IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

My problem with arch enemy has always been the vocals. No the vocal style but the vocal lines and melodies. They're too average for a band with great musicians.

Gossow was a very limited vocalist. She had a few good performances (We Will Rise, Nemesis) but by and large she reminded me of Shadows Fall's vocalist - pretty bland and without range. Alissa is definitely an improvement. They should probably introduce more of her clean vocals for better melody lines, as she can sing pretty well. Maybe difficult to pull off live though.

With all that said, Anders was fucking shit at vocal lines and melody during TJR/Whoracle era and none of us care about that, so I don't think it should be a stick to beat Arch Enemy with either.
I am above is not their best but it has a good vibe. You can shake your head while listening to it. The good thing about this is our house is that it makes I am above far better than it really is.

Maybe, but it's still really average compared to new DT, Soilwork and Arch Enemy. Their peers are so far ahead of them musically at the moment that it's almost embarrassing. All three bands still producing solid MDM. IF meanwhile are producing barely average melodic metal and shit like (This Is Our) House.
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My favorite off of new Soilwork at the moment is ''When the Universe Spoke''. I really like the dynamic with fast blast beats and clean vocals in the chorus, they're really good at making it sound awesome, I haven't really heard other bands do it that way, Soilwork has done it on a few songs last couple albums. In the last chorus they mix it up as well and does fast double bass instead of the blast beats which really mixes it up.

I've listened to Arch Enemy a little bit but I've never really enjoyed them that much, their music just feels so monotone and stale, especially the vocals, same problem I have with Mikael from DT's vocals. I probably prefer Johan material on Arch Enemy, or a few songs from Wages of Sin. Later albums it just feels to polished and pretty, production and guitar-wise.
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The double bass/blast beats in the chorus don't really work for me. I feel like they're just a little too high in the mix and are getting in the way of the vocal melody. It's not a major issue but it does distract me. The Nurturing Glance/Witan/You Aquiver are my favourite songs from the album at the moment. I love the guitar work/vocals on Witan, it's ridiculously catchy. For You Aquiver it says "feat. Dave Sheldon", but I have no idea who that is :D has he done stuff elsewhere?
Interestingly I'm now listening to the album through speakers rather than earphones, and the double bass/blast beats are a lot less intrusive during the choruses of Arrival and When the Universe Spoke. Unfortunately I listen the majority of the time through earphones when I'm walking/travelling so it's still going to be an issue.
Also regarding Arch Enemy, I think the fact I listen to a lot of PM is probably part of the reason I'm really digging their new album. There's a lot of PM elements and production on PM albums is generally very clean and slick, so it wouldn't bother me on a MDM release.
Soikwork. In some parts the instruments are buried under the drums and it's hard to tell the melodies.
Yeah, I'd agree the drums are a bit too high in the mix on Verkligheten. They're mostly good but the mixing could definitely have been better.
I fucking love the production, I can hear everything very clear, especially drums and guitars. I think it's nice for a change when you can clearly hear drums, and not in a St Anger/Death Magnetic sounding drums way, in a good way.
Sometimes it's good to hear the drums nice and clear, but you don't want them getting in the way of guitar or vocal melodies. Feels like in Arrival's chorus especially the vocals and drums are competing too much for space at the front of the mix.
Hmm weird maybe we listen of completely different types of speakers or earphones/headsets, I just feel like everything is very audible and up front in the mix, the drums, tremolo riff and vocals in the chorus and they don't overpower each other at all IMO.
I was watching an "I Am Above" reaction video on Youtube the other day, and I thought the hosts made a fair point about IF's music. Some periods of the band are so distinct in sound that it's almost impossible to compare them. They were comparing, as first-time listeners, "December Flower" to "I Am Above" and they said it was impossible to do so

A&P-Reacts? I think they had called In Flames sell-outs in an older reaction video ( without knowing anything about the band, its history, its members and after listening to 3 songs only ). They are fun to watch though, in IAA reaction video they tried to be more fair and see things from a different perspective.
By the way, this thread has almost 2000 replies and the album is not even released. I think it is going to surpass Battles thread, one of the biggest around here I suppose.
Hmm weird maybe we listen of completely different types of speakers or earphones/headsets, I just feel like everything is very audible and up front in the mix, the drums, tremolo riff and vocals in the chorus and they don't overpower each other at all IMO.

It's much better on my speakers than it is with my earphones. Drums are much lower in the overall mix and vocals a bit higher. It's just on both of my earphones (wired & bluetooth) where it's more obvious, and they're expensive ones so it's definitely not the earphones. That said it could be my phone producing a poor mix, but I'm outputting to my speakers from my phone too so I don't think so.

A&P-Reacts? I think they had called In Flames sell-outs in an older reaction video ( without knowing anything about the band, its history, its members and after listening to 3 songs only ). They are fun to watch though, in IAA reaction video they tried to be more fair and see things from a different perspective.

I honestly don't know why you'd compare December Flower and I Am Above - it's basically two completely different bands at this point. The only person on TJR who's still in the band in the same role is Anders. Bjorn was on drums at that point. They'd be better off comparing something from Come Clarity, although even then you've only got Anders & Bjorn, so... I dunno. I'm not even sure comparisons to anything before SOAPF are relevant any more. In all but name we're essentially discussing a completely different band.

By the way, this thread has almost 2000 replies and the album is not even released. I think it is going to surpass Battles thread, one of the biggest around here I suppose.

It's weird that these threads continue to be so popular. Every time an album cycle comes to the end I think this thread will probably be the last big one, but every time a new album comes around a new thread appears and starts growing. We definitely have less people posting now than we did back then, but I guess we're posting more often. And by we I mainly mean me and Eochaid :D but still. It's cool that this place is still going after so long. Most of the other forums on this website are totally dead. My concern is that UM will decide to close the forums in the next few years and this place would just disappear. That would suck as some of the older threads here are pretty funny. I guess that's how it goes though.
It's much better on my speakers than it is with my earphones. Drums are much lower in the overall mix and vocals a bit higher. It's just on both of my earphones (wired & bluetooth) where it's more obvious, and they're expensive ones so it's definitely not the earphones. That said it could be my phone producing a poor mix, but I'm outputting to my speakers from my phone too so I don't think so.

I honestly don't know why you'd compare December Flower and I Am Above - it's basically two completely different bands at this point. The only person on TJR who's still in the band in the same role is Anders. Bjorn was on drums at that point. They'd be better off comparing something from Come Clarity, although even then you've only got Anders & Bjorn, so... I dunno. I'm not even sure comparisons to anything before SOAPF are relevant any more. In all but name we're essentially discussing a completely different band.

It's weird that these threads continue to be so popular. Every time an album cycle comes to the end I think this thread will probably be the last big one, but every time a new album comes around a new thread appears and starts growing. We definitely have less people posting now than we did back then, but I guess we're posting more often. And by we I mainly mean me and Eochaid :D but still. It's cool that this place is still going after so long. Most of the other forums on this website are totally dead. My concern is that UM will decide to close the forums in the next few years and this place would just disappear. That would suck as some of the older threads here are pretty funny. I guess that's how it goes though.
We need a backup plan in case this forum does decide to close at some point. I only just started posting a couple months ago at the most maybe, but have followed for a long time.
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Well, I guess if/when this place does close we could work something out. It's a somewhat small group of people so I guess it'd just be a case of collecting e-mail addresses and then setting up a new forum and letting everybody know where that is. There's technically but it's all in French and I don't know if they'd be happy with us motherfuckers showing up and posting in english everywhere :D
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