IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I don't think he's out of ideas or anything, he just wants to write a different type of music that me and many others here don't prefer them to do.
On purpose? No. Does he know that they're pretty similar? If he doesn't then he's stupid. If he does then he's dishonest.
Dude we're talking a catalogue of 13 albums, and the songs in question are songs that they barely ever played live, I think they played I'm the Highway on the 2008 Gigantour or some shit for a bit, and obviously like almost all musicians they don't regularly listen to their music, so it's obviously not going to be recognizeable for him in the same way it is for us that has listened to the songs tens or hundreds of times. And we're not talking about a whole song, just a part of a riff in a song lol. Björn isn't fucking rainman, and also wasn't it Jesper who wrote most of I'm the Highway? I'm pretty sure he said that in the ASOP studio diaries.
I don't think he's out of ideas or anything, he just wants to write a different type of music that me and many others here don't prefer them to do.

Dude we're talking a catalogue of 13 albums, and the songs in question are songs that they barely ever played live, I think they played I'm the Highway on the 2008 Gigantour or some shit for a bit, and obviously like almost all musicians they don't regularly listen to their music, so it's obviously not going to be recognizeable for him in the same way it is for us that has listened to the songs tens or hundreds of times. And we're not talking about a whole song, just a part of a riff in a song lol. Björn isn't fucking rainman, and also wasn't it Jesper who wrote most of I'm the Highway? I'm pretty sure he said that in the ASOP studio diaries.
Nobody sane would believe this.
Yay, Russians did it again! When I saw that 2 leaked songs, couldn't wait to end job at the office. :D

Now, listened them couple of times maybe I have to comment again tomorrow but here's my first impressions.


I couldn't figure it out first but when I saw Slave's comment, I immediately recognized Borders and Shading riff. Cool intro and awesome verses. I love how aggressive the verses are. Chorus was meh, not bad but not that great. I love how Anders always trying different things, I wish Björn tried that too about solos. Classic IF solo that we've been hearing like 2-3 albums now. But the riffs are pretty good. I will give it 7/10 for now.

I,The Mask:
I love how the songs starts, directly to the point. And that fucking double bass at 20. seconds. OMFG! Awesome lead with that amazing double bass. I like the part where Anders goes "Wonder when I'll hit the ground". Chorus didnt do it for me, cant get into it. Thats the way of IF choruses though, I have to listen to it some time and it feels amazing. At least for me. This solo felt better than the Voices solo, but again its the same old thing. I'll give this one 7/10 too.

So far I like the songs, they are aggressive, they have a lot of melodies. I like the direction, hoping that other songs are good too.
He does not know his own music?

I suppose you may forget a song when you haven't rehearse it or even listened to it for a decade or so.
I won't argue though that they could use some time off, so they can come up with something totally fresh.
I love how generous ciko's rankings are :D "same aggressive verses on both songs, same old shit solo, don't like the choruses but will brainwash myself to like them later. 7/10"
And it's not like we're talking about the fucking main riff in Cloud Connected, maybe then you'd have some weight to your argument, but we're talking about a little random riff in I'm The Highway which, I'm pretty sure like I just said, that Jesper wrote.
In the end I guess it's just opinions, we all like different stuff. I don't doubt for a second that Björn & Anders genuinely enjoys the music they are releasing. I mean some of you guys listen to garbage power metal, I (mostly) find it boring as fuck. Some of you even like Cyhra, I find that shit ten times more bland and boring than even Battles. I've recently started getting much more into Black Metal as well, which I'm pretty sure not many people here enjoy.

And ciko is rating the songs much higher than most of, if not all of the people here, and that's just fine. I'm more happy that some people like it rather than everyone hating it.
I suppose you may forget a song when you haven't rehearse it or even listened to it for a decade or so.
I won't argue though that they could use some time off, so they can come up with something totally fresh.
I think that's highly improbable. You and krofius arrme assuming that they release the music and never ever listen to it unless they need to play it live. What are the chances? Near zero I think.
Anders himself told in an interview this summer that they never listen to their songs while they are on tour, because they play a lot of In Flames live every night. They also tour every year and never take big breaks in between lately.
And it's not like we're talking about the fucking main riff in Cloud Connected, maybe then you'd have some weight to your argument, but we're talking about a little random riff in I'm The Highway which
The bridge in that song. And the main riff from disconnected. He has also ripped, according to you, bullet ride, while I think that the melody is feom delight and angers, and he has done borders and shading and, in the previous albums, black and white, bottled amd satellites and astronauts among others.

All by chance of course, since he doesn't know or listen to his own music.
Honestly, Krofi-kun's naivety is kind of charming. There's a reason he's #1 IF fanboy. Impossible that Bjorn is taking past riffs and blending them into new songs, because he forgot all of them :D I guess the black & white rip off in Everything's Gone was just a mistake too. Come to think of it, didn't I Am Above pretty much directly rip something from a pre-2002 track? Just another coincidence I guess...
Anders himself told in an interview this summer that they never listen to their songs while they are on tour, because they play a lot of In Flames live every night. They also tour every year and never take big breaks in between lately.
Anders is not the one making the music. He's the one listening to what the producer has to say.
A bunch of posers. Not bad for a halloween party with the kids.
Nah there's different types of Black Metal man, I don't like all of it, and I'm very new to the genre. I've recently just been enjoying some Mgla and Wolves in the Throne Room stuff, I'm not talking demo recordings of Burzum and Mayhem. I would say Black Metal is probably the subgenre in metal hardest to understand and get into.
Some tv from my country went to Norway to make a documentary about black metal. That's amazing.

I don't like it. There are some good bands and musicians, but its too theatrical and I don't like them buying the christian bullshit about satanism. First bands were, probably, honest. The rest of them are probably trying to make their parents upset.
Krofius' excuse may apply to Voices, but don't even make a fool out of yourself by trying to defend that embodiment of senility and/or lazyness which is the self-plagiarised bridge from ITH. It's not "similar", it doesn't "start out like", it's the exact same fucking thing. Normally I would say that it's excuseable to forget, but inexcuseable to not recognize before the finalization of the track, but I won't even give them that. When did Asop came out? 10 years ago. Don't even kid yourself that you are not supposed to know a song from 10 years ago, lol. We are not talking about TJR B-sides here.

Imagine Björn excusing himself by saying Jesper wrote most of ITH, hahaha. Yeah, my bad then, thought you were a band or something, but if that's the case, we may actually get The Jester Race 2, because apparently Björn's brain damage caused an issue with his hearing where he literally can not hear the guitar sounds in any music, unless he recorded it himself. Boy oh boy, he will be such a proud boy when he will record the solo from Artifacts of the Black Rain on the next record!

Seriously now, let's not treat Björn as some autistic kid. He is either fucking lazy and phoned this shit in, or he actually stole it from ITH while justifying it in his mind somehow. There is no "10 years ago" nor "Jesper wrote it". Have some accountability, he is a grown ass man, not a toddler who needs the most retarded excuses.
Rotting Christ is probably one of the few black metal bands I listen to. I also recently discovered the Book of Black Earth, which were fine. Not a big fan of this genre, though.

Black metal, extreme metal and other underground genres are thriving here in Greece these days ( Rotting Christ, Septic Flesh, etc ) least as far as metal can thrive in my country :rofl:
Did you guys ever wrote some music?

You never forget it. You may not remember the exact way how to play something after 10 years, but even that comes back quickly when you try it.

Now, Bjorn wrote that stuff, rehearsed it enough to play it for a professional recording and then played it hundreds of time live. No fucking way he doesn't know his stuff.

Thing is, the guy doesn't have much inspiration left. Even on soapf that was obvious in riffs and solos (that were quite similar between the songs), and now it is worse.

So when he is playing guitar, trying to write his stuff on time, he comes up with generic, subpar material that he is used to (familiar pattern, favorite scales etc). In the past the band would probably write that stuff off, but now I guess they are happy just to complete everything on time.
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