IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Thankfully more in the vein of I Am Above than This is Our House. Song reminds me of a mix between SOAPF (verses) and Battles (chorus). It's a 6.5/10, typical modern IF track. Nothing new here, but nothing horribly offensive either.
Is it good? Not sure if I’m going to put in any effort when it comes out tomorrow...

I don't know about Voices as I haven't seen any evidence of that leak, but I, the Mask is very similar to I Am Above structurally. It's nothing to go out of your way to find, honestly. Just standard modern IF. It's a slightly heavier Battles track.
Hmn, I'll have to wait until I'm home from work and download it on n my laptop. What's voices like? Opening track and all