IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Better than Battles. Maybe better than I, The Mask. We don’t know. After this album SC might become the best IF album in the past 5 years.
Yep. You're right. That's sad. Even more when I think that they have only released one real good album in the past 12 years. Oh, I like asop but it's not a good IF album.
I like the sound of what Anders is going for lyrically, even if so far its y free t to be impressive.

Also, confirmed first acoustic guitar on an In Flames song since Alias :D can't wait
But the good reviews had no narrative at all. Just generic empty sentences like they have evolved or this is no melodeath anymore. There was nothing to say about the music or the quality. Just a well paid advertisement by the record label.
No one said the positive reviews are better, or good to begin with. Just that no one used critical thinking when some other random asshole like this guy criticized something you wanted to be criticized to begin with.
That's like, entirely subjective, not to mention it doesn't change the fact that they are still unprofessional like-farmers. I'm pretty sure by this point even an artificial intelligence could write an in flames review which the internet trolls would eat up. Just use all the buzz words without any professionalism whatsoever, then give a mediocre rating. Bam.
Because the positive reviews were made by professionals... Professionals like the guy saying fuck the haters. That makes me relieve a lot.
Hooly shit, I am saying all of them are dipshits. I am criticizing YOU, who flip the fuck out on this one, bud had no problems saying SC had bad reviews, when those bad reviews were all some noname shit reviewer on some noname shit site, aka the glorification of unprofessionalism. Don't keep twisting what I mean.
This guy still has not make a review. Just this is great and fuck the haters. This is what we're talking about. I can talk shit because I'm not being paid for reviewing music. This guy does and it's going to interview the band in the next weeks. I can imagine the questions:

"How can you be so great?"
"Do you have a girlfriend? If not are you interested in middle age unprofessional reviewers?"
"Can i lick your ass?" "Can you lick mine?"

There's a difference between a random person doing a review and a "professional" being a cunt.
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This guy still has not make a review. Just this is great and fuck the haters. This is what we're talking about. I can talk shit because I'm not being paid for reviewing music. This guy does and it's going to interview the band in the next weeks. I can imagine the questions:

"How can you be so great?"
"Do you have a girlfriend? If not are you interested in middle age unprofessional reviewers?"
"Can i lick your ass?" "Can you lick mine?"

There's a difference between a random person doing a review and a "professional" being a cunt.

Fortunately you only have to go back to the SC thread to see that Slave's assertion that we rip apart thoughtful, positive reviews whilst getting erect over stupid, negative reviews is 100% revisionist bullshit. It was already explained in that thread by myself, yourself and I think A88 as well that the only reason it appeared that way was because literally every "positive" SC review was shallow, mindless pandering with no depth whatsoever, whilst the "negative" (this actually means authentic) reviews actually had substance to them and were written like the person had actually listened to the album rather than been paid by the record label to pretend to have listened to it.
The thing about the reviews is that the people doing them are not musicians, producers or technicians. They are, most of the time, people like us. Some have blog pages, others work for some media. But their voices are not more authorized than ours. And the reviews aren't good or bad because they are positive or negative but becayse of what they say and how they say it. They aren't also intended to change our minds. And it's natural for us to be mlre comfortable with reviews that suit our own opinion of the album. But slave must admit that some negative reviews were really funny. He won't because he cannot separate what they say feom how they say it.
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I don't care if a review is positive or negative, as long as it's authentic and well written. I may say I think The Chosen Pessimist is a steaming pile of shit, but I've explained why in detail before. Same with Bottled. If somebody was to do the same but in a positive way I would say I disagree, but I respect your point of view as you explained it well. A88 loves Construct, I don't, we disagree but it's cool because we both explained our reasons why. He likes industrial/doom stuff and I don't. That's life.

What you tend to get with super positive posters and reviewers is a lack of authenticity. Nothing they say has any substance and is easily dismissed as nonsense. Super negative posters meanwhile go too far into the details to the point of absurdity. Ideally you want to be somewhere in the middle, ready to praise the positives where you find them but also able to point out the negatives and explain your reasons. If you can't do that then it's fine, but your opinion also means less than a shit skid in a toilet bowl.
Also, looks like "This is Our House" is more about climate change and related issues and not nationalism. Good man. Song's still iffy though.

Anders is probably being honest there, but even if the song is about nationalism he's not going to admit that in an interview. Sweden is ultra-politically correct these days so coming out as a nationalist wouldn't exactly be good for your PR.
Anders is probably being honest there, but even if the song is about nationalism he's not going to admit that in an interview. Sweden is ultra-politically correct these days so coming out as a nationalist wouldn't exactly be good for your PR.

Yeah, and Mikael Stanne drew on similar themes for Atoma, going by interviews at the time, though he was more open about his opposition to nationalism, racism, extremism, etc. You can’t say it isn’t a time of strife and uncertainty, that’s for sure.

I think coming out as nationalist would be a shrewd way for bands to get a certain kind of underground cred, though. Like a bizarro version of punk.
So I want a bit of a round up of opinions, in anticipation for the next single, what is everyone's thoughts so far as to where this album will sit in tne heirachy of In Flames albums?

I'm going to take a safe guess and say it'll be in most of y'alls bottom 3 or 4, but I'm curious, what do people think?

I'm intrigued because I like the art style and the way they've described it as darker than battles, which IAA solidified, but TIOH makes me slightly uneasy, as its basically a slightly heavier battles B side. I think it'll be a good modern In Flames album, best since SOAPF, but it will retain the simplified, more commercial approach of Battles, which sucked. Bad. (except Before I Fall, Idk why but I love it, even though I shouldn't) so I'd say... Middle of the park, 7 or 8 of 13