IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Free Fall has been played a few times live, but I've never seen PDT on a set list. Kinda sad as it would probably sound good in a live setting.
Free Fall has been played a few times live, but I've never seen PDT on a set list. Kinda sad as it would probably sound good in a live setting.
Really? I never found footage of it on youtube (wanted to, because it's among my favorites from R2R), nor does list it as ever being played.
Really? I never found footage of it on youtube (wanted to, because it's among my favorites from R2R), nor does list it as ever being played.

Yeah, some guy on Everdying (an old In Flames forum) posted a setlist which had Free Fall on it. It was either from 2002 or 2003, I can't remember.
In Flames today, could absolutely make songs to the level of Reroute's non-single tracks. They're not complex

Reroute, Free Fall, Black and White, Minus, Transparent, Dark Signs etc.

All not too difficult to recreate something similar

"Darker Times" off SOAPF definitely could have been on Reroute. Even the guitar tone sounds close

Starting soon! They better announce their Europe tour soon, or else... yeah.
You could easily swap Reroute with Come Clarity in terms of their discography and nobody would bat an eyelid. Arguably it would have made more sense for CC to follow Clayman.

Clayman - Come Clarity - SOAPF - R2R - STYE - ASOP - SC - this would, imo, make more sense in terms of In Flames musical progression. In that timeline they go from melodeath to melodic metal to american metal and then finally whatever the fuck Siren Charms is supposed to be. Basically each album sheds more guitars, gets shittier production, simpler songs and reliance on vocal melodies. Obv in that timeline SOAPF would probably have had a slightly harder production, similar to Come Clarity, but it wouldn't have a huge impact on the album. Reroute is where their experimentation with shitty production starts and continues on.
Finally listened to Tilt and Eraser. Tilt is a generic, middle of the pack ASOP song (which can be bad for some and good for others), but I really dig Eraser, even the vocals are not that bad imo. That is the In Flames I have missed ever since the end of ASOP era. To me, SOAPF and SC are among a third IF era, and I don't mean it in a sentimental "MISS YOU JESPER X'((((" way.

This is the energy and sound that made me fall in love with IF back then. The ending of the ASOP songs (including the bonus tracks here now as well) just shit on so much on SOAPF+SC (even combined) endings. It's extremely simple, they are just playing the main riff or an alternate version of it, but it works soooo good - mainly because said riffs are great. 10-15 seconds of instrumental metal galore.

You could easily swap Reroute with Come Clarity in terms of their discography and nobody would bat an eyelid. Arguably it would have made more sense for CC to follow Clayman.

Clayman - Come Clarity - SOAPF - R2R - STYE - ASOP - SC - this would, imo, make more sense in terms of In Flames musical progression. In that timeline they go from melodeath to melodic metal to american metal and then finally whatever the fuck Siren Charms is supposed to be. Basically each album sheds more guitars, gets shittier production, simpler songs and reliance on vocal melodies. Obv in that timeline SOAPF would probably have had a slightly harder production, similar to Come Clarity, but it wouldn't have a huge impact on the album. Reroute is where their experimentation with shitty production starts and continues on.
I don't think you can put CC anywhere for it to make sense. And yes, I even mean the place it's originally has been.
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Finally listened to Tilt and Eraser. Tilt is a generic, middle of the pack ASOP song (which can be bad for some and good for others), but I really dig Eraser, even the vocals are not that bad imo. That is the In Flames I have missed ever since the end of ASOP era. To me, SOAPF and SC are among a third IF era, and I don't mean it in a sentimental "MISS YOU JESPER X'((((" way.

This is the energy and sound that made me fall in love with IF back then. The ending of the ASOP songs (including the bonus tracks here now as well) just shit on so much on SOAPF+SC (even combined) endings. It's extremely simple, they are just playing the main riff or an alternate version of it, but it works soooo good - mainly because said riffs are great. 10-15 seconds of instrumental metal galore.

I don't think you can put CC anywhere for it to make sense. And yes, I even mean the place it's originally has been.

I have to admit I never found Tilt to be anything amazing. Eraser is awesome, though. Easily the best song from the ASOP sessions.

Come Clarity is a weird album for sure. Take it out entirely and their progression makes a lot more sense.
Dude, I don't know what you're talking about. Joe is obviously going to take IF to the next level.
Hey, I'm not jumping to conclusions, In Flames doesn't even do drum solos, I just find it hilarious how embarassing it was, haha. I mean, if no one is interested in your drum solo abilities but you still want to release a video about it, then at least make it decent.
4 days to go?
4 (technically 4,5) days left from the week, so I might see something even more embarassing during that time. Highly doubt it, but never say never.
Hey, I'm not jumping to conclusions, In Flames doesn't even do drum solos, I just find it hilarious how embarassing it was, haha. I mean, if no one is interested in your drum solo abilities but you still want to release a video about it, then at least make it decent.

4 (technically 4,5) days left from the week, so I might see something even more embarassing during that time. Highly doubt it, but never say never.

Haha wow ok, gotcha', I should probably wake up properly before reading/posting next time.
Hey, I'm not jumping to conclusions, In Flames doesn't even do drum solos, I just find it hilarious how embarassing it was, haha. I mean, if no one is interested in your drum solo abilities but you still want to release a video about it, then at least make it decent.

4 (technically 4,5) days left from the week, so I might see something even more embarassing during that time. Highly doubt it, but never say never.
You need more sleep :p
I never liked drum solos, even when they come from good drummers.
You need more sleep :p
I never liked drum solos, even when they come from good drummers.
I like a drum solo if it sounds hectic as fuck or if it is hella groovy, mind you, I will never understand how hard it was exactly to pull it off. But this shit he just did.... just wow. If I was this boring, I'd tatto all over my body as well, so at least I look exciting.
I like a drum solo if it sounds hectic as fuck or if it is hella groovy, mind you, I will never understand how hard it was exactly to pull it off. But this shit he just did.... just wow. If I was this boring, I'd tatto all over my body as well, so at least I look exciting.
I've never been onto drum solos, not if they're not acompanied by the rest of the instruments. I like good drum sections that help to improve the whole ensemble. It's like watching Satriani or any other guitar hero, they can be good as fuck, but they're boring as death.