IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Now we have one third of the album and I'm sure that's going to be shit. But this time it's whatever shit. Not shitty enough to offend anyone.
Shit, when I heard Voices first, I got a bit excited, but now I don't even remember it all, except that the chorus was bad
I wonder if it would've been better if instead of that generic Battles-like chorus they wrote something like in Colony (the song)
It's embarrassing that they go back to recycling these riffs that aren't even that good to begin with. Even on I'm the Highway, which is way down my list of IF favourites, you can hear how much more inspired it is musically than the shit that's coming out in the last couple of albums. This band sounds so neutered now, like somebody has put a gun to their heads and forced them to write music.
Two songs unless I'm the only one hearing disconnected in the opening and verse riff.
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And voices first riff is also a ripoff from an old song, it's just that I cannot remember which one.

Just remembered: borders and shading.
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Two songs unless I'm the only one hearing disconnected in the opening and verse riff.

Yeah, indeed. It's funny that Disconnected used to be one of the most reviled IF songs, but it's a fucking classic compared to this generic, boring shit.

It's not like I'm even hard to please. It's not like new Arch Enemy or Soilwork are masterpieces. Both are fairly basic, Soilwork rock-tinged MDM and Arch Enemy power metal/MDM blend... neither album is breaking new ground, but I enjoyed both of them a lot. AE recycled riffs from their older work for sure, but at least the songs still sound fresh and those recycled riffs are put to good. use. IF takes their old riffs and puts them in shittier songs, making you realise those riffs were never that good to begin with. They are legitimately ruining their legacy by doing this.
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Wow, never heard anything so uninspiring from IF before. Well not in a pack of two anyways. I am actually surprised they didn't use choir for the later choruses in Voices. This is not a nag, it would've actually fit the song and it would've made it better.

The main riff here is also recycled somewhere (is it really Disconnected? It reminds me of something else), but at least it is better covered. I mean for fucks sake, at least I didn't start singing antother IF's song's lyrics in my head this time. The production also seems better, though they may be different rips. Anyway, Voices is at least a song I guess. With choir on the last or last two chorus and a bit more ambition overall (solo is shit, Anders doesn't go hard enough, etc) this could have been a very decent song.

But man, what the fuck is I, The Mask. I wish I could hate it at least. We have 4 songs leaked now and I am starting to think no one wanted to make this record. Someone said that Rusted Nail for example reused Superhero's riff, but at least I have never heard it, so it wasn't THAT obvious. I had both songs on my playlist for a long time. But the way I The Mask or even Voices copied themselves is just lame.

And voices first riff is also a ripoff from an old song, it's just that I cannot remember which one.

Just remembered: borders and shading.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are right lol.
Now, this is new level bad.

Voices - ASOP riff+generic SOAPF solo+Battles chorus+SC vocals/arrangements scattered about. Well at least they were very ambitious with the song length.

I, the Mask - LOL, it's a late IF cover. That chorus is just embarrassing.

And fuck, how many time will we hear free and wasteland in Anders lyrics?

So far... not looking good at all for our teenage friends at IF camp.
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I Am Above is by the far the best of the songs they've put out so far, but that's not saying much. I seriously don't understand why they've made this album if this was the limits of their creativity. There was no need for this. We already have Battles, we didn't need a second version a couple of years later.

I'm being dead serious here - IF as a band needs to either become tour-only or simply disband for a while. There is zero need for them to be making new music, because none of it is new. It's all recycled structures, sounds and concepts from albums they released THAT ALREADY DID IT A LOT BETTER. What do they achieve by releasing this? Is this generic nonsense is going to increase demand to see them? I can't imagine so.

You know, at least with Siren Charms it felt like they were trying to do something different and unique. It might not have been to many people's taste, but at least the desire to try something different was there. Granted it was mainly driven by Anders which was why it fails, but still, I can respect attempting to do something different. This is like IF ate Battles with a side dish of SOAPF & ASOP, got stomach ache and the diarrhea that got shit out is I, the Mask. It still kinda smells like the other albums, but at the same time it stinks and you just wanna flush it away and forget about it.
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"I see it as a natural evolution. You can only do so many riffs on the guitar. It's all about notes in a different order and a lot of things has been done" meaning "we know that we're copying ourselves. Now shut the fuck up and buy the fucking album."
Some parts of Voices I actually like. The verse is fine and I actually enjoyed the solo, which is rare for me with In Flames. The solo also transitions quite nicely to the next part.

What on earth is going on between 3:00 and the solo though?