It's much better on my speakers than it is with my earphones. Drums are much lower in the overall mix and vocals a bit higher. It's just on both of my earphones (wired & bluetooth) where it's more obvious, and they're expensive ones so it's definitely not the earphones. That said it could be my phone producing a poor mix, but I'm outputting to my speakers from my phone too so I don't think so.
I honestly don't know why you'd compare December Flower and I Am Above - it's basically two completely different bands at this point. The only person on TJR who's still in the band in the same role is Anders. Bjorn was on drums at that point. They'd be better off comparing something from Come Clarity, although even then you've only got Anders & Bjorn, so... I dunno. I'm not even sure comparisons to anything before SOAPF are relevant any more. In all but name we're essentially discussing a completely different band.
It's weird that these threads continue to be so popular. Every time an album cycle comes to the end I think this thread will probably be the last big one, but every time a new album comes around a new thread appears and starts growing. We definitely have less people posting now than we did back then, but I guess we're posting more often. And by we I mainly mean me and Eochaid

but still. It's cool that this place is still going after so long. Most of the other forums on this website are totally dead. My concern is that UM will decide to close the forums in the next few years and this place would just disappear. That would suck as some of the older threads here are pretty funny. I guess that's how it goes though.