IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

mayhem, burzum, immortal or cradle of filth
Garage production, fast pace, super fast drums, shitty screaming vocals and the list goes on. CoF is not really BM nowadays (or maybe is again, I don't know, haven't heard them since some Death of Love song).
Zzz, as I said, let's not bash Anders for looking up a coach. It's just so fucking toxic here that whatever that man does must be spit on. He doesn't train his voice? Lmao, what a loser, he clearly doesn't give two shits about his listeners, he knows audiotune wil lsave his ass. He goes to a coach? Lmao what a diva, oooh I'm Anders, my voice has to be prettier, lololol, so lame!

Maybe we get reused shit because we don't actually deserve any better. Well, by we I mean you. I'm a good boy.
Well I started listening to them when i was 10, Jester Race and Colony were my fav albums so old school is childish too :rofl:
So they run a full circle. I must say that they also like cyhra. A lot. And this one song is one of their favourites.

But they won't let me play old IF albums. By old I mean anything prior to soapf.
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I like Emperor, Satyricon and Dimmu Borgir, but mainly because they're quite commercial. I actually like the production to sound more professional and less like it was recorded in a toilet .
Like many death metal bands? And do you include burzum on this list?
Sure, they're not that far from each other, hence we have Behemoth first considered black, now death. Though death is clearly more brutal and noisy, also rather growling than screaming (especially not that high pitched screaming).

Burzum is a special case. Do we also consider Ways of Yore BM, just because it's branded Burzum? I don't think Varg was ever "that" BM guy, always more into experiments. Still, you can easily hear the norwegian black metal atmosphere in the old albums, which is one of a kind. Never heard a death metal song with that vibe.
Neither did I. Still black metal is defined, as you said, by the music but also by the themes. There are, or shouldn't, be black metal bands talking about everyday lives or family relations. What I mean is that Anders lyrics could never be black metal.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills-- as these songs are genuinely OK. Very average - but not straight up shit. Miles better than most on Battles. The choruses are pretty weak, with Voices being better than Mask.

For some reason I get a slight Come Clarity vibe from the songwriting with the driving riffs. I think some of this stuff would've fit right at home on CC if the production was identical.
A lot. And this one song is one of their favourites.
That's a proper way to raise your kids.

There are, or shouldn't, be black metal bands talking about everyday lives or family relations. What I mean is that Anders lyrics could never be black metal.
Sure, there are some obvious limitations, but I don't believe they are within religious themes. Especially since I probably can't understand half of lyrics due to vocal style, so I can easily imagine love themed BM song. Of course not Anders love themed BM song. And without "heart", "tears", "you were the chosen one" keywords.
That's a proper way to raise your kids.

Sure, there are some obvious limitations, but I don't believe they are within religious themes. Especially since I probably can't understand half of lyrics due to vocal style, so I can easily imagine love themed BM song. Of course not Anders love themed BM song. And without "heart", "tears", "you were the chosen one" keywords.

They like what they like and I try to influence them as little as I can because I want them to have their own criteria. But I'm glad that they like songs like this.

Anti christian doesn't mean that they're talking about religion all the time. Just talking about pagan times is considered antichristian.
Anti christian doesn't mean that they're talking about religion all the time. Just talking about pagan times is considered antichristian.
My guess is that "pagan times" are not about pre-medieval ladies doing their primitive laundry. So, still religious for me. While in Poland we have songs about wind affecting mental health and leading to suicides ( Which is black metal enough for me.
My guess is that "pagan times" are not about medieval ladies doing their primitive laundry. So, still religious for me. While in Poland we have songs about wind affecting mental health and leading to suicides ( Which is black metal enough for me.
Vikings, celts, germanic tribes... You don't need to name religion to fight religion.

Aren't you the ones that named Jesus as your king? Or am I mistaken?
There's a huge difference between 90s Black Metal and more ''modern'' Black Metal released nowadays, especially production-wise. All the early debut albums sounded like dogshit production-wise, Emperor's debut as well, vocals sound like he's 5meters from the microphone.
Black Metal is only for the elite..
Do you like Carach Angren? They're really good if you enjoy symphonic black metal, and very unique lyrics.