IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Oh no jesterslave called me a poser.. :(
You are. I'm just surprised you are not streaming Fortnite as well. :rofl:

you're a shitstain on the underwear of life and sister could knock you out with one punch

my favorite song is upon an oaken throne it's fucking awesome. I want them to play it at a show jester slave is at. he'd go home in tears hopefully after someone punched him in the balls
As long as they finally come here again, I gladly endure your sister's ball punches and even worse, listening to that miserable song live.
Crawl through knives (probably). Also trigger, brush the dust away, enbody the invisible, jotun...
Haha never! Fortnite is a shit, i hate this game.. :D if we are talking about games now my fav one is probably Gothic :rofl:
There is no fucking way you were even alive when Gothic came out. But if Gothic has been mentioned, I have to link this video:

That whole channel is gold for anyone who digs that kind of humor.
There is no fucking way you were even alive when Gothic came out. But if Gothic has been mentioned, I have to link this video:

That whole channel is gold for anyone who digs that kind of humor.

Well, when Gothic came out i was 6 and my older brother was playing this gold game so i started playing too :D
As the future repeats today....

This guy might be my new favourite poster. ATFRT is so underrated, it's one of my favourites off Clayman. People often say it's too similar to Clayman (the song) and I kind of agree, but I prefer ATFRT.
I prefer AtFRT too.

Clayman, to me, suffers a bit from "heavy metal hit" syndrome. The chorus is big, but the rest of it isn't as good. AtFRT, on the other hand, is balancedly-good (or great, even) from start to finish. Actually my favorite part is the one starting with "there's no place that still remains", not the chorus.
This guy might be my new favourite poster. ATFRT is so underrated, it's one of my favourites off Clayman. People often say it's too similar to Clayman (the song) and I kind of agree, but I prefer ATFRT.

I don't see how they're similar. Different pacing, rythm and structures.
I don't see how they're similar. Different pacing, rythm and structures.

I guess it's the keyboard effects. I don't think they're that similar either, but I've seen it mentioned quite a few times so I guess a lot of people hear it.

I prefer AtFRT too.

Clayman, to me, suffers a bit from "heavy metal hit" syndrome. The chorus is big, but the rest of it isn't as good. AtFRT, on the other hand, is balancedly-good (or great, even) from start to finish. Actually my favorite part is the one starting with "there's no place that still remains", not the chorus.

Yeah, agreed. Clayman is still good, but ATFRT has a combination of power and desperation which gives it much more of a punch imo. Even though Anders' voice sounds kinda messed up in ATFRT it actually fits the track perfectly.
The lyrics to ATFRT are outstanding as well. I love that entire album from start to finish, but I jam to ATFRT and Brush The Dust Away more than any of the others. Just powerful songs in my opinion.

The best thing about ATFRT is that there's absolutely no wasted space in the song at all. It's incredibly tight, even the brief solo is awesome. Lyrically it's one of the best on Clayman, arguably one of Anders' best without any help (iirc he had help for lyrics on the albums pre-Clayman).
On TJR and Whoracle Anders collaborated with Sundin. Basically, Anders had the main idea and Sundin was writing the lyrics based on this idea. On Colony Sundin was just translating from Swedish. Also, Mikael Stanne wrote the lyrics on a couple of songs. Since Clayman Anders has been writing by himself, indeed.
Lyrically, my favourite song is Zombie Inc. Embody the Invisible and ATFRT are pretty close too.
I remember him saying that he used to write the lyrics in swedish and them someone else translating them into english. And I mean for every album since he started writting the lyrics. That was by the time of stye or cc.
I remember him saying that he used to write the lyrics in swedish and them someone else translating them into english. And I mean for every album since he started writting the lyrics. That was by the time of stye or cc.

He may have said that, but I remember Dark Tranquillity making a statement on their homepage, correcting that it was Sundin who wrote the actual lyrics on TJR & Whoracle (with the exception of Episode 666). Anders just gave Niclas the main ideas, as Ilias7 said.
So anyone have a clue when this single might drop? Or maybe when they will start teasing it? Considering their past patterns they usually release this stuff roughly around 2.5-3 months in advance. So I would think September we would have something new to dissect. That is if they still plan to release in 2018, which I think they still plan to do so
So anyone have a clue when this single might drop? Or maybe when they will start teasing it? Considering their past patterns they usually release this stuff roughly around 2.5-3 months in advance. So I would think September we would have something new to dissect. That is if they still plan to release in 2018, which I think they still plan to do so
Well, their last show of the European tour is on Saturday. So I believe they will start teasing a single after that.
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He may have said that, but I remember Dark Tranquillity making a statement on their homepage, correcting that it was Sundin who wrote the actual lyrics on TJR & Whoracle (with the exception of Episode 666). Anders just gave Niclas the main ideas, as Ilias7 said.
Of course. I forgot to say from colony onwards.
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Ah, I see others are now even making accounts showing how much they hate Jester Slave hahaha

Can anyone of you European dudes download or upload the IN Flames wacken 2018 stream from magenta musik 360''s website? It won't play for me (Nightwish & Amorphis' shows play fine though)

I was at the show and want to relive it.
Had a great time