IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Why are you all judging production based on a badly encoded leak? Straight from the intro you can hear it's a mess with tons of saturation showing up at 00:35.

We'll see when the record is out.
I've spun the album at least 10 times, I haven't noticed any poor quality at all, sounds just like regular quality 320kbps.
I've listened to Arch Enemy a little bit but I've never really enjoyed them that much, their music just feels so monotone and stale, especially the vocals, same problem I have with Mikael from DT's vocals. I probably prefer Johan material on Arch Enemy, or a few songs from Wages of Sin. Later albums it just feels to polished and pretty, production and guitar-wise.
Exactly how I have felt since Angela took over. Wayyyyy too sterile. But I will give this latest one a full listen since DE4Life gave it a review.
With all that said, Anders was fucking shit at vocal lines and melody during TJR/Whoracle era and none of us care about that, so I don't think it should be a stick to beat Arch Enemy with either.
Shit at melody, yes. Loose with vocal lines. But overall his voice had a ton of passion and the raw performance had a lot of natural variation to keep things interesting. He kind of naively sacrificed himself for the sake of performance. He probably didn’t know at the time that screaming your ass off night after night was self-destructive. So I understand why he doesn’t do that now. But I still wish he did.
I love this shit, but I can't compare it to TJR and Whoracle. It's not an improvement or an iteration on those albums — it's a completely different direction. Apples and oranges, but sold under the same brand.
I’m really glad you are going back and listening to these. You are totally right. They CANNOT be directly compared. They each stand on their own. But the qualities that make them good are similar. Amazing guitar work and strong vocals. Don’t forget to give the Subterranean EP a listen or two. Alone. Not as part of Lunar Strain. It is most similar to TJR but again stands alone as amazing. I overlooked it for a long time but now I’m a total believer. Packaging it with Lunar Strain is a disservice to Subterranean.
I’m really glad you are going back and listening to these. You are totally right. They CANNOT be directly compared. They each stand on their own. But the qualities that make them good are similar. Amazing guitar work and strong vocals. Don’t forget to give the Subterranean EP a listen or two. Alone. Not as part of Lunar Strain. It is most similar to TJR but again stands alone as amazing. I overlooked it for a long time but now I’m a total believer. Packaging it with Lunar Strain is a disservice to Subterranean.

Yeah, and I’ve always enjoyed how they take their guitar harmonies and clean/harsh vocal combinations in different directions over the years. Sometimes it’s guitar wanking and growling, sometimes it’s just a subtle melody and clean singing. It’s pretty neat.

And yeah, I like Subterranean a lot. I’ve been listening to all of these albums since I got into the band at 2004, and at this point I know them all by heart. But it’s been some time since I’ve really sat down and listened to them in order.

Stopped once I reached the mid-point of STYE and my workday ended. I think I’m starting to consider Colony-Clayman-Reroute to be a trilogy. Each different, but they’re all based on the same energetic and groovy foundation.
I fucking love the production, I can hear everything very clear, especially drums and guitars. I think it's nice for a change when you can clearly hear drums, and not in a St Anger/Death Magnetic sounding drums way, in a good way.
I knew you were gonna say this.
Hmm weird maybe we listen of completely different types of speakers or earphones/headsets, I just feel like everything is very audible and up front in the mix, the drums, tremolo riff and vocals in the chorus and they don't overpower each other at all IMO.
I still have to listen tonit through my speakers. My earphones are very competent and the mixing is just bad in some places. Not all of them not all of the time.
It's weird that these threads continue to be so popular. Every time an album cycle comes to the end I think this thread will probably be the last big one, but every time a new album comes around a new thread appears and starts growing. We definitely have less people posting now than we did back then, but I guess we're posting more often. And by we I mainly mean me and Eochaid
I feel that slave has left us alone. Or that he has lost his flames.
Why are you all judging production based on a badly encoded leak? Straight from the intro you can hear it's a mess with tons of saturation showing up at 00:35.

We'll see when the record is out.
You're right. We're judging from what it doesn't seem a finished product. I'll watch for the official singles and try to find if there's any difference.
Not much to add to the Soilwork discussion. Personally that World song is my least favorite on the record, so I guess that's kinda funny.

This, I dig. Though shit quality.
Exactly how I have felt since Angela took over. Wayyyyy too sterile. But I will give this latest one a full listen since DE4Life gave it a review.

Well, you'll probably think it sucks like everybody else :D but hey, I liked it. What's funny to me is that if In Flames created that album people would absolutely shit themselves in ecstacy - "back to teh r00ts", "sounds like TJR!!", "DEM GROWLZ", "Anders Marry me please!" (Ciko), "best guitarwork since Clayman", "my cock is so hard", etc - but because it's Arch Enemy the response is really muted. I find it a bit strange although I've also come to expect it... these guys wouldn't even give praise to The Nexus, the best album of modern times, so whatever ;)

I feel that slave has left us alone. Or that he has lost his flames.

I think JesterSlaveSucks has just reigned him in a little. Beaten into submission.
Mate, I could be the first one entering the ring at the Royal Rumble, and still kick your ass even if you entered as 30*.

*or escape the ring until someone else throws you out; works for me
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Yeah it took me a few spins with a couple of the songs to ''get'' the flow, especially of the choruses. At first some of them sounded really out of place, but that disappeared after some listens.