IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Ripping off relatively generic “modern” riffs mostly composed of a couple power chords is pretty easy to do. But how the fuck do you steal half of a classic solo from Clayman like they did on House? If he did it on purpose, that is pure laziness. If by accident, he is by definition out of new ideas.

This all sounds like stuff they've already done before, but not the good stuff. Voices & I, the Mask are just making music for the sake of it. There's no passion or creativity here whatsoever. Bjorn is still doing the same pointless, meandering wanky solos at the 3/4 mark, Anders is still doing screams over repeated, uninspired riffs and the chorus is always Anders trying to sing, but it's not like SOAPF where a lot of the choruses were at least epic and catchy. These are just shit.

This is basically going to be Battles II. I expected nothing less when I saw they were working with Benson again.

It's embarrassing that they go back to recycling these riffs that aren't even that good to begin with. Even on I'm the Highway, which is way down my list of IF favourites, you can hear how much more inspired it is musically than the shit that's coming out in the last couple of albums. This band sounds so neutered now, like somebody has put a gun to their heads and forced them to write music.

Thanks bro. I legimately don’t need to scramble to try and download these songs. I know exactly how they will sound now.
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I don't like it. There are some good bands and musicians, but its too theatrical and I don't like them buying the christian bullshit about satanism. First bands were, probably, honest. The rest of them are probably trying to make their parents upset.
You should definitely dig deeper to find black metal bands not being interested in religious theme at all. Some BM bands have really ambitious and interesting lyrics and don't necesarilly sound like those super heavy and super brutal wanna-be satanist. Check out those guys:
To be honest, I can accept that Björn didn't understand he wrote a similar riff. I am more surprized that no one else in the band or the people around them didn't realize it. Probably they are surrounded by people who don't give a fuck about the band or ignore their older songs.
On the other hand, Björn may realize it and thought that similar it's ok as long as it's not the same. I don't think that's a matter of laziness...These four new songs have more riffing than the entire Battles. It is a matter of lack of fresh ideas.
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To be honest, I can accept that Björn didn't understand he wrote a similar riff. I am more surprized that no one else in the band or the people around them didn't realize it. Probably they are surrounded by people who don't give a fuck about the band or ignore their older songs.

Well, other than Anders there's nobody in the band who were there on ASOP, so if Bjorn's ripping stuff from Disconnected realistically nobody's going to notice. I doubt Bryce Paul or the other American bros listened to any past IF. It's all about Sum41 and Jimmy Eat World for those lads. Niclas meanwhile seems to have absolutely no say or influence whatsoever.
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Well, other than Anders there's nobody in the band who were there on ASOP, so if Bjorn's ripping stuff from Disconnected realistically nobody's going to notice. I doubt Bryce Paul or the other American bros listened to any past IF. It's all about Sum41 and Jimmy Eat World for those lads. Niclas meanwhile seems to have absolutely no say or influence whatsoever.
You know. There's their crew...
So when he is playing guitar, trying to write his stuff on time, he comes up with generic, subpar material that he is used to (familiar pattern, favorite scales etc).
It is true that he is stuck in the same patterns and scales.I know it's a part of his signature, but I'm sure he can advance a bit his style of playing.
You should definitely dig deeper to find black metal bands not being interested in religious theme at all. Some BM bands have really ambitious and interesting lyrics and don't necesarilly sound like those super heavy and super brutal wanna-be satanist. Check out those guys:

But black metal is by definition and by intention anti christian music, be it through fake satanism or through paganism. I must say that I prefer the pagan black metal bands. The fake satanic ones are boring. Immortal has some pretty good releases.
But black metal is by definition and by intention anti christian music, be it through fake satanism or through paganism. I must say that I prefer the pagan black metal bands. The fake satanic ones are boring. Immortal has some pretty good releases.
Damn, and here's me, always thinking it was about the delivery, not the theme. I think it was tackled once...

What about nihilism or those nazi BM bastards, do we consider them not black as well?
Does that work in the opposite way, can we have a country song style black metal? I'd love that.
In defense of Björn, he has been working as two people since Jesper left. I mean, it's still their fault for not making Nicklas part of the main music writing team, but still, even the very best musicians could not force new, quality stuff out from themselves every 2 years on demand. And yes, it's also their fault that they want to force records out. Battles should have been an EP (The End, The Truth, In My Room, Wallflower) and then they should have just toured for years, write down ideas when they had some, and when they gathered enough cool stuff, they could've returned to the stuido.
Just a bunch of guys like Ciko and Krofius who tell them everything's great.
That would explain lots of things.
Damn, and here's me, always thinking it was about the delivery, not the theme. I think it was tackled once...

What about nihilism or those nazi BM bastards, do we consider them not black as well?
Does that work in the opposite way, can we have a country song style black metal? I'd love that.

I'm just saying what black metal is about. If there are bands that are considered black metal but are not anti christian then I don't know why they're considered that. Considering that bands talking about pagan myths are also antichristian.

I dis not know that cannibal corpse was considered as a black metal band.
Well, other than Anders there's nobody in the band who were there on ASOP, so if Bjorn's ripping stuff from Disconnected realistically nobody's going to notice. I doubt Bryce Paul or the other American bros listened to any past IF. It's all about Sum41 and Jimmy Eat World for those lads. Niclas meanwhile seems to have absolutely no say or influence whatsoever.

So, we have:

1) Trendy producer working with them like they are same random US radiofriendly band.

2) Hipster midage crisis angry teen/concerned dad Anders taking vocal lessons while having an chronic case of diva singeritis.

3) Bored Bjorn faced with monumental task of writing double tracked guitars for 50 minutes of music, making up bass and drums along the way... while only having 2 decent riffs, few melodies and an acoustic piece in reserve, and wanting only to drink a few beers and go home.

4) Some random engineer tasked with making things work and acording to plan.

5) Some random electronics guy who, truth be told, does seem like the most competent and interested of the bunch.

6) One or two American dudes. They are young, they have tatoos and they are getting payed to track that shit and go back to the gym/party/church.

7) Niklas. He will record what he is told and go back to some of his other 87 bands/projects.
I'm just saying what black metal is about. If there are bands that are considered black metal but are not anti christian then I don't know why they're considered that.
I always thought music labeling was more about music. Anyway, in that case you should dig into "black metal style" bands without the whole anti christianity pressure.
I always thought music labeling was more about music. Anyway, in that case you should dig into "black metal style" bands without the whole anti christianity pressure.
As I said, I like some of the pagan ones.

If you think that's about music think what they do have in common bands like mayhem, burzum, immortal, emperor or cradle of filth.