IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

So I listened to Soilwork's new album. Overall thoughts.... yeah, it's Soilwork. Some really nice riffs, nice if a little generic soloing at various points, vocals sounding great as usual (seriously, Speed sounds so much more powerful and healthy compared to Anders) and overall solid quality throughout.

Complaints are that there are too many safe, mid-tempo tracks that blend together. Not enough variety for me. They do the same breakdown in multiple songs, where the guitars start chugging and the drum goes BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM whilst Speed sings melodically over it. Usually at the chorus. I don't really like that. Also the screamed verse/clean sung chorus dynamic is too formulaic. They generally do it well but it makes it hard at times for me to distinguish one song from another, especially as Speed's cleans rarely have any interesting effects on them. He has a good singing voice so he doesn't need ProTools or anything like that, but spicing up the vocals at time would have just helped distinguish some of the tracks and choruses.

Favourite songs from my first listen are:

Bleeder Despoiler - nice groovy riffs, great vocals.

The Nurturing Glance - great melodic opening until about 01:10, solid verses, catchy chorus, great riffs throughout. Really nice guitar work between 03:40 - 04:16. I like this one a lot.

Stalfagel - one of the few tracks to offer variety, and it sounds good. Wish they'd experimented a bit more with stuff like this rather than play it safe for most of the album.

The Wolves Are Back In Town - thought this was going to be some kind of weird Thin Lizzy cover, but it's actually a pretty nice track. Simple but solid.

Witan - chorus feels like it could have come straight off NBC. I dig the pre-chorus as well. Verses are fine, nice brutal vocals.

You Aquiver - more of a rock/metal vibe to this one, vocals mixed up a bit in both verse and chorus which is a nice change and makes for the strongest chorus on the album, imo. Another one I can imagine coming off NBC. This one actually might be my favourite on the album.

As for other brief thoughts...

Arrival would be better if it had a little more melody. Still good in parts. The opening is blistering, and I really like the guitar work from 02:43 - 03:07 - that's pure old school MDM.

Full Moon Shoals opening riffs from 00:23 remind me of Monsters in the Ballsack.

00:33 - 01:04 of When The Universe Spoke is awesome. I'm not a fan of the chorus though.

Overall a solid 7.5 or possibly 8/10 for me. The album suffers at times from a lack of variety but there's nothing bad on here at all. Everything is done at a high level of quality and although I'd have liked them to take a few more risks, ultimately it's Soilwork doing what they do best, and you've got to appreciate that.

Also, is it me or is there hints of the Night Flight Orchestra every so often in this album?
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Basically since 2012 and when Björn and Dave began to collaborate on songwriting they have released only good albums with The Night Flight Orchestra and Soilwork.

And no, there are no hints of The Night Flight Orchestra in Soilwork.
I actually just read a review which said the same thing about NFO elements in the latest album, so I'm not the only one hearing it. It's mainly in certain vocal styles on songs, not so much instrumentally.
Quick ratings, subject to change...

Arrival - 7.5/10
Bleeder Despoiler - 8/10
Full Moon Shoals - 7/10
The Nurturing Glance - 9/10
When the Universe Spoke - 7.5/10
Stalfagel - 8.5/10
The Wolves Are Back in Town - 8/10
Witan - 9/10
The Ageless Whisper - 7/10
Needles and Kin - 7/10
You Aquiver - 9.5/10

My favourite song is probably the least metal song on the album, so I dunno what that says... but whatever :D
They do the same breakdown in multiple songs, where the guitars start chugging and the drum goes BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM whilst Speed sings melodically over it. Usually at the chorus.

My thoughts exactly! It's a good idea for a couple of songs, but there are like 5 of them.
The wolves are back in town and Witan are my two favourites, in general.
My thoughts exactly! It's a good idea for a couple of songs, but there are like 5 of them.

Arrival and When the Universe Spoke get fucked the most by this. Both choruses do not require machine gun drums, but that's exactly what both have. It doesn't ruin them but it doesn't do them any favours either.
I actually just read a review which said the same thing about NFO elements in the latest album, so I'm not the only one hearing it. It's mainly in certain vocal styles on songs, not so much instrumentally.

I had a conversation with Björn about all the comments on Soilwork YouTube videos saying that the songs really sound like NFO and I totally agreed with him when he said that Soilwork was melodic way before NFO ever existed. The new softer parts in Soilwork sound nothing like NFO songs. It's two universes too far away from each other and probably a wholly different writing experience.

However, NFO brought a lot of things to Björn technically and these things are brought back to Soilwork and I think that's what you ear.
I had a conversation with Björn about all the comments on Soilwork YouTube videos saying that the songs really sound like NFO and I totally agreed with him when he said that Soilwork was melodic way before NFO ever existed. The new softer parts in Soilwork sound nothing like NFO songs. It's two universes too far away from each other and probably a wholly different writing experience.

However, NFO brought a lot of things to Björn technically and these things are brought back to Soilwork and I think that's what you ear.

Well, I'd also disagree with anybody saying entire songs sound like NFO. No song on the new album sounds like it would fit onto a NFO album. It's just very small parts - a vocal line/tone here or there, a riff which sounds more AOR than MDM. It's all good for me though. This is without question my favourite Soilwork album since Natural Born Chaos. It'll be the first album I've picked up physically in years but I definitely want this one in my collection.
Soilwork? Mehhh. Dunno why but they sound.. bland? dont know if its the right word but, its like everything else. I only like Rejection Role cause Anders was in that songs clip. :D :D
Working from home today and listening to In Flames' discography from start to end. On Whoracle now.

It's stunning to me the jump in quality from Lunar Strain to The Jester Race. It's astronomical. Can't think of another example of a band getting its shit together in such a short span of time. Like, if Lunar Strain is Mercury — a barren planet without atmosphere or any real interesting features — then The Jester Race is Venus. Hell, the cover even looks like the surface of Venus.

(Yeah, I get that Lunar Strain is the moon, but whatever, I wanted to make that comparison :U)

Also, Whoracle is much better than I've always given it credit for. I always thought it and The Jester Race were a stylistic duology, and I prefer TJR's more ambitious and fluid songwriting, but I'm not sure I can say that it's *easily* better than Whoracle anymore.

It kind of fucks up my album ranking because TJR has always been at the top, but Whoracle is almost as good, and yet I prefer most In Flames albums to Whoracle. Fuck this. Back to work.
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On Colony now.

I was watching an "I Am Above" reaction video on Youtube the other day, and I thought the hosts made a fair point about IF's music. Some periods of the band are so distinct in sound that it's almost impossible to compare them. They were comparing, as first-time listeners, "December Flower" to "I Am Above" and they said it was impossible to do so; it might as well be two different bands and genres, and they ultimately enjoyed both, for different reasons. I don't think it takes cognitive dissonance or denial or fanboyism to think early IF and recent IF are equally enjoyable, although it probably takes a realization that this has been multiple bands under the same name.

Obviously, that doesn't really apply to those who criticize IF's music on the basis of "this isn't good music, period." That's a whole other thing.

Main reason I bring that up is because really, it's the same thing with Colony. Seriously listening to it now, it sounds nothing like the band that made The Jester Race and Whoracle, and you can forget comparing it to Lunar Strain. There are common elements, like harmonized guitars and harsh vocals, but they're employed to way different effect, and so the music is completely different. Bjorn once said that he considers Colony to be the real beginning of In Flames, and I totally get it.

I love this shit, but I can't compare it to TJR and Whoracle. It's not an improvement or an iteration on those albums — it's a completely different direction. Apples and oranges, but sold under the same brand.
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I figured since I was so impressed with DT and Soilwork's latest albums I should probably check out Arch Enemy's latest record as well. I'd read some reviews of Will To Power and they all seemed pretty down on it, so I was expecting to be disappointed.

I'm pretty baffled though, because for me this is probably the best AE album I've heard. I think it's absolutely fantastic. I didn't really like their first three albums, and there are only a handful of songs from Wages of Sin and Anthems of Rebellion that I really enjoyed (Burning Angel, Ravenous, Shadows and Dust, We Will Rise, Dead Eyes See No Future). Nemesis was the only song I liked off Doomsday Machine (I actually thought that was off Anthems of Rebellion) and their next three albums did nothing for me either.

This one really impressed me though. It's an awesome mix of traditional MDM combined with american Power Metal which works perfectly together. MDM is often PM tinged so it's not a surprise that these two elements merge effectively, but AE did a wonderful job here imo. The criticism this album gets confuses me.

Set Flame To The Night - N/A - just an intro.

The Race - 8.5/10 - this is just a pure MDM song. A blistering opening with vicious vocals and pounding riffs. Awesome guitar solos/melodies at around the 1:50 and 2:50 mark. Fast paced and powerful. Could fit on any old school MDM album and not feel out of place at all.

Blood in the Water - 10/10 - an opening that could have come directly off Wages of Sin or Anthems of Rebellion. Groovy riffs and vocals that fit perfectly with the instruments. More incredible guitar work all across this track. Put this on Wages of Sin or Anthems of Rebellion and nobody would bat an eyelid. It's classic AE at their absolute best. Awesome short guitar solo at 1:56, and more outstanding guitar work at 02:59. Reminds me of something you would have heard on a TJR or Whoracle guitar breakdown. I don't see how anybody who claims to like MDM could do anything but love this song, it's just great.

The World Is Yours - 9.5/10 - another track that starts off like something you'd hear on WoS or AoR. At first it carries on exactly the same path as Blood in the Water, but then the chorus switches to a distinctly power metal flavour before the guitar lets rip with another brief, awesome solo. I mark it slightly below Blood in the Water just because the transition from pure MDM to power metal in the chorus is a little jarring, but I still love it. More great PM sounding guitar work at 02:26, we're then back to the WoS/AoR sound for a minute or so, before the instruments fade out and we get some well placed melodic keys and guitars with whispered vocals, transitioning back into that awesome chorus. Song ends with the guitar taking centre stage and producing some soaring melodies.

The Eagle Flies Alone - 7.5 - OK, so, this song should be another 9 or 9.5 out of 10. Great opening, cool verses, but my big complaint - WTF did they do to the guitars in the chorus? It's a great chorus but for reason beyond my understanding they have completely nerfed the guitar here. It sounds weak as fuck. This sucks. It should have a broad and powerful range, but instead it's like a single wimpy melodic line behind the vocals which seem to be too high in the mix. The melodies across the song also sound slightly too slow. A faster tempo would have made it sound a lot better. This is very disappointing as it drags the song down considerably for me. There is some more great guitar work around the 03:30 mark but it just emphasises how badly the guitars have been mixed into the chorus. What should have been a great song becomes just a good song.

Reason To Believe - 7 - this is the power ballad of the album and features Alissa singing clean for most of it. She's got a good singing voice and the song itself is fine, with some nice 80s power ballad guitar work in the middle, but I'm confused as to why they had her scream/growl the chorus. The entire song should have been clean vocals. The harsh vocals in the chorus contrast too sharply with the slow, melancholic tone of the track. Strange decision. Anyway, it's OK but it loses .5 of a point for unnecessarily switching to growls when the majority of the song is cleans and really should have stayed that way.

Murder Scene - 7.5 - brutal opening with some nice guitar work straight out of the gate. The song as a whole is pretty good MDM, but also quite generic. It's not on the level of The Race or Blood in the Water. A decent, by the books track largely overshadowed by the earlier songs on the album, although as usual there's some outstanding guitar work across the track.

First Day In Hell - 7.5 - similar to the above track, another solid MDM track with good vocals and groovy riffs. Nothing wrong with it, but it feels like a bit of a rehash of previous songs at this point. Nothing new.

Saturnine - N/A - an instrumental intro into the next song. Cool guitar work but too short to rate properly.

Dreams of Retribution - 8.5/10 - I can see a lot of people disliking this one, as this is basically AE going full power metal. Everything about this song is PM, and you know it as soon as the opening riffs play. Personally I think it sounds great, nice and epic with a galloping tempo, an infusion of gothic-tinged keys and soaring power metal riffs. Very nice to my ears, but maybe not so much to people who dislike PM. The only thing I would say is that the song clocks in at 6:40 and probably doesn't need to be that long. It could have been 5:40 or even 4:40 and not really lost anything significant.

My Shadow and I - 6/10 - the weakest song on the album to me. It's similar to Murder Scene and First Day In Hell, but even more generic. As with every song on this album you'll get some great riffs, but there's nothing here that hasn't already been done multiple times on this album.

A Fight I Must Win - 7.5 - similar to Dreams of Retribution but slower and less energetic. More of a mixture of MDM and PM in this one though, where Dreams of Retribution is almost entirely a PM song with screams/growls. It's good but by this point you feel like you've pretty much heard all that this album has to offer.

Overall it's fair to say the album peaks with its first three songs, which are superb. Most of the rest is still very good but not on the same level. Still extremely solid MDM/MDM-PM, but by the time you get to the final two songs it's clear that the band's creativity has been used up and you aren't hearing anything new. Nonetheless personally I think this is an extremely good album with three top tier songs rounded out by a collection of very good to good tracks which in isolation are all very listenable. Guitar work is stellar throughout the album, vocals are on point and sound good on pretty much every tracks. As to be expected with this type of album you don't hear much bass, and the drums support the music on the whole very well. Production is good for the most part, except for The Eagle Flies Alone which they inexplicably fucked up.

8.5/10. On the whole the strongest Arch Enemy album I've ever listened to, having never been able to fully pay attention to their classic albums and largely being disappointed with their post-2003 efforts.
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Seriously, listening to this just reminds me how fucking average I Am Above is in comparison. We all praised I Am Above as a good IF song, but in reality it's way, way behind tracks like this in every way. And this is supposed to be commercial/sellout Arch Enemy :rofl:
Nah, latest AE is OK-ish album but MA just overkills it with recycled riffs and melodies. Better than the ones before, at least.

As for Soilwork, as always I find them solid but somehow their music is one big blur for me. Save a few songs or mid-phase albums I can't make a difference between anything.

DT did the best with their latest release.

IF on the other hand... When they stick an actual riff or half-decent solo in the song, we call it a good day/release.
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I really liked Atoma when it first came out, but in reality there's a lot of average and not so memorable songs on that album. They're still good but best songs on that album by far are Atoma, Encircled and Clearing Skies. The rest sound pretty similar to each other, although much better than what they came up with for WATV or Construct.

AE album definitely gets repetitive and recycled towards the end, but starts off ridiculously strong and never gets bad, just loses steam creatively.

I had the same opinion about Soilwork until listening to the latest album. Tracks on this one are a significant improvement for me, first time I've really enjoyed a Soilwork album since NBC. Might have to give The Ride Majestic some more listens as I've forgotten a lot of it.
My problem with arch enemy has always been the vocals. No the vocal style but the vocal lines and melodies. They're too average for a band with great musicians.

Seriously, listening to this just reminds me how fucking average I Am Above is in comparison. We all praised I Am Above as a good IF song, but in reality it's way, way behind tracks like this in every way. And this is supposed to be commercial/sellout Arch Enemy :rofl:

I am above is not their best but it has a good vibe. You can shake your head while listening to it. The good thing about this is our house is that it makes I am above far better than it really is.