That's exactly what happened to the previous ones.You don't buy an In Flames album anymore. You download it, listen to the half of it then throw it to the trash with guilt.
That's exactly what happened to the previous ones.You don't buy an In Flames album anymore. You download it, listen to the half of it then throw it to the trash with guilt.
At no point did I think "well, it doesn't sound great but if I listen to it 100 times then I'll probably adapt to it". Even if it's a person's favourite band I find that behaviour a little strange, like "IN FLAMES WE TRUST" with hypnotic circles in the eyes.
@DE4life Yeah, and that's totally cool. It's awesome when an album just floors you instantly and you don't have to think twice about it.
I think that, in order for me to sit down and really try to digest an album I didn't like at first, I need to sense that there's something there worth investigating. I definitely got that with Unia so I spent a lot of time trying to find what it was. But I didn't get that at all with one of their later albums, Pariah's Child. Maybe there was something of worth in there, but I couldn't detect it on my first and second listens. I eventually gave up and I've stopped following them.
"Blank File" is a good track for sure.
Listening to something over and over in order to condition oneself into liking it shouldn't be a thing, and in any case I hardly think that's what's happening here. But there is some music that takes some digestion in order for it to really click, in which case I think repeated listens can help to reveal something that you didn't notice before. It was like that with ASOP for me, and "Fear is the Weakness" (which I didn't like on the first few listens until I started paying attention to Daniel's work). I also remember some guy on the Dark Tranquillity board writing up a huge technical document about We Are the Void and that really helped me to hear that album with fresh ears. You start paying attention to different things.
I remember *hating* Sonata Arctica's Unia back in the day and thought it was an incoherent and jumbled mess after Reckoning Night, which I loved. I kept revisiting it because I was sure I was missing something. On, like, the fifth replay, everything clicked. I fucking understood it and realized that it was a genius album. I think it's one of their best now but I needed to really dissect it to get there.
Not saying the new IF is anything hugely complex or anything, but yeah, it can take a few listens for things to fall into place, or for the initial shock of "wtf this is different/thesame/whatever" to wear off.
Can you link that post by any chance if you still remember where it was?I also remember some guy on the Dark Tranquillity board writing up a huge technical document about We Are the Void and that really helped me to hear that album with fresh ears.
For this to happen there must be a positive balance in the music. It there are elements that you cannot stand, or hate, and those elements have a stronger presence than those that you might like then no matter how many times you listen to it. You will still dislike the album.
Can you link that post by any chance if you still remember where it was?
I'm with you on this one btw. Even though Colony or R2R for example are significantly better albums in my opinion, I, The Mask is kinda growing on me after all. I think I already listened to this song more than to most of Battles songs.
Best Tears for Fears song![]()
I don't think many people are analysing these songs to the extent we are, so I doubt new fans would even know IF are ripping themselves off![]()
Ok so how about this then. Old IF fans are happy with the “new” solos because they sound classic. Any remaining haters are trolled by IF who can say “you’re idiots, you hate just to hate. not only are these classic style riffs and solos, they are literally exactly the ones you know and love.” Haters will immediately put foot in mouth and all will kneel before Anders and Bjorn.I don't think many people are analysing these songs to the extent we are, so I doubt new fans would even know IF are ripping themselves off![]()
I buy all in flames albums and i always will , no matter what haters say about them. I love their new sound like i love old in flames