IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Meaning that you're here for the leak and will leave as soon as it's been released. This we all knew.
Absolutely my friend! I got on here to engage in community with something I feel passionate about! I choose to stay disengaged due to 90% of what is said here on this forum! The negative, attacking, narrow minded, toxic and destructive energy that is and continues to be created! Even a negative opinion on something can be constructive and productive, and yet there are maybe just a small handful of individuals on here that have the capacity to do so! Just some hard truth brother! The world is fucked up enough on its own! Don't need it Here!
I am a little bit confused. The next single is Burn and it is sceduled for 8th February ( that is why I fell for the trolling that it has leaked ). There will be no other how did Voices leaked?
Maybe, that's an option, the same person that leaked I am the mask misread something and thoughy that voices was the next single. If that peraon has access to an early press release then he/she could be uploading the sonhs without being noticed.


What's for certain is that all of the songs have been leaked before being released. Though it might seem as I am above was by chance. Or maybe it wasn't.

Edit: there's a file in the metal tracker called The Mask (singles) with the four songs.
I am a little bit confused. The next single is Burn and it is sceduled for 8th February ( that is why I fell for the trolling that it has leaked ). There will be no other how did Voices leaked?

It's a real strange one. I must say after more and more listens, Voices has really stuck with me. It's simple, yes, but the verses have a great groove, Anders sounds great, and I dig the chorus. Works as a good opening track. There's just (This Is Our) House letting the side down at the moment, but in one of them press releases they mention Tanner drummed on that one, and the production sounds considerably different to the other 3 songs (guitars sound A LOT worse, and more quiet), so I reckon that song was finished and or written at a later studio session than the rest. That's just my thoughts anyway.
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"Coming back to the first verse, leaving the negative things behind and renewing yourself ("watch me all in flames" referring to your old self being left behind) and "on a butterfly I ride" once again describing the awesome feeling you're receiving from the new person/thing." This is one guy's interpretation of that line (from songmeanings), and I guess I agree with them. You have to look the entirety of the song to try to make sense of weird metaphors and such.

I think the meaning of the song is similar to Cloud Connected, aka being in a state of awesomeness. I guess CC is talking about reaching that point and leaving behind all the shit, while Minus is when you are drugged up on love and you just feel like a literal god.

Back to the butterlfy, I suppose it's one of nature's most beautiful creation ,especially if we consider its cycle of life, including starting out as something we perceive ugly, then turning into something marvelous but with a rather short lifespan. In other words, love.

Edit: or Anders had tried LSD for the first time. Either way, good for him!
I believe Anders said he both broke up with his ex and started a new relationship between the releases of Clayman and Reroute, and that several songs on Reroute reflect those events, so the love interpretation is quite likely. But of course it's still possible the song is about literal drugs.
He's in flames riding a butterfly... Maybe it's about fragility or instability. Or maybe that tale about butterflies provoking hurricanes or maybe both.
I believe Anders said he both broke up with his ex and started a new relationship between the releases of Clayman and Reroute, and that several songs on Reroute reflect those events, so the love interpretation is quite likely. But of course it's still possible the song is about literal drugs.
Starts writing his breakup album but already includes love songs for his new missus. What a fucking Chad.
I don't see much love in r2r.

I cannot frame, that's why I lose control
I aim, I stumble and I fall
Our adaptation can't be faithful
Your world does not attract me
This is the end you see
There is no more truth in me
As if you would deserve it
You are my enemy

You stole my pure intention
You are the sickness in between
Let me in, I'll bury the pain
You taught me to be sad at you
You almost made me take it all
Let me in, I'll bury the pain

Also I don't know if both themes are compatible. If he was in love he was probably euphoric... So no need to spill venom.
Apparently I remembered it wrong and the break-up was already before Clayman. In Revolver Mag there is an ASOP era interview with Anders and Jesper where they comment on the past albums.

(Nuclear Blast, 2000)
For more than five years, In Flames seemed content to write songs that fit in with the thriving Gothenburg scene, but with their fifth album, the band took its first concrete steps away from the sound it had helped pioneer. The songs were still heavy and filled with intricate, intertwining guitars, but they were also experimental, including sampled beats, textural synths, and cleaner vocals. Clayman bridged the gap between classic In Flames and the more commercial approach the band would take with releases to follow. It was also the last of four discs produced by definitive Swedish metal producer Fredrik Nordström (At the Gates, Arch Enemy, the Crown, Dark Tranquillity).

"The whole recording process with Fredrik wasn't the greatest, because he was tired of producing bands and we didn't feel like he was really into it," Fridén says. "It's funny, because the studio where we recorded Clayman is the same one where we recorded the new record, but now we own the place. The lyrics on Clayman were very personal to me. I had just been through a bad breakup and I felt unsure of who I was, so the title was me saying, 'I'm clay, and you can use me, form me into whatever. I'll try to adapt.'"
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I don't see much love in r2r.

I cannot frame, that's why I lose control
I aim, I stumble and I fall
Our adaptation can't be faithful
Your world does not attract me
This is the end you see
There is no more truth in me
As if you would deserve it
You are my enemy

You stole my pure intention
You are the sickness in between
Let me in, I'll bury the pain
You taught me to be sad at you
You almost made me take it all
Let me in, I'll bury the pain

Also I don't know if both themes are compatible. If he was in love he was probably euphoric... So no need to spill venom.
A while back I brought back System and presented my interpretation and that's where I learned - when someone corrected me - that the record is full of bitter love songs. But these themes doesn't have to be compatible. Some songs can refer to his ex (or exes in general), while other songs can speak to his newfound love.
It's been scientifically proven that when you fall in love and start a new relaionship you brain remains in a state of euphoria and stupidity for the frist two years. Is this compatible with anger? I don't know but I don't think so. It is also a chance that the lyrics of some songs were written before starting this new relationship.
Honestly, the fact that the whole title of the record and one of its song is Reroute to Remain exactly when they are hastening up their departure from MDM which undeniably started with Colony, plus it is now known fact that they had fallouts during Clayman with their producer and wanted to switch things up desperately, I am more than convinced that not the whole record is about love and hate. Even the subtitle talks about insanity.

Anyway, I guess R2R works as a song about intimate relationship as well, but to me it fits Nordstrom much more, because the singer is very clearly an ambitious person and wants to leave behind this person who glued his wings to the ground. The whole song is full of expressions which would be fucking weird if you were talking to your significant other, but makes a lot of sense if you are just an artist talking to someone else.
"The whole recording process with Fredrik wasn't the greatest, because he was tired of producing bands and we didn't feel like he was really into it," Fridén says.

This is funny, because I'm pretty sure Fredrik wasn't tired of producing bands, I think he was probably more tired of producing a band who wanted to do everything the lazy way and not fully commit to their work. That's certainly the impression I get from interviews Nordstrom has done, and when you listen to the quality of the records both from a production and musical standpoint post-Clayman it's a pretty easy conclusion to reach that once IF were free of Nordstrom they let certain standards slip.
At the time they said to things that I remember. That they wanted to work on Anders' vocals and that working with Nordstrom was like working at an office. I think that they wanted more freedom.
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