IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I needed thissssss

God damn Friday can't come soon enough. Can we get an interesting music video this time?
Kinda weird they debuted 2 lyric videos on this album by the way. I wonder if the single on Friday will have a real music video of sorts. In Flames 1st singles usually have music videos if I'm not mistaken. I think they've always been on every album.
mfw the new fans' heads are exploding when it turns out to be an unannounced track called STARFORSAKEN '19

Anders: "So this is my Golgartha! So this is my grave!"

Child choir: "The thieves, the liars, the hypocrite scum!"

Both: "I'd slay them all..."

*Music drops*

Anders, muttering: "...if only I could."
Some of the utter shit on Lunar Strain could not have been salvaged by peak In Flames to begin with, so you might as well just jump in time to present day, give it the Howard Benson treatment. Redoing and remixing Lunar Strain songs are the easiest things ever, because you can't possibly make them worse.

As for the new song, I have 0 hype. This is a fucked up release schedule, and you can only keep me interested for so long. I'd be more excited if the delay was because they worked more on the record, but no, Nuclear Blast just dropped the ball for some reason. I wouldn't pay for this record to begin with due to how it's being released, but since they are not even touring here AGAIN, they can really suck a dick. Just release the fucking album.

It's pretty fucking hsitty to some of the fans that the record will drop DURING the tour. Unless IF will have the decency to debut new songs live, it means that for at least a month, people will only hear 3 songs from the record. Lame.
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mfw the new fans' heads are exploding when it turns out to be an unannounced track called STARFORSAKEN '19

Anders: "So this is my Golgartha! So this is my grave!"

Child choir: "The thieves, the liars, the hypocrite scum!"

Both: "I'd slay them all..."

*Music drops*

Anders, muttering: "...if only I could."

Lol yeah, except Anders would change the lyrics so the "star" was actually a woman who had forsaken him, and it'd be all about being sad and underappreciated. I can't imagine modern Anders screaming/singing such badass lyrics as the original Starforsaken. Also the original violins would be replaced with either synths or Anders trying to acapella.
It's pretty cool that DT, Soilwork, At The Gates and Arch Enemy are all in recent years producing excellent old school MDM albums
Which recent records from both DT and Soilwork you consider old school melodeath? Arch Enemy - ok, ATG - sure, but those two... not really? Encircled from Atoma caught the amazing DT atmosphere, but I can't think of any other song that did.

Kalmah probably sticks to their usual old school. Guess I'll have to check.
Also, as for the classics, check out those guys. Couple of neat albums.
Atoma as an album is pretty solid MDM for me. Not sure what else you'd class it as.

Soilwork is more rock-tinged MDM, I'll give you that, but you can still hear plenty of influences from NBC/FNF era on the latest record. Maybe you don't class those records as MDM either, in which case fair enough.

I'd rather avoid a tedious argument about music labels though, so just take old school MDM out and change to simply "metal" in my post and the sentiment is the same.
New Soilwork has a few Scar Symmetry moments here and there. Hard rock influences just don't work imo.
As for DT - modern MDM, probably yes, most definitely not old school. But sure, sounds fair.

Still, when talking about recent years, you're right, but Soilwork had two albums which I simply skip - 2007 Sworn to a Great Divide and The Panic Broadcast from 2010, so they had 8 years gap between amazing Stabbing the Drama and The Living Infinite, which is good, though perhaps too long. Similar case with DT, Construct was mediocre at best, We Are the Void is terribly boring, so once again - gap between Fiction and Atoma is 9 years.
We are almost 8 years from SOAPF release, here's hoping this time they deliver.
Kalmah has stuck to the old school but with diminishing results. I’m a huge fan of They Will Return and Swamplord. They Will Return has INSANE guitar work, guitar hero to the max. Nearly as good as peak In Flames, obviously different.

Swampsong was good but kind of samey. Then they made a subtle style change in The Black Waltz which was really interesting, fresh and awesome. After that, still decent but nothing earth shattering.

If I recall correctly the brothers are software developers or similar since the early 2000s. The band had been in hobby mode more or less all along. They stay true because it’s what they like, not trying to reach break out commercial success.

I do wish they would return back to the black thrash virtuoso style of They Will Return though.

And if we are talking about the big MDM bands from the first generation you also need to include Bodom. They went commercial full-on hard rock style in the 2000s but I think with the new album coming at same time as IF it’s supposed to be more of a return to form.

I agree too that Soilwork is the least MDM of all these bands. But it’s okay to include them still.

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As for DT - modern MDM, probably yes, most definitely not old school. But sure, sounds fair.

Still, when talking about recent years, you're right, but Soilwork had two albums which I simply skip - 2007 Sworn to a Great Divide and The Panic Broadcast from 2010, so they had 8 years gap between amazing Stabbing the Drama and The Living Infinite, which is good, though perhaps too long. Similar case with DT, Construct was mediocre at best, We Are the Void is terribly boring, so once again - gap between Fiction and Atoma is 9 years.
We are almost 8 years from SOAPF release, here's hoping this time they deliver.

Fair points. The definition of "old school" is becoming a bit blurred as the bands get older. I mean, I'd say Atoma is quite reminiscent of albums like Projector and Character, which are 19 and 14 years old respectively - so do they classify as old school? Or do we have to go 20+ years now to use that term? Similar with Soilwork, I heard a lot of NBC influences in the current album, and NBC is 17 years old, so is that old school or not? My head hurts.

I actually didn't like Stabbing the Drama (STD acronym very appropriate) so it was basically a ten year wait for me before there was another decent Soilwork again. Similar for DT, Fiction was OK but it was a long wait until Atoma for another decent album.

It still felt different with both those bands to IF though. Neither of them released a Siren Charms or a Battles, they just released albums that personally didn't interest me. I didn't find WATV offensive, it was just boring to my ears. Same for Construct, and all of Soilwork's albums after FNF.
I'm gonna be "that guy" and I'm gonna come out and say I prefer both We Are The Void and Construct to Fiction, and prefer them to Atoma, though Atoma is good. I need to listen to more old DT though, the oldest I've gone back is Damage Done (my favorite of theirs)