Damn, you're rightFair points. The definition of "old school" is becoming a bit blurred as the bands get older. I mean, I'd say Atoma is quite reminiscent of albums like Projector and Character, which are 19 and 14 years old respectively - so do they classify as old school? Or do we have to go 20+ years now to use that term? Similar with Soilwork, I heard a lot of NBC influences in the current album, and NBC is 17 years old, so is that old school or not? My head hurts.

That might be a matter of affection. After all, you probably don't spend your time on DT, ATG, AE or Soilwork boards, but for some reason you are still here (regardless of your love for JesterSlave). Though the bar is obviously set lower, it still hurts much more if the band is one of your old days favourites.It still felt different with both those bands to IF though. Neither of them released a Siren Charms or a Battles, they just released albums that personally didn't interest me. I didn't find WATV offensive, it was just boring to my ears. Same for Construct, and all of Soilwork's albums after FNF.
What offended me much more than SC and Battles (perhaps as much as ASOP), was Dark Tranquillity live in 2011.
Yep, you are "that guy". Though that may change after you hear Projector, which is my personal favourite and probably the reason I like Atoma so much.I'm gonna be "that guy" and I'm gonna come out and say I prefer both We Are The Void and Construct to Fiction, and prefer them to Atoma, though Atoma is good. I need to listen to more old DT though, the oldest I've gone back is Damage Done (my favorite of theirs)