rest.
Nobody is attacking you .. we talk about in flames thats normal that people have diffrent opinions about them
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But I can't listen to the riffs, when the vocals (not the quality of it) are so bad. I mean, I can, but the song overall will be much worse.

Or to translate it into your terms: ASOP.

Of course, bad vocals can ruin good riffs. But ASOP is still far better than SC just because it has some good riffs.
Nobody is attacking you .. we talk about in flames thats normal that people have diffrent opinions about them
Can't you see only4theweak is desperately trying to get his phd here? (now I even set myself up to an ownage, if he actually has one:D)

Also, I am replying normally to everyone who does the same. But I won't give a flying damn about idiots going like "OMG SLAVE AGAIN, HE DOESN'T LIKE THE NEW METALLICA, WTFFFFFFFFFFFF", when the same shitty ass person was crying for me liking the new In Flames back then. What a fucking clown.

My initial post was a rant to no one; if pussies want to be offended, they will. If they want to correct me, they will. God, I miss the 2000s, when discussion boards had people who weren't running straight into the wall when an opposition happened. Nowadays...
Of course, bad vocals can ruin good riffs. But ASOP is still far better than SC just because it has some good riffs.
ASOP - Hardwired... + that Moth shit

That was my comparison to show you why I don't like two new Metallica songs. Hardwired is all right (unbearable vocals and lyrics though), you bang your head for three minutes, I can appreciate it, not rocket-science though, but Moth is just a big fucking question mark. Sure, solid 5/10, maybe even slap +1 in for the solo, but it's still extremely poor.

Yet I am reading how amazing it is from all over the place and I just don't know... back in my time, St. Anger was considered a weak excuse for a Metallica record, now this Moth song in 2016 is praised like it's Enter Sandman or something. To me, it's an anomaly.
You seem to be much concerned about the matter. Maybe are you starting to understand the haters?
Every Metallica song is a thrash-metal song, what kind of argument is that, gosh. In Flames making a melodic song is In Flames being themselves, hurr-durr. Don't mind the fact that both The Truth and Gyroscope fits that criteria.

I love how all the bullshit you usually gather could be used against you just as well, because all you do is telling weak-ass arguments, which only sound good, because you try to win by attacking me (as a person). But that makes no sense, because my reckless, no-bullshit personality is already antagonistic to your average hive-minded person here, who is way too afraid of confrontation or having original, unique thoughts, so your wikipedia knowledge is absolutely not needed.

I also specifically stated that the problem is not with simply liking that track, but hey, I'm not gonna write paragraphs this time showing how perfect of a presidential candidate you could be, by altering the truth oh so slightly.

It is so fuuuuuckiiiing amusing to watch you (not you, specifically, your bi-weekly menstruation cycle is always expected) go crazy when your songs are criticized, which is ironic, because the usual dynamic of discussions is educated people like Cobra saying some of the dumbest shit about new IF, while me trying to salvage it.

I do respect some of you, but the phoney people deserve no rest.

1. Yeah, they are thrash. So why are you talking about the chorus isn't melodically good enough? Who cares. It's a track people seem to like and appreciate them doing these days.

2. "Reckless, no-bullshit personality"... Haha. That's how you describe yourself? "Antagonist", like you're the villain of truth and everyone else is an idiot. Hilarious.
Yeah man, we're all stupid and hive-minded because no one here gets into paragraphs long arguments by telling each other how they should think. We function with adult/mature conversations about what we like/don't like... How stupid we are. Plus, opinions don't take 500 words to express. People are not phony when they agree on something. Everyone posts their own opinions all the time by the way. You just don't see it because you have to hurry through reading so you can post yours because everyone needs to see how right you are as soon as possible.

You just rationalize your disorder by saying everyone else is a sheep MAAAN, all thinking alike. Break FREE and think for yourself MAAAAN(which doesn't mean express your individuality more, it just means that you're right and everyone else is wrong and you'll tell them why).

So no, we just converse efficiently and civilly. Quite simple. No real way to call it being a hive or just a bunch of non-thinkers.

3. No, none of the "bullshit"(observations) I gather can be used against me. Because I let people have their opinions like an adult. What you post are not opinions. You tell people why their wrong when they can't be wrong. Going to great lengths to try to convince them. You have a complex, a psychological issue.
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